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2024-01-09 10:09 -ABC  -  562780

前总统唐纳德·特朗普的共同被告之一格鲁吉亚选举干预案正在寻求撤销对他的起诉,并取消富尔顿县地方检察官Fani Willis的资格,指控她与她请来负责此案的一名高级检察官“有私人关系,据说这导致了他们两人的经济利益”。

在周一的一份法庭文件中,特朗普前竞选工作人员迈克尔·罗曼(Michael Roman)指控威利斯可能犯下了“欺骗公众诚实服务的行为”,因为她“故意未能”披露她所谓的“个人受益”的所谓关系。

“因此,地区检察官和特别检察官违反了规范公共资金使用的法律,遭受了不可挽回的利益冲突,违反了他们在佐治亚州职业行为规则下的就职誓言,应该被取消起诉此事的资格,”罗曼的律师阿什丽·麦钱特(Ashleigh Merchant)在127页的文件中说。


该文件声称,根据“与知情人士的讨论”,威利斯和她引入的负责此案的特别检察官内森·韦德(Nathan Wade)在她将他引入此案之前“浪漫地卷入”,并在此期间继续他们的关系,并指控威利斯在没有获得适当的政府授权任命他为特别检察官的情况下将韦德引入。



PHOTO: Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis speaks during a news conference at the Fulton County Government building, Aug. 14, 2023, in Atlanta.

2023年8月14日,亚特兰大,富尔顿县地方检察官Fani Willis在富尔顿县政府大楼的新闻发布会上发言。



前佐治亚州检察官克里斯·蒂蒙斯(Chris Timmons)现在是美国广播公司新闻的撰稿人,他说,“经过初步审查,我认为这不会危及起诉书——但它可能会导致检察官被取消资格。”



Co-defendant in Trump's Georgia election case seeks to disqualify DA, alleging romantic relationship with prosecutor

One of former president Donald Trump's co-defendants in hisGeorgia election interference caseis seeking to dismiss the indictment against him and disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, alleging that she "engaged in a personal, romantic relationship" with one of the top prosecutors she brought in to work on the case, which allegedly resulted in financial gain for both of them.

In a court filing Monday, former Trump campaign staff member Michael Roman accuses Willis of having potentially committed "an act to defraud the public of honest services" based on her "intentional failure" to disclose to alleged relationship that she allegedly "personally benefitted from."

"Accordingly, the district attorney and the special prosecutor have violated laws regulating the use of public monies, suffer from irreparable conflicts of interest, and have violated their oaths of office under the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct and should be disqualified from prosecuting this matter," the 127-page filing from Roman's attorney, Ashleigh Merchant, said.

A spokesperson for the Fulton County DA said in a statement to ABC News that the office would "respond through appropriate court filings."

The filing alleges that, based on "discussions with individuals with knowledge," Willis and a special prosecutor she brought in to lead the case, Nathan Wade, were "romantically involved" prior to her bringing him on to the case and continued their relationship during it, and accuses Willis of bringing Wade on as a special prosecutor without getting proper government authorization to appoint him as such.

"Sources close to both the special prosecutor and the district attorney have confirmed they had an ongoing, personal relationship during the pendency of the special prosecutor's divorce proceedings," the filing says.

The filing claims that Wade had a "lack of relevant experience" but that he has been paid approximately $650,000 in legal fees since being appointed to the role -- which the filing claims was a "self-serving arrangement."

"Willis has benefitted substantially and directly, and continues to benefit, from this litigation because Wade is being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to prosecute this case on her behalf," the filing claims. "In turn, Wade is taking Willis on, and paying for vacations across the world with money he is being paid by the Fulton County taxpayers and authorized solely by Willis."

Chris Timmons, a former Georgia prosecutor who is now an ABC News contributor, said that, "After preliminary review, I don't think it puts the indictment in jeopardy -- but it might result in some disqualification of prosecutors moving forward."

Roman, Trump, and 17 others pleaded not guilty in August to all charges in asweeping racketeering indictmentfor alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in the state of Georgia. Defendants Kenneth Chesebro, Sidney Powell, Jena Ellis and Scott Hall subsequently took plea deals in exchange for agreeing to testify against other defendants.

The former president has blasted the district attorney's investigation as being politically motivated.






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