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2024-01-05 10:31 -ABC  -  510204


在州长克里斯·苏努努(Chris Sununu)的陪同下,这位共和党候选人和前联合国大使在该州南部地区的三场活动中都看到了大量人群。周三,在米尔福德的汉普希尔运动俱乐部的活动中,她用一句迎合新罕布什尔州选民的话结束了她的讲话,淡化了爱荷华州党团会议的重要性。爱荷华州党团会议将于1月15日举行,就在新罕布什尔州1月23日初选的几天前。






PHOTO: Republican presidential candidate former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley greets voters at a town hall campaign event, Jan. 2, 2024, in Rye, N.H.












Haley downplays Iowa, says New Hampshire voters will 'correct' caucuses

MILFORD, N.H. --Nikki Haleyis facing backlash for comments she made to a New Hampshire crowd that its primary voters have the opportunity to "correct" the results of the Iowa caucuses set for later this month.

Joined by Gov. Chris Sununu, the Republican candidate and former U.N. ambassador saw large crowds at all three of her events across the state's southern region. At her event at Milford's Hampshire Hills Athletic Club on Wednesday, she closed her remarks with a note catered to New Hampshire voters downplaying the significance of Iowa's caucuses -- which takes place Jan. 15, just a few days before New Hampshire's Jan. 23 primary.

"We have an opportunity to get this right. And I know we'll get it right and I trust you. I trust every single one of you. You know how to do this. You know, Iowa starts it. You know that you correct it. … And then my sweet state of South Carolina brings it home. That's what we do," said Haley, who served as governor of South Carolina.

The campaign of competitor Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis knocked Haley for the comment. In a post onX, the DeSantis campaign wrote, "Nikki Haley belittles Iowa Caucusgoers -- claiming their decisions will need to be corrected by New Hampshire voters."

DeSantis himself responded on Thursday in an interview on Iowa radio station KFAB, accusing Haley of being "disrespectful to Iowans."

"I think she's trying to provide an excuse for her not doing well," DeSantis continued.

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds fired back after Haley's comments.

"I trust Iowans to make their own decisions. No 'corrections' needed!" Reynolds, who has endorsed DeSantis, posted toX.

Evangelical leader Bob Vanderplaats, who has also backed DeSantis,posted to Xthat Haley's remark "are very telling regarding her status in Iowa" and that it is an "admission of getting beat" there.

The Iowa Democratic Party posted toXthat it "seems like Nikki Haley believes Iowa just picks corn while New Hampshire picks presidents."

"What a disgusting slap in the face to all Iowans and just one of the many reasons she should never be anywhere near the Oval Office," the post continued.

Haley trails in the Iowa polls behind former President Donald Trump and DeSantis, according to538's latest polling averages.

While Haley is not far from DeSantis -- 15.7% to 18.4%, respectively -- both are far behind Trump, who is polling at an average of 50%.

Haley has been splitting her time on the campaign trail across several early states including New Hampshire and South Carolina, rather than taking on Iowa head-on.

In New Hampshire, Haley is polling about 20 points behind the former president, 25.7% to Trump's 44.1%, according to538's latest polling averages in the state. DeSantis is polling at 7.6% -- falling behind former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie who is at 11%.

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DeSantis and Haley will appear atback-to-back town hall eventsin Iowa Thursday night.






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