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2023-11-27 09:00 -ABC  -  555128

纽约-众议员乔治·桑托斯(George Santos)表示,在众议院道德委员会(House Ethics Committee)发表一份措辞严厉的报告后,他预计将被驱逐出国会,该报告发现了这位纽约共和党人违法的大量证据。


“我知道当这个驱逐决议被通过时,我会被驱逐,”他周五晚上在X Spaces的一次谈话中说。“我已经反复计算过了,看起来并不是很好。”

一周前,众议院道德委员会的共和党主席迈克尔·盖斯特(Michael Guest)提出了一项决议,一旦桑托斯的身体从感恩节休息。





相反,桑托斯在三个小时的直播中用沉思的语气描绘了他从共和党“it girl”到“the Mary Magdalene of the美国国会。”他猛烈抨击他的国会同事,指责他们行为不当——比如醉酒投票——他说这比他做过的任何事情都糟糕。




Santos says he expects to be kicked out of Congress

NEW YORK --Rep. George Santos said he expects to be expelled from Congress following a scathing report by the House Ethics Committee that found substantial evidence of lawbreaking by the New York Republican.

In a defiant speech Friday sprinkled with taunts and obscenities aimed at his congressional colleagues, Santos insisted he was “not going anywhere.” But he acknowledged that his time as a member of Congress, at least, may soon be coming to an end.

“I know I’m going to get expelled when this expulsion resolution goes to the floor,” he said Friday night during a conversation on X Spaces. “I’ve done the math over and over, and it doesn’t look really good.”

The comments came one week after the Republican chairman of the House Ethics Committee, Michael Guest, introduced a resolution to expel Santos once the body returns fromThanksgivingbreak.

While Santos has survived two expulsion votes, many of his colleagues who formerly opposed the effort now say they support it, citing the findings of the committee’s monthslong investigation into a wide range of alleged misconduct by Santos.

The report found Santos used campaign funds for personal purposes, such as purchases at luxury retailers and adult content websites, then caused the campaign to file false or incomplete reports.

“Representative Santos sought to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his House candidacy for his own personal financial profit,” investigators wrote. They noted that he did not cooperate with the report and repeatedly “evaded” straightforward requests for information.

On Friday, Santos said he did not want to address the specifics of the report, which he claimed were “slanderous” and “designed to force me out of my seat.” Any defense of his conduct, he said, could be used against him in the ongoing criminal case brought by federal prosecutors.

Instead, Santos struck a contemplative tone during the three-hour livestream, tracing his trajectory from Republican “it girl” to “the Mary Magdalene of theUnited States Congress.” And he lashed out at his congressional colleagues, accusing them of misconduct – such as voting while drunk – that he said was far worse than anything he’d done.

“They all act like they’re in ivory towers with white pointy hats and they’re untouchable,” he said. “Within the ranks of United States Congress there’s felons galore, there’s people with all sorts of shystie backgrounds.”

His decision not to seek reelection, he said, was not because of external pressure, but due to his frustration with the “sheer arrogance” of his colleagues.

“These people need to understand it’s done when I say it’s done, when I want it to be done, not when they want it to be done,” he added. “That’s kind of where we are there.”






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