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2024-01-08 10:45 -ABC  -  96291











佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)也在本周被另一名爱荷华州选民尖锐地质疑,为什么他没有在特朗普之后“直接走”。这位佛罗里达州州长辩称,他“在竞选活动中一次又一次地阐述了所有的分歧”,并再次呼吁特朗普进行辩论。

















Christie launches new 'Truth' ad seemingly intended to draw contrast with Haley

Former New Jersey Gov.Chris Christielaunched a new advertisement on Sunday to target independent voters in New Hampshire, seemingly intended to contrast himself with former South Carolina Gov.Nikki Haleywithout using her name, as he aims to outperform her in the first-in-the-nation primary.

The 30-secondspot, titled "The Truth" -- shared first to ABC News -- features Christie assuring voters directly to camera that he'll tell them the truth, even when met with criticism, as opposed to tailoring his message to what he thinks a crowd wants.

"Most of the other candidates in this race are all trying to look into people's eyes and figure out what they want to hear. I'm looking into people's eyes and knowing that the truth is ultimately what they need to hear and what they deserve to hear," Christie says, taking on a calm and conversational tone from his New Jersey home.

"Even at times when you get booed for doing that, or when you get chastised for doing it, the truth is the one non-negotiable commodity," he adds. "We've got to stick with it."

The ad is part of both a previously announced seven-figure buy and within a series intended to target independent voters with blunt, direct-to-camera messages and will air this week on TV and digital platforms in New Hampshire, where Christie's campaign hasstaked on a strong showing.

"Christie has always been willing to tell the truth regardless of what people may think," a spokesperson with details of the ad told ABC News. "This is a stark contrast from Haley who today refused to tell voters the truth about Trump."

The messaging comes after a voter interrupted Haley on Saturday as she was wrapping a town hall in Indianola, Iowa, to express disappointment that she hasn't taken on former President Donald Trump more directly.

"[Trump] He is more than chaos," said the woman, who also told Haley she plans to caucus for her. "I feel like that's the worst you say about him, and I wish it could be more, for us... Let's make him accountable."

"Let me say this. Pro-Trumpers don't think I love him enough, anti-Trumpers don't think I hate him enough," Haley replied, at first, offering her typical response to similar questions. "But for those that want me to hit Trump more, I just am not going to do it. I told you that I'm not going to do it."

"If he lies about me, I'll call him out on it. If he's done something wrong, whether it's the economy or how he talks about dictators, and those things, I'll call him out on every one of those issues," she added. "But I just think politics is personal enough, and I think let's focus on the issues and getting America back on track."

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, too, was pointedly questioned by another Iowa voter in Waukee this week on why he hasn't "gone directly" after Trump. The Florida governor argued he's "articulated all the differences time and time again on the campaign trail” and again called on Trump to debate.

Christie has described Haley as someone "blatantly pandering" for votes, blasting her this week for telling a New Hampshire audience, "Iowa starts it," and "You correct it,"which she later saidwas spoken in jest.

The Haley campaign declined to comment on Christie's criticism to ABC News.

Sharpening attacks on Haley as she rises in polls

In his campaign's first television ad released in December, Christie argues he's the only candidate that can beat Trump because he's the only one directly taking him on, criticizing Haley and DeSantis for not doing the same.

The former New Jersey governor has gone after Haley, in particular, for so far refusing to directly rule out she'd run as Trump's vice president, something DeSantis has done, "To his credit," Christie said.

Haley toldNBC Newson Friday, "The reason I don't answer that question is I don't play my opponents' games."

"She doesn't want to offend because she's been taught that the best way to operate in this business is not to tell you the truth. Just to try to fool you," Christie told voters at a town hall in Hollis this week. "There's one person in this race who's telling you the truth. That's the reason I got in the race."

But some Republicans, and even some New Hampshire voters, have suggested Christie drop out to consolidate the field against the former president, arguing that Christie's supporters could go over to Haley to overtake Trump.

Haley is polling second in New Hampshire, 29% to Trump's 42%, according toFiveThirtyEight, while Christie is averaging around 11%.

New Hampshire voter Camron Barth posed the conundrum directly to Christie on Friday in Keene.

"What I'm worried about is that Trump will win the New Hampshire primary. And what gives me a great deal of anxiety is that you and Gov. Haley appeal to the same people," he said. "So my question to you is, do you think that my anxiety about that is unfounded?"

"No, I have the same anxiety," Christie replied with a light laugh at the town hall setting. "Look, Nikki and I do appeal to some of the same people. But there are a lot of people who support me who wouldn't support her because she is not speaking out against Donald Trump."

"If I ever did get out of this race, whether it's before New Hampshire, after South Carolina, after Michigan, whenever it could be – whenever I came to the conclusion if I didn't see a path to me winning, she has to earn my support," he added. "Not just because she's the only one left standing against Donald Trump."

Greg Allen, a Christie supporter, shared the sentiment a day earlier at the Hollis town hall.

"Christie's appeal is more to 'Never Trumpers,'" Allen told ABC News. "I think Nikki draws from people who would slip back into Trump's camp… so if Christie was to just drop out at this point, I think voters simply wouldn't show up."

While other Republican candidatesdescend on Iowawith the caucuses eight days away, Christie has skipped the Hawkeye State altogether. He told reporters after a town hall on Thursday that he needs to finish in second or a "very, very close third" in New Hampshire State to stay in the race for the Republican nomination.






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