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2023-11-29 09:36 -ABC  -  390172




























这些以色列公民被确认为78岁的Tamar Metzger迪特扎·海曼,84岁;诺林·巴布迪拉,60岁;阿达·萨基,75岁;奥菲利亚·伊迪丝·罗特曼,77岁;里蒙·基尔希特,36岁;梅拉夫·塔尔,53岁;林伯格一家——59岁的加布里埃拉·林伯格,17岁的米娅·林伯格和63岁的克拉拉·马曼。


其中五名女性梅茨格、海曼、阿达·萨基、罗伊特曼和塔尔是Nir Oz集体农场的居民,该社区是哈马斯10月7日袭击中受灾最严重的社区之一。

“他们被关押在恶劣的条件下,并被剥夺了基本的医疗服务。该集体农场在一份声明中说:“其中两名被释放的妇女已经与仍被囚禁的丈夫分离。”。“Nir Oz社区致力于在未来漫长的恢复过程中支持他们和他们的家人。”


Israel-Gaza live updates: 12 hostages released in latest exchange: IDF

A four-day cease-fire between Hamas and Israel has been extended by two days, Qatari officials announced on Monday.

Dozens of the more than 200 people taken hostage during Hamas' Oct. 7 surprise attack on Israel and held in the war-torn Gaza Strip for nearly two months were released over the last few days during the truce. Hamas has freed 81 of the hostages in exchange for 180 Palestinians released from Israeli prisons.

Click herefor updates from previous days.

What we know about the conflict

The latest outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas, which has been paused to allow for a prisoner exchange and the delivery of humanitarian aid, is nowapproaching two months.

In the Gaza Strip, more than 15,000 people have been killed and over 36,000 have been wounded by Israeli forces since Oct. 7, according to the Hamas Government Media Office.

In Israel, at least 1,200 people have been killed and 6,900 others have been injured by Hamas and other Palestinian militants since Oct. 7, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

There has also been a surge in violence in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Israeli forces have killed at least 239 Palestinians in the territory since Oct. 7, according to Palestinian health authorities.

Kirby: No indication Hamas using American hostages as leverage

White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby said there's no indication that Hamas is trying to keep Americans as hostages in order to use them as leverage.

"There's no indication that Hamas is trying to play some sort of game here in terms of the Americans," Kirby told reporters Tuesday.

He added that the first test case of getting hostages out involvedtwo Americans, including a teenager from the Chicago area, and that 4-year-old American-Israeli hostage Abigail Idan was released over the weekend.

In the latest exchange on Tuesday, 12 hostages -- 10 Israelis and two foreign nationals from Thailand -- were released, the Israeli government said.

Kirby reiterated that the pool of American hostages is "pretty small, and the pool of Americans that qualify right now, women and children, is smaller still."

He also noted that there are issues locating the hostages, who may be held by various groups.

The U.S. believes there are eight or nine Americans still being held in Gaza, Kirby said on Monday.

Hostage release to be 'prime' focus of Blinken's Middle East trip, Kirby says

Releasing more hostages will be a "prime" focus of Secretary of State Antony Blinken's latest trip to the Middle East, the White House said.

"We're up around 70 or so hostages out so far, which is good. It's a good start, but it's just a start. There are many more," White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby told reporters Tuesday. "We want to get them all back."

Blinken will also meet with his Israeli counterparts to reassure them of U.S. support and talk about getting humanitarian assistance to Gaza, Kirby said.

This week's trip will be Blinken's fourth to the region since the Oct. 7 attack.

White House: Over 54K pounds of aid delivered to Egypt for Gaza on 1st of 3 flights

The United States delivered more than 54,000 pounds of medical and food aid for Gaza in a flight to Egypt earlier Tuesday, according to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

Two more planes are set to make deliveries in the coming days, he said.

"The humanitarian needs in Gaza demand that the international community do much more," Sullivan continued, adding that the U.S. is committed to keeping that aid up.

12 hostages released in latest exchange: IDF

Twelve hostages are back in Israeli territory in the latest exchange, according to the Israeli government.

The hostages include 10 Israelis and two foreign nationals, both from Thailand, officials said.

The Israeli citizens were identified as Tamar Metzger, 78; Ditza Hayman, 84; Norlin Babdila, 60; Ada Sagi, 75; Ophelia Edith Roitman, 77; Rimon Kirsht, 36; Merav Tal, 53; and the Leimberg family -- Gabriella Leimberg, 59, Mia Leimberg, 17, and Clara Marman, 63.

The IDF said the hostages were taken through Egypt before heading to a meeting point in Kerem Shalom, in Israel.

Five of the women -- Metzger, Hayman, Ada Sagi, Roitman and Tal -- were residents of Kibbutz Nir Oz, one of the communities hit hardest by Hamas' Oct. 7 attack.

"They were held captive, in harsh conditions and deprived of essential medical care. Two of the women released have been separated from their husbands, who remain in captivity," the kibbutz said in a statement. "The Nir Oz community is committed to support them, and their families, through the long recovery process ahead."

Thirty Palestinian prisoners were released in exchange for the hostages, according to Qatari officials.






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