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2023-12-05 11:24 -ABC  -  568226

美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普在纽约受审2 . 5亿美元的民事诉讼这可能会改变帮助特朗普入主白宫的个人财富和房地产帝国。

特朗普,他的儿子们埃里克·特朗普和小唐纳德·特朗普。,以及特朗普公司的其他高管被纽约司法部长莱蒂夏·詹姆斯(Letitia James)指控参与了一项长达十年的计划,在该计划中,他们使用“大量欺诈和虚假陈述行为”来夸大特朗普的净资产,以获得更优惠的贷款条款。该案件的法官做出裁决后,审判就开始了部分简易判决特朗普提交了对其资产的“欺诈性估值”,让审判来决定其他行动以及被告应该受到的惩罚(如果有的话)。



周一下午,前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在民事欺诈案的审判中请求加快批准对禁言令的上诉,但遭到拒绝。


特朗普的律师请求最初取消禁言令的法官大卫·弗里德曼(David Friedman)允许他们向纽约上诉法院上诉恢复禁言令的最终决定。

“你得到了一个评委小组的决定。一名法官无法撤销陪审团的决定,”法庭律师劳伦·霍姆斯(Lauren Holmes)周一下午在上诉庭第一部的日程安排会议上说。

纽约总检察长的律师丹尼斯·范(Dennis Fan)也拒绝同意加快简报时间表。




房地产估价专家弗雷德里克·陈(Frederick Chin)作证说,与评估师相比,开发商通常有更大的自由度来评估他们的房产。






据知情人士透露,前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)可能会在周四出席他的民事欺诈审判。他的儿子埃里克周三作证时,他预计不会出席。





拥有房地产估价专家资格的弗雷德里克·陈(Frederick Chin)认为,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)使用的是其房产的“好像”投资价值,而不是其当前的“原样”市场价值。根据Chin的说法,“好像”估价观点允许房地产开发商在确定其价值时考虑房地产的长期发展计划。


法官亚瑟·恩戈伦(Arthur Engoron)经常打断秦的证词,他把导致一个假设的空地价值相差15亿美元的方法描述为开发商的“天才因素”。

Trump fraud trial: Trump likely to attend trial Thursday

Former President Donald Trump is on trial in New York in a$250 million civil lawsuitthat could alter the personal fortune and real estate empire that helped propel Trump to the White House.

Trump, his sonsEric Trump and and Donald Trump Jr., and other top Trump Organization executives are accused by New York Attorney General Letitia James of engaging in a decade-long scheme in which they used "numerous acts of fraud and misrepresentation" to inflate Trump's net worth in order get more favorable loan terms. The trial comes after the judge in the case ruled in apartial summary judgmentthat Trump had submitted "fraudulent valuations" for his assets, leaving the trial to determine additional actions and what penalty, if any, the defendants should receive.

The former president has denied all wrongdoing and his attorneys have argued that Trump's alleged inflated valuations were a product of his business skill.

Court denies Trump’s effort to expedite gag order appeal

Former President Donald Trump’s request for an expedited grant of leave to appeal the gag orders in his civil fraud trial was denied Monday afternoon.

The gag order is now likely to still be in effect on Monday when Trump takes the witness stand in his own defense.

Trump’s lawyers requested that Judge David Friedman, who initially lifted the gag order, permit them to appeal the final decision that reinstated the gag order to New York’s Court of Appeals.

“You had a decision by a panel of judges. A single judge cannot undo a panel’s decision,” Lauren Holmes, a court attorney, said during a scheduling meeting Monday afternoon at the Appellate Division First Department.

Dennis Fan, a lawyer for the New York Attorney General, also declined to consent to expediting the briefing schedule.

“You just want to let this drag out until the end of the trial,” Trump attorney Christopher Kise said. “That’s what they are doing.”

Trump still has an avenue to appeal the decision to a higher court; however, the effort will take longer than his lawyers would like. Trump’s lawyers now face a deadline of Monday, Dec. 11 to file their papers to the First Department.

Developers have more latitude when valuing properties, expert says

Frederick Chin, a real estate valuation expert, testified that developers often have more latitude to value their properties compared to appraisers.

According to Chin, developers consider the enterprise value of their assets, meaning how different properties managed by the same company – such as Four Seasons or Ritz-Carlton hotels – increase in value as part of a collection of assets.

“The whole is worth more than the sum of its parts,” Judge Arthur Engoron said to summarize Chin’s testimony.

Chin added that developers also consider the long-term plan for how their assets might be impacted by outside circumstances, like the 2008 recession or the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Everyone in this room has a different perspective on what the next day and the future holds,” Chin said, comparing valuing assets to looking into a “crystal ball.”

Trump likely to attend trial Thursday, say sources

Former President Donald Trump will likely attend his civil fraud trial on Thursday, according to sources familiar with the matter. He is not expected to be in attendance on Wednesday when his son Eric testifies.

Trump last attended the trial on Nov. 6 when he testified as the last state witness. In total, the former president has attended the trial for eight of the 39 days the court has been in session.

Trump is scheduled to testify on Monday, Dec. 11, as the last witness in the case.

'Genius factor' can boost property value by billions, expert says

A defense expert in real estate valuation suggested that a developer's vision could add over a billion dollars of value to a vacant lot.

Frederick Chin, who was qualified as an expert in real estate valuation, argued that Donald Trump used the "as if" investment value of his properties, rather than their current "as is" market value. According to Chin, the "as if" valuation perspective allows a real estate developer to consider the long-term development plans of a property when determining its value.

For example, a vacant lot in the heart of New York City might have a market value of $500 million, according to Chin. A real estate developer who envisions a hotel on the property might see its investment value closer to $2 billion.

Judge Arthur Engoron, who frequently interjected into Chin's testimony, described the approach that resulted in a $1.5 billion difference in the value of a hypothetical vacant lot as a developer's "genius factor."






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