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2023-11-13 10:11 -ABC  -  433637

纽约司法部长上周让她休息后2.5亿美元的民事欺诈案针对唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和特朗普集团(Trump Organization)高管,这位前总统的律师将从周一开始提出辩护,特朗普的长子和共同被告将提供新的证词。




纽约司法部长莱蒂夏·詹姆斯(Letitia James)声称,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和他的成年儿子夸大了他们的资产,以获得更好的贷款条件。周四,在提交了20多名证人后,她停止了对特朗普的起诉。亚瑟·恩戈伦法官,他已经决定部分简易判决特朗普夫妇使用欺诈性文件开展业务,重申了他的调查结果,即特朗普在周五的口头辩论中犯有欺诈罪。


唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和他的儿子埃里克·特朗普(Eric Trump)和小唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump Jr .)已经对Engoron的审前裁决提出上诉,并批评此案是出于政治动机。







PHOTO: Donald Trump Jr. sits in court during his civil fraud trial at New York State Supreme Court on Nov. 2, 2023 in New York City.







在审判早些时候的辩论中,特朗普的律师克里斯·基斯(Chris Kise)提供了辩方可能如何进行辩护的潜在预览。













Donald Trump Jr. to headline defense's case in $250 million civil fraud trial

After the New York attorney general last week rested her$250 million civil fraud caseagainst Donald Trump and top Trump Organization executives, lawyers for the former president will present the defense's case beginning Monday with new testimony from Trump's eldest son and co-defendant.

Donald Trump Jr. faced questions from a state attorney in the trial less than two weeks ago,distancing himselffrom the allegedly fraudulent financial statements at the center of the case and pinning responsibility on the experts and accountants who worked with the Trump Organization.

"I signed off on a document that [our accountants] prepared with intimate knowledge, and, as a trustee, I have an obligation to listen to those who are experts -- who have an expertise of these things," Trump Jr. testified.

The first witness to testify as part of the defense case, Trump Jr. not only will have the opportunity to clarify outstanding issues from his previous testimony but also spearhead the effort to tilt the trial in favor of his father.

New York Attorney General Letitia James, who alleges that Donald Trump and his adult sons inflated their assets to get better loan terms, rested her case against Trump on Thursday after presenting more than 20 witnesses. Judge Arthur Engoron, who already decided in apartial summary judgmentthat the Trumps used fraudulent documents to conduct business, reiterated his finding that Trump committed fraud during an oral argument on Friday.

The judge listed 10 examples of internal contradictions in Trump's financial statements, before saying, "You can't have a correct statement with these kinds of errors."

Donald Trump and his sons Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. have appealed Engoron's pretrial ruling and have criticized the case as politically motivated.

"Before even having a day in court, I'm apparently guilty of fraud for relying on my accountants to do -- wait for it -- accounting," Trump Jr. said after leaving court on Nov. 2.

'New York pace'

"I should have worn makeup,"Trump Jr. jokedas news photographers snapped shots of him sitting alongside his lawyers on his first day on the witness stand two weeks ago.

The quip typified Trump Jr.'s courtroom demeanor, as he casually answered questions and joked with Engoron on the witness stand.

"I moved to Florida, but I kept the New York pace," he said after Engoron asked him to speak slower at one point.

Asked about the financial statements at the center of the state's case, which Trump Jr. certified while leading the revocable trust his father used to guard against business conflicts while serving as president, Trump Jr. testified that he relied on the external accountants who prepared the document.

"The accountants worked on it. That's what we pay them to do," he said.

While Trump Jr. distanced himself from the creation of his father's statements, he acknowledged that he could have unknowingly provided valuations that were used by accountants in the documents.

"I could have discussed the details of a deal, which they would then infer is going to generate 'X' number of revenue. They may have done that a hundred times with me to get a number, but I may not have known that it was going to be used in aggregate for the statement of financial condition," he said.

The defense's case

In arguments earlier in the trial, Trump attorney Chris Kise offered a potential preview of how the defense may pursue its case.

"The claims of the attorney general involve only successful and profitable loan transactions," Kise said. "There's no victim, there's no complainant, there's no injury."

In addition to pointing out that the banks made money from their loans to Trump, Kise said that the state failed to prove that the lenders would have not loaned money to Trump had they known about the inflated assets.

Defense attorney Jesus Suarez pressed this point in his cross-examination of former Trump Organization VP Ivanka Trump when he asked herwhat Deutsche Bank executives told herabout doing business with her family's firm.

"I was constantly told by [a Deutsche Bank executive] and members of her team how much they appreciated the relationship and were seeking to grow it," Ivanka Trump said.

'Path of least resistance'

Judge Engoron on Thursday handed the defense a victory,denying a motionfrom the New York attorney general to preclude four expert witnesses from testifying for the defense. The judge, however, said he would prevent the witnesses from trying to debate facts already established in the case.

"I am not going to take the path of the least resistance. If it's clearly irrelevant, I am not going to allow it," Engoron said.

The looming threat from Engoron to limit testimony could present a challenge for the defense, which has already accused the judge of beingbiased toward the state.

"If we are going to operate under two sets of standards, that's fine. But I would respectfully suggest that that's incorrect," Kise said last week when Engoron tried to shorten Ivanka Trump's defense questioning.

"I continue to object to your constant insinuations that I have some sort of double standard here. That is just not true," Engoron responded.

"You've won the battle," the judge told defense counsel after clearing the way for their expert witnesses to take the stand. "We'll see if you win the war."

Kise has said that the defense plans to rest its case by Dec. 15.






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