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2024-06-05 09:21 -ABC  -  264196

随着前总统唐纳德 特朗普(唐纳德·特朗普)继续错误地声称2020年大选从他手中被偷走,那些被传言将成为他的副总统候选人的人在被问及他们是否会接受2024年的结果以及他们如何看待2020年大选时走钢丝。





  在美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)5月份的节目中,南卡罗来纳州参议员蒂姆·斯科特(Tim Scott)被问及,无论谁获胜,他是否会认证2024年的选举。这位参议员还认证了2020年的选举结果,他说他预计特朗普将被宣布为获胜者。


  问CNN记者达娜·巴什报道今年5月,如果他愿意接受2024年的选举结果,俄亥俄州参议员J.D .万斯说,只要选举是“自由和公平的”,他就会接受——与斯科特的想法类似,结果将显示特朗普是胜利者。






  去年8月,在密尔沃基举行的2024年共和党总统初选辩论中,北达科他州州长道格·布鲁格姆(Doug Brugum)表示,前副总统迈克·彭斯在2021年1月6日做了“正确的事情”,当时一群暴力暴徒袭击了美国国会大厦,立法者试图证明2020年的选举结果。彭斯拒绝了要求他阻止或推迟认证的呼吁。

  在5月份接受美国有线电视新闻网采访时,Burgum告诉Jake Tapper,他认为拜登赢得了2020年的选举,但由于冠状病毒肺炎,投票过程中也存在“违规行为”。


  纽约众议员埃莉斯·斯特凡尼克(Elise Stefanik)没有投票证明2020年的选举结果,没有承诺接受2024年的选举当今年早些时候被问到。


  投票认证2020年选举的参议员汤姆·科顿(Tom Cotton)上周表示,只要2024年的结果是“自由和公平的”,美国人就应该接受这些结果。


What Trump's VP hopefuls have to say about accepting the 2024 election results

  As former President Donald Trump continues to falsely claim the 2020 election was stolen from him, those rumored to be in the running to be his vice-presidential nominee have walked a tightrope when asked if they would accept the 2024 results and how they viewed the 2020 election.

  On the question of whether one's views on the 2020 results and possibly the 2024 elections are a litmus test for potentially being picked as a vice president, Trump toldTime magazinehe "wouldn't feel good" hiring someone on his campaign who acknowledged President Joe Biden won the 2020 election.

  Trump has applied this strategy at the Republican National Committee, where the former presidenthas filled the organization with his allies, including his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump. As ABC News reported, the RNC asked those seeking employment within the organization if they believed the 2020 election was stolen.

  Now, Trump's vice-presidential hopefuls are facing the same test.

  While the former president hasn't yet indicated who he will pick to be his vice president, he has said he plans to make his announcement closer to the Republican National Convention, which is less than six weeks away.

  On CNN in May, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott was asked if he would certify the 2024 election regardless of who wins. The senator, who also certified the 2020 election results, said he expects Trump to be declared the winner.

  "Well, certainly, we expect a fair and honest election and as a result of that expectation, we will certify the election and certify President Donald Trump as our 47th President," Scott responded.

  Askedby Dana Bash on CNNin May if he would accept the 2024 election results, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance said he would as long as the elections were "free and fair" -- sharing thoughts similar to Scott's that the results would show Trump as the victor.

  "I totally plan to accept the results of 2024, I think that Donald Trump will be the [victor] and if it's a free and fair election, Dana, I think every Republican will enthusiastically accept the results," Vance said. "And again, I think those results will show that Donald Trump has been elected president, reelected president."

  Asked if he would accept the results if Biden were declared the winner, Vance said, "sure, if it's a free and fair election."

  On NBC's Meet the Press in May, Florida Sen. Marco Rubiorefused to say whether he would accept the 2024 election results.

  "I think you're asking the wrong person. The Democrats are the ones that have opposed every Republican victory since 2000," Rubio said.

  Unlike some of his colleagues in the Senate, Rubio did vote to certify the 2020 election.

  During the 2024 GOP presidential primary debate in Milwaukee last August, North Dakota Gov. Doug Brugum said that former Vice President Mike Pence did the "right thing" on Jan. 6, 2021, when a violent mob stormed the U.S. Capitol as lawmakers sought to certify the 2020 election results. Pence rejected calls for him to either block or delay the certification.

  In an interview with CNN in May, Burgum told Jake Tapper that he believes Biden won the 2020 election but that there were also "irregularities" in the voting process because of COVID.

  "I believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 election but I also based on the number of votes in but I think that because of COVID there was a huge number of irregularities because we changed a bunch of rules in certain places and certain precincts in certain states," he said.

  Rep. Elise Stefanik speaks at a House Education hearing on reports of antisemitism in K-12 schools in t...Show more

  Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

  New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, who did not vote to certify the 2020 election results,didn't commit to accepting the 2024 electionwhen asked earlier this year.

  "We will see if this is a legal and valid election," Stefanik told NBC News.

  Sen. Tom Cotton, who voted to certify the 2020 election, said last week that Americans should accept the 2024 results as long as they are "free and fair."

  "What I won't do, and I don't think what any candidate should do is renounce, in advance, the ability to challenge any kind of fraud or unfairness in the elections," Cotton said tothe Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.






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