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2024-01-05 10:27 -ABC  -  531406



周三公布的文件包括Giuffre律师的论点,giuf fre试图废黜前总统比尔·克林顿,作为她对麦克斯韦尔诉讼的一部分。



“在2011年的一次采访中,Giuffre女士提到了前总统比尔·克林顿与被告杰弗里·爱泼斯坦的亲密私人关系。虽然Giuffre女士没有指控比尔·克林顿的非法行为,但[Ghislaine] Maxwell女士在她的证词中提出,Giuffre女士关于克林顿总统的言论是她在公开声明中提到的“明显的谎言”之一,这构成了本案的基础。除了被告和爱泼斯坦先生,前总统克林顿是一个关键人物,他可以提供有关他与被告和爱泼斯坦先生的密切关系的信息,并不同意麦克斯韦尔女士的说法,”文件说。



针对文件的发布,Boies Schiller flex ner Sigrid McCawley的管理合伙人,Giuffre的律师说,公众有权知道更多关于Epstein发生了什么。


周三晚上,马克斯韦尔的律师阿瑟·l·艾达拉(Arthur L. Aidala)和戴安娜·法比·萨姆森(Diana Fabi Samson)也发表了一份声明,内容是:“吉斯莱恩·马克斯韦尔对法院最近决定在久夫雷诉马克斯韦尔一案中公开文件不持立场,因为这些披露对她或她未决的上诉没有影响。”


New batch of Jeffrey Epstein court documents released

The next batch of documents pertaining to late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein have been released.

Wednesday'sunsealed documentswere part of a long-settled defamation lawsuit Virginia Giuffre filed against Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell. Giuffre claimed she was a teen sex slave for Epstein and directed by him and Maxwell to have sex with powerful men.

The documents released on Wednesday included arguments by attorneys for Giuffre who sought to depose former President Bill Clinton as part of her lawsuit against Maxwell.

Giuffre's lawyers wrote that Clinton was "a key person who can provide information about his close relationship with Defendant and Mr. Epstein," in documents unsealed on Wednesday.

The now-unredacted document revealed specifically why Giuffre's lawyers sought Clinton's testimony.

"In a 2011 interview, Ms. Giuffre mentioned former President Bill Clinton's close personal relationship with Defendant and Jeffrey Epstein. While Ms. Giuffre made no allegations of illegal actions by Bill Clinton, Ms. [Ghislaine] Maxwell in her deposition raised Ms. Giuffre's comments about President Clinton as one of the 'obvious lies' to which she was referring in her public statement that formed the basis of this suit. Apart from the Defendant and Mr. Epstein, former President Clinton is a key person who can provide information about his close relationship with Defendant and Mr. Epstein and disapprove Ms. Maxwell's claims," the document said.

U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ruled last month there was no legal justification for continuing to conceal more than 150 names of "John and Jane Does" mentioned in the records. Preska had ordered the unsealing to begin after Jan. 1.

Additional associates of Epstein's, including Prince Andrew, are named in the documents.

Reacting to the release of the documents, Managing Partner of Boies Schiller Flexner Sigrid McCawley, counsel for Giuffre, said the public deserves to know more about what happened with Epstein.

"The public has wondered and many have rightly demanded to know how Epstein operated his vast, global sex trafficking enterprise and got away with it for decades. Questions of who enabled and facilitated him and who participated in an operation that resulted in unspeakable harm and devastation to the lives of countless girls and young women quickly surfaced," the statement read. "Some of those questions have been answered; many have not. Some justice for the survivors has, indeed, been achieved; not nearly enough as hoped for and deserved. The public interest must still be served in learning more about the scale and scope of Epstein's racket to further the important goal of shutting down sex trafficking wherever it exists and holding more to account. The unsealing of these documents gets us closer to that goal."

Late Wednesday night, Maxwell's attorneys, Arthur L. Aidala and Diana Fabi Samson, also released a statement reading: "Ghislaine Maxwell took no position on the court's recent decision to unseal documents in Giuffre v Maxwell as these disclosures have no bearing on her or her pending appeal."

"Ghislaine's focus is on the upcoming appellate argument asking for her entire case to dismissed," their statement continued. "She is confident that she will obtain justice in the second circuit court of appeals. She has consistently and vehemently maintained her innocence."






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