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2023-12-15 10:56 -ABC  -  109063



尽管众议院的共和党人一致支持进行调查,但普通公众却不太确定。根据自10月份以来进行的平均民调,43%的美国人支持对总统展开弹劾调查,而41%的人反对这一举措,这是一个支持调查的微弱差距。那是更加接近的鸿沟相比之下,前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的第一次弹劾程序中,37%的人支持展开调查,54%的人反对。(然而,在对特朗普的调查开始后,这些数字迅速逆转。)



整理民意测验结果的人 日期 人口 支持 反对
美联社-NORC 10月5日至9日 a 33% 39%
YouGov/雅虎新闻 10月12日至16日 a 42 39
NORC/芝加哥大学政治科学系 11月8日至20日 a 47 37
晨间咨询 11月30日至12月2日 轮状病毒 44 40
玛丽斯特/NPR/PBS新闻时间 12月4日至7日 a 49 48
平均的     43 41








整理民意测验结果的人 日期 人口 支持 反对
SSRS/CNN 10月4日至9日 a 43% 57%
YouGov/雅虎新闻* 10月12日至16日 a 37 45
晨间咨询 11月30日至12月2日 轮状病毒 47 42
平均的     42 48


* YouGov/雅虎新闻调查问了两个措辞略有不同的问题;表中显示的结果是两个问题的平均结果。




What to make of the Biden impeachment inquiry

On Wednesday, the House of Representativesvoted to formally openan impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.Republicans on three House committeeshave been investigating the president and his family's business dealings for months now — primarily those of his son Hunter. Wednesday's vote gives the inquirya little more legal heft, particularly with subpoena enforcement power, but it isn't likely to change how the committees have been approaching the investigation so far.

Although the GOP has just a 221-to-213 seat majority, the Housepassed the inquiry resolutionalong party lines, with all Republicans voting for the measure and all Democrats voting against it. Notably, every GOP representative hailing from a district that Biden won in 2020 voted for the bill. That could hand their 2024 challengers potential ammunition to use on the campaign trail, heading into what'sexpected to be a tight racefor control of Congress.

While Republicans in the House were united in their support of an inquiry, the general public is much less certain. According to an average of polls conducted since October, 43 percent of Americans support opening an impeachment inquiry into the President, while 41 percent oppose such a move, a narrow split in favor of the inquiry. That'sa much closer dividethan at the same point during former President Donald Trump's first impeachment process, when 37 percent supported opening an inquiry and 54 percent opposed it. (Those numbers quickly inverted after the inquiry into Trump began, however.)

Americans narrowly approve of opening an inquiry ...

Share of Americans who support or oppose the House of Representatives opening an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, in polls conducted since Oct. 1

AP-NORC Oct. 5-9 a 33% 39%
YouGov/Yahoo News Oct. 12-16 a 42 39
NORC/U. Chicago Department of Political Science Nov. 8-20 a 47 37
Morning Consult Nov. 30-Dec. 2 rv 44 40
Marist/NPR/PBS NewsHour Dec. 4-7 a 49 48
Average     43 41

If a poll published results among multiple populations, we used the broadest available sample (i.e., adults over registered voters and registered voters over likely voters).


The partisan breakdown in these polls falls along fairly predictable lines, with most Republicans supporting an inquiry, most Democrats opposing one and independents evenly split. Intriguingly, however, the inquiry seems to have more support among Democrats than one might expect based on historical precedent. On average, 18 percent of Democrats supported opening an inquiry into Biden, while 69 percent opposed it. That level of intra-party support for impeachment proceedings is higher than the9 percent of Republicanswho opposed impeaching Trump around the time when House Democrats announced their inquiry in 2019.

Public opinion will continue to take shape, but it will respond in part to what, if anything, the inquiry turns up. So far, throughoutcommittee hearingsand press releases, Republicans have yet to produce any evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden. While Hunter Bidenfaces multiple felony countsacross multiple jurisdictions for various tax- and gun-related offenses,there is no evidencethat the president has committed any wrongdoing himself or benefited personally from any family business deals. But House Republicansare hopingthat a steady stream of news about the investigation — regardless of its fruitfulness —will continue to damagethe president'salready dismal imageand distract fromthe investigations into the leader of their own party.

Ultimately, though, the likelihood of the House actually impeaching Biden is far from certain. For one, while Americans may slightly approve of opening an impeachmentinquiryinto the president, they're more strongly opposed to actually following through with the act. Another average of polls taken since October shows that 48 percent of Americans oppose impeachment, while 42 percent support it.

... But oppose actually following through with impeachment

Share of Americans who support or oppose the House of Representatives impeaching President Joe Biden, in polls conducted since Oct. 1

SSRS/CNN Oct. 4-9 a 43% 57%
YouGov/Yahoo News* Oct. 12-16 a 37 45
Morning Consult Nov. 30-Dec. 2 rv 47 42
Average     42 48

If a poll published results among multiple populations, we used the broadest available sample (i.e., adults over registered voters and registered voters over likely voters).

*The YouGov/Yahoo News poll asked two questions with slightly different wordings; results displayed in the table are an average of the results from both questions.


And if simply voting to open an inquiry is a potential liability for swing-seat Republicans, voting to impeach would be an even harder sell on the campaign trail. With a razor-slim majority and all Democrats sure to vote against any impeachment measure, it would be a risky gamble for House GOP leadership to make. So far, they've pulled back from any talk of actual impeachment,selling Wednesday's vote insteadas more of a fact-finding mission. That seems to havehelped draw supportfrom certain vulnerable members who aren't yet fully convinced of the president's guilt (and whose constituentsaren't fans of either an inquiry or impeachment).

If the investigation turns up evidence that has so far eluded Republicans' best efforts, that could change. But even if the House decides to impeach, there is next to no chance that the Democratic-controlled Senate will come up with the needed 67 votes to convict and remove the president. Unless and until that happens, Wednesday's vote was little more than showmanship.






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