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2023-12-01 11:42 -ABC  -  504753

美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在纽约受审2 . 5亿美元的民事诉讼这可能会改变帮助特朗普入主白宫的个人财富和房地产帝国。

特朗普,他的儿子们埃里克·特朗普和小唐纳德·特朗普。,以及特朗普公司的其他高管被纽约司法部长莱蒂夏·詹姆斯(Letitia James)指控参与了一项长达十年的计划,在该计划中,他们使用“大量欺诈和虚假陈述行为”来夸大特朗普的净资产,以获得更优惠的贷款条款。该案件的法官做出裁决后,审判就开始了部分简易判决特朗普提交了对其资产的“欺诈性估值”,让审判来决定其他行动以及被告应该受到的惩罚(如果有的话)。



当天休庭后,特朗普的律师克里斯·基斯(Chris Kise)根据德意志银行高管的证词批评了司法部长的案件,这些高管说他们是渴望与特朗普做生意不管他的财务报表内容如何。






商业房地产专家罗伯特·乌内尔(Robert Unell)对该州专家米歇尔·麦卡蒂(Michiel McCarty)的分析提出质疑,麦卡蒂作证称,特朗普涉嫌的欺骗让他的贷款人付出了代价1.68亿美元的利息损失.







过去一周,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在社交媒体上发布了多条关于一个社交媒体账户的帖子,他声称该账户属于法官阿瑟·恩戈伦(Arthur Engoron)的妻子,指责她分享了多条批评前总统的帖子,包括描绘特朗普在监狱中的篡改图像。

特朗普周三在Truth Social上称她为“恩戈伦法官讨厌特朗普的妻子”。









Trump fraud trial live updates: Judge says he'll 'rigorously' enforce reinstated gag order

Former President Donald Trump is on trial in New York in a$250 million civil lawsuitthat could alter the personal fortune and real estate empire that helped propel Trump to the White House.

Trump, his sonsEric Trump and and Donald Trump Jr., and other top Trump Organization executives are accused by New York Attorney General Letitia James of engaging in a decade-long scheme in which they used "numerous acts of fraud and misrepresentation" to inflate Trump's net worth in order get more favorable loan terms. The trial comes after the judge in the case ruled in apartial summary judgmentthat Trump had submitted "fraudulent valuations" for his assets, leaving the trial to determine additional actions and what penalty, if any, the defendants should receive.

The former president has denied all wrongdoing and his attorneys have argued that Trump's alleged inflated valuations were a product of his business skill.

Trump attorney calls NY AG's case 'fraud with no victims'

Following the adjournment of court for the day, Trump attorney Chris Kise criticized the attorney general's case on the basis of testimony from the Deutsche Bank executives who said they wereeager to do business with Trumpregardless of the contents of his financial statements.

Echoing past comments, Kise described the case as a "fraud with no victims" in comments to ABC News.

PHOTO: Attorney Christopher Kise speaks to reporters outside the New York State Supreme Courthouse, November 30, 2023.

Peter Charalambous/ABC News

Attorney Christopher Kise speaks to reporters outside the New York State Supreme Courthouse, November 30, 2023.

Kise also slammed today'sappellate court rulingreinstating Judge Engoron's limited gag orders as a "total breakdown of the rule of law."

"Now you have the front-running presidential candidate who can't even comment about why he thinks he's not getting a fair trial," Kise said about the impact of the ruling.

"I'm not sure how much more absurd it can get for President Trump," he said.

Expert disputes allegation that Trump cost lenders $168M

Robert Unell, an expert in commercial real estate, disputed the analysis conducted by the state's expert, Michiel McCarty, who testified that Trump's alleged deceptions cost his lenders$168 million in lost interest.

"It is really, in my opinion, a very narrow-minded support," Unell, testifying for the defense, said about the assumptions McCarty made regarding the interest rate of the loans.

Unell said that Trump's lenders made money, faced less risk in their investments over time, and sought additional business from the former president and his family. He also criticized the allegation that Trump risked defaulting on any of his loans by offering himself as a personal guarantor of the loans.

"It means the bank got what they wanted ... they had a warm body who was going to stand behind the loan and provide credit support," Unell said about Trump's personal support of the loans.

Judge Engoron interjected at multiple points to question Unell about his findings, at one point noting that the loans would have been pricier for Trump if lenders faced more risk stemming from Trump inflating his assets.

"The more value in collateral, the less risk, the lower the interest rate," Engoron said.

NY court official says judge's wife hasn't posted about Trump

Over the last week, Donald Trump has made multiple posts on social media about a social media account he alleges belongs to Judge Arthur Engoron's wife, accusing her of sharing multiple posts critical of the former president, including doctored images depicting Trump in prison.

"Judge Engoron's Trump Hating wife," Trump called her Wednesday on Truth Social.

A court official on Thursday denied that any of the posts referenced by Trump were made by Engoron's wife.

"Justice Engoron's wife has sent no social media posts regarding the former president. They are not hers," court spokesperson Al Baker wrote in a statement.

Closing arguments set for Jan. 11

Judge Engoron has set a date of Jan. 11 for closing arguments in the trial.

Both parties face a noon deadline on Jan. 5 to file their briefs, and closing arguments are scheduled to take place in person on Jan. 11, the judge decided afterconsidering scheduling proposalsfrom both the state and the defense.

Engoron said he plans to issue his decision in the case "a few weeks after" closing arguments.

"I would hope this [January] but no guarantees," Engoron said.

State attorneys had requested closing statements take place Dec. 13, while attorneys for Donald Trump suggested closing arguments be presented 60 days after both parties submitted paper filings.






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