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2023-11-30 14:18 -ABC  -  362414















Rosalynn Carter to be laid to rest at family home after private funeral

Rosalynn Carter, whotransformed the role of first ladyas a trusted political partner to former PresidentJimmy Carterand carved out her own humanitarian legacy, will be buried on Wednesday at her home in Georgia.

Her funeral, a little more than a weekafter her death at age 96, was held at Maranatha Baptist Church, where Jimmy Carter taught Sunday school for decades, in her hometown of Plains.

The private service was attended by family members and invited friends.

Jimmy Carter, who is 99 years old and has been in hospice for nearly a year, was at the church to say goodbye to his wife of 77 years.

Rosalynn Carter's final resting place will be the family's residence in Plains, where Jimmy Carter also plans to be buried.

The public can bid the late first lady a final farewell as the hearse carrying her casket departs the church and makes its way through downtown Plains later on Wednesday. People began gathering in town before dawn to be able to pay their final respects to Carter, and some carried with them signs of thanks.

Memorial events for Rosalynn Carter, who died on Nov. 19, spanned Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. A wreath-laying ceremony was held at Georgia Southwestern State University, her alma mater, and she laid in repose at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library before a public tribute service at Emory University attended by the Bidens, former first ladies and other political leaders.

Jimmy Carter made a rare public appearance to pay tribute to his wife at Tuesday's memorial service. He didn’t speak, but a letter he wrote 75 years ago to Rosalynn Carter was tearfully read aloud by their daughter, Amy Carter.

The couple previously spoke about being buried together at their residence, near the edge of a pond on the property where they fished together.

“We’re going to be buried right there, on that little hill,” Jimmy Carter toldThe Washington Postback in 2018.

Jimmy Carter was with his wife when she died peacefully at home, the family has said.

"Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished," the former president said in a statement announcing her death. "She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me."

The two co-founded The Carter Center, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing peace and eradicating diseases around the world, and worked with Habitat for Humanity. Rosalynn Carter was also a passionatemental health advocate.

She is survived by her husband, their four children, 11 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.






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