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2023-12-01 11:49 -ABC  -  450667







辩论开始前,纽森加大了对德桑蒂斯的攻击。最近,与新闻联盟结盟的超级政治行动委员会“争取民主运动”(Campaign For Democracy)发布了一则广告,抨击佛罗里达州的六周堕胎禁令,德桑蒂斯签署了该禁令,使之成为法律。





“预计他会为总统辩护,并利用这个机会在源头上打击错误信息机器,”当被问及观众在周四的辩论舞台上应该从州长那里期待什么时,Newsom的发言人Nathan Click告诉ABC新闻。



拜登竞选团队表示,他们欢迎纽森的支持,“因为他有力而有效地证明了总统的观点,”拜登竞选团队的高级沟通顾问TJ Ducklo在一份声明中告诉美国广播公司新闻。


DeSantis and Newsom will debate, with Sean Hannity moderating

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsomwill debate one another on Thursday nightin an event being billed as a clash of "red vs. blue state" -- and a test of rising stars in their respective parties.

After months of teasing it, DeSantis and Newsom will finally face off in the battleground state of Georgia for a 90-minute debate moderated by Fox News' Sean Hannity that starts at 9 p.m. EST.

Topics will include inflation, crime, the economy, the border and other "major issues impacting the country," according to the network. "The debate will examine the vastly different approaches the two governors have and offer insights into their political philosophies as well as ambitions for the nation."

The debate comes after months of planning and wrangling over the rules. It will amplify the ongoing rivalry between the governors of two of the country's largest states, who have gone after each other over the past couple of years.

DeSantis has contended Newsom is responsible for a decline in California, explicitly calling out Newsom's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, public safety, the state's housing supply and homelessness.

Newsom has been no less fierce in criticizing DeSantis, initially challenging him to a debate over a year ago. In an interview with NBC News in September, Newsom said he believes DeSantis is "functionally authoritarian."

Newsom has upped his attacks against DeSantis leading up to the debate. Most recently, the Newsom-aligned super PAC, Campaign For Democracy, launched an ad assailing Florida's six-week abortion ban, which DeSantis signed into law.

Inthe ad narrated, by the California governor, Newsom said the abortion ban is "not freedom" but "DeSantis' Florida." DeSantis has defended the ban as "support[ing] life and family."

The debate performance of both governors will likely fuel further speculation about their political futures. DeSantis is running for the White House, but his initial strengthin the primary pollshas faded and he continues to trail former President Donald Trump by double digits.

Newsom has been floated as a potential presidential candidate in 2028, as he is termed limited from running for governor again.

Newsom has also been a vocal ally of President Joe Biden and acted as a campaign surrogate for him over the past few months, including participating in the spin room following the second GOP primary debate, providing the Democrats' response.

"Expect him to defend the President and use the opportunity to take on the misinformation machine at its headwaters," Nathan Click, a spokesperson for Newsom, told ABC News when asked what viewers should expect from the governor on the debate stage on Thursday.

As for DeSantis, his campaign views this debate as their most important one yet, hoping to "contrast" the Florida governor with Newsom, claiming he’s a possible replacement for Biden in the 2024 race, which Newsom has repeatedly dismissed.

"Ron DeSantis will take this responsibility seriously and looks forward to sharing the stark contrast between his vision to revive our nation and Newsom's blueprint for failure," DeSantis' campaign manager, James Uthmeier, told ABC News in a statement.

The Biden campaign said they welcomed Newsom's support "as he forcefully and effectively makes the president’s case," TJ Ducklo, a senior communication adviser on the Biden campaign, told ABC News in a statement.

"We look forward to him highlighting how Ron DeSantis' extremism and failures in Florida are part of a MAGA agenda we cannot allow back in the White House," Ducklo said.






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