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2023-12-07 11:11 -ABC  -  272487

众议院周三提出了一项共和党决议,谴责民主党众议员贾马尔·鲍曼(Jamaal Bowman)拉响火警警报,并将于周四进行最终投票。



密歇根州共和党众议员丽莎·麦克莱恩(Lisa McClain)周二介绍了这项谴责决议,并给予众议院两天的立法时间对其进行投票。麦克莱恩的决议说,如果鲍曼受到谴责,他必须出现在众议院的井被公开谴责。






密歇根州众议员Rashida Tlaib,受到指责因为她在11月对以色列的煽动性评论。

House advances GOP resolution to censure Democratic Rep. Bowman over pulling fire alarm

House advances GOP resolution to censure Democratic Rep. Bowman over pulling fire alarm

The House on Wednesday advanced a Republican resolution to censure Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman for pulling a fire alarm, teeing up a final vote on Thursday.

A Democratic motion to table the censure resolution failed by a vote of 201-216.

Bowman has admitted pulling a fire alarm before the House voted on a spending measure to avert a government shutdown in September.

Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., introduced the censure resolution as privileged on Tuesday -- giving the House two legislative days to vote on it. McClain's resolution says if Bowman is censured, he must appear in the well of the House to be publicly reprimanded.

“Nobody is above the law, Congressmen included,” McClain said in a statement on X.

Bowman was caught on video pulling a fire alarm in the Cannon House Office Building on Sept. 30 -- the day the House voted on funding the government. He laterpleaded guilty to a misdemeanor chargefor falsely triggering the fire alarm.

A censure resolution is a formal reprimand by the House for violations of the House code of conduct. A vote to censure a member of the House does not hold any power beyond a public condemnation of the member’s behavior. It does not deny the member privileges.

Censuring House members has been historically rare, but lately members from both political parties have used it as a political tool.

To date, only four House members have been censured in the 21st century and 26 members total have been censured in U.S. history, according to the Office of the House historian.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.,was censuredfor her inflammatory comments about Israel in November by a vote of 234-188.






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