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2024-03-13 10:07 -ABC  -  453377


此前,美国广播公司(ABC News)根据对投票的分析预测,拜登和特朗普将赢得佐治亚州的初选。










据美国广播公司(ABC News)估计,特朗普有1,078名代表进入周二的一轮竞选,因此他必须再获得137名代表才能跨过门槛-他将在华盛顿报告结果时做到这一点。周二总共有161名代表可供角逐。


Biden projected to clinch his 2024 nomination with Trump on the verge, too

Joe Biden has become the Democratic Presumptive Nominee, according to the ABC News Delegate Estimate.

The news follows ABC News projecting that Biden and Trump will win the Georgia primaries, based on an analysis of the vote.

His rival Donald Trump is also on track to earn enough delegates to mathematically become the Republican presidential nominee later in the night.

Should Trump cross the GOP delegate threshold on Tuesday, the 2024 Republican race becomes one of the shortest highly contested presidential primaries since the modern nomination process took shape in the 1970s.

Biden and Trump becoming the major parties' presumptive presidential nominees will also officially begin a nearly eight-month-long general election battle that has, in some ways, already been underway for several weeks.

The rematch between the president and former president is expected to revolve around the same swing states and similar issues as in 2020, including immigration, the economy, and democratic values.

Abortion and reproductive access are also expected to be flashpoints along with inflation and foreign policy.

Democratic primary elections were held in three states on Tuesday: Georgia, Mississippi and Washington as well as in the Northern Mariana Islands and in voting by Democrats living abroad.

For Democrats, 254 delegates were at stake on Tuesday, and Biden needed to get 100 more in order to earn the 1,968 delegates needed to officially win the Democratic nomination this summer.

He tipped over the edge after the results of the Georgia presidential primary were projected.

A Republican candidate needs to earn 1,215 delegates to also earn the GOP nomination awarded this summer.

Trump had 1,078 delegates heading into Tuesday’s round of contests, according to ABC News’ estimate, so he must get 137 more to cross the threshold -- which he is set to do when Washington reports its results. Overall, 161 delegates were up for grabs on Tuesday.

The current record for the earliest end date of a contested presidential primary is March 3, in the 2004 Democratic contest, and the lowest number of voting states is 19 -- in the 2000 Democratic race.






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