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2023-11-16 10:50 -ABC  -  104984

据两名美国官员说,美国海军驱逐舰托马斯·哈德纳号(USS Thomas Hudner)周三击落了一架从也门发射的向该舰靠近的无人机。


“11月15日,在穿越红海国际水域时,美国海军托马斯·哈德纳号(DDG 116)的船员发现一架来自也门的无人驾驶飞机朝该船方向飞去。哈德纳的机组人员参与并击落了无人机,以确保美国人员的安全。一名五角大楼官员在一份声明中说:“没有美国人伤亡,也没有船只受损。”。






US Navy shoots down drone headed from Yemen toward warship, officials say

The U.S. Navy destroyer USS Thomas Hudner shot down a drone headed toward the ship on Wednesday that had been launched from Yemen, according to two U.S. officials.

The U.S. destroyer was operating in the southern Red Sea when the drone was detected as heading toward the ship, according to the officials.

"On November 15th and while transiting the international waters of the Red Sea, the crew of the USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116) engaged a drone that originated from Yemen and was heading in the direction of the ship. The Hudner's crew engaged and shot down the drone to ensure the safety of U.S. personnel. There were no U.S. casualties or any damage to the ship," a Pentagon official said in a statement.

If it is confirmed that the drone was launched by the Houthi militants in Yemen it would mark the second escalation towards U.S. military assets in a week.

Last week, the U.S. says theHouthis shot down a U.S. MQ-9 Reaperthat had been flying in international airspace off of Yemen.

It would also mark the second time that a U.S. Navy warship has shot down a drone or missile fired by the Houthis.

On Oct. 20, the destroyerUSS Carney shot down four cruise missilesand 15 drones that the Pentagon said the Houthis had fired in the direction of Israel Yemen.

Since then there have been several incidents where Israeli forces have shot down at least a Houthi missile or drone fired by towards Israel.






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