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2024-01-10 11:10 -ABC  -  112840





坐在总统旁边的是南卡罗来纳州众议员吉姆·克莱伯恩(Jim Clyburn),他在2020年的支持被视为有助于拜登赢得该州的民主党初选,这是他在通往白宫的道路上取得的第一次重大胜利。

PHOTO: President Joe Biden delivers remarks at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., Jan. 8, 2024, where nine worshippers were killed in a mass shooting by a white supremacist in 2015.





塔玛拉·库里(Tamara Curry)说,她有一个糖尿病家庭成员受到了患者保护与平价医疗法案的直接影响,该计划是在拜登担任副总统时实施的,她发现听到政府的成就“令人振奋”,因为“我们总是听到没有做的事情”


虽然拜登竞选团队一直不理会显示黑人选民支持率下降的民调,但这些选民中的一些人表示,他们对拜登、竞争对手唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和2024年大选的看法存在分歧。




杰瑞特·琼斯(Jarett Jones)表示,他计划投票给前总统特朗普,因为他不相信拜登为美国人民做得足够多,也没有创造更多机会。





As Biden makes appeal to Black voters, they share differing views on his 2024 campaign

In his first visit to an early voting state this year, President Joe Bidenon Monday made an appeal to Black votersat the historic Mother Emanuel AME Church, where nine Black Americans were murdered by a white supremacist in a 2015 mass shooting.

Biden condemned "white supremacy" as a "poison" that continues to haunt the nation, echoing what is already becoming a key theme challenging extremism as he ramps up his reelection campaign.

But some Black voters -- a group who has been key to Biden's success so far -- told ABC News afterward they have differing views on the president's track record and whether they will vote for him in November.

"Poison has for too long haunted this nation. What is that poison? White supremacy," Biden said in his speech. "Throughout our history, it's ripped this nation apart. It has no place in America. Not today, tomorrow or ever."

Sitting right next to the president was South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn, whose endorsement in 2020 was seen as influential in helping Biden win the state's Democratic primary, the first major win for him on his road to the White House.

Prior to Biden's speech, Clyburn notably took to the podium to tout what he called the Biden administration's accomplishments on kitchen table issues, seeking to rally the crowd of largely Black voters before the president hopped on stage by explaining what Biden has achieved and what's prevented him from achieving more.

In attendance at the president's speech were survivors and the families of the victims of the 2015 mass shooting. Jean Ortiz, one of those survivors, later called Biden's remarks "outstanding."

Tamara Curry, who said she has a diabetic family member who has been directly impacted by the Affordable Care Act, implemented when Biden was vice president, found it "invigorating" to hear the administration's accomplishments because "we always hear about what has not been done."

Curry told ABC News that she felt the Biden administration passed as many of their promises as they could but "four more years will give them an opportunity to fulfill more of those promises."

While the Biden campaign has been brushing off polls that show a drop in approval from Black voters, some of those same voters said they were split on their views of Biden, rival Donald Trump and the 2024 race.

Largely, they said, it's too early for them to have made up their minds on who they'll vote for.

Jennifer James said Biden has done a "pretty awesome job" but that she's also felt the sharp increase in inflation since his presidency began.

"We should all be able to afford groceries, we should be able to afford housing," James said. "Now if he can address that issue and get it resolved, I will vote for him again."

Jarett Jones said he plans to vote for former President Trump because he doesn't believe Biden has done enough for the American people or created more opportunities.

"Trump was actually helping the people," Jones said. "He might be a racist, but you know, when it comes down to it, if he's a better president, that's just what it is."

Jamila Gadsden, whose aunt was one of the nine killed in 2015, continues to be a supporter of Biden and felt a sense of community with Biden's visit, saying that despite challenges from Congress, he's done the best he could.

"The Senate and the House that we have ... sometimes we're not always in agreement," she said.

Asked how she felt about the 2024 election, Gadsden said she was "hopeful that we will do the right thing."






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