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2024-06-05 09:48 -ABC  -  467012







  在双方发表开场陈述后,检察官预计将传唤美国联邦调查局特工艾丽卡·詹森(Erika Jensen)作为他们的第一个证人,预计他将把亨特·拜登的几条短信和他2021年回忆录《美好的事物》(Beautiful Things)的摘录以及其他证据作为证据。



  法官Maryellen Noreika告诉陪审员,他们可能需要在6月14日之前参加审判,审议可能会持续到6月17日那一周。

Opening statements on tap in Hunter Biden's gun trial

  With a jury of six men and six women selected and sworn in, arguments in thegun trial of Hunter Bidenget underway Tuesday morning when prosecutors and defense counsel deliver their opening statements.

  The president's son stands accused ofthree felony chargesrelated to his efforts to obtain a firearm in 2018, during a time when he was in the throes of drug addiction.

  Special counsel David Weiss' office has repeatedly called it a "simple case," and prosecutors' opening statement will be their first opportunity to lay out their narrative for jurors.

  Abbe Lowell, an attorney for Hunter Biden, is expected to advance the argument that his client may have been confused by the language on the ATF Form 4473, the document he stands accused of lying on. The box where he allegedly checked "no" asked the gun buyer: "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to" various narcotics.

  "The issue here is Mr. Biden's understanding of the question, which asks in the present tense if he 'is' a user or addict," Lowell wrote in court papers.

  "The terms 'user' or 'addict' are not defined on the form and were not explained to him," Lowell wrote. "Someone like Mr. Biden who had just completed an 11-day rehabilitation program and lived with a sober companion after that, could surely believe he was not a present tense user or addict."

  After the parties deliver opening statements, prosecutors expect to call as their first witness FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen, who is expected to introduce into evidence several of Hunter Biden's text messages and excerpts from his 2021 memoir, "Beautiful Things," as well other evidence.

  First lady Jill Biden attended Day 1 of the trial Monday, as did Hunter Biden's wife, Melissa Cohen, and his stepsister, Ashley Biden. PresidentJoe Bidenspent the day nearby at his and the first lady's Wilmington home.

  Before the trial began, the parties projected it could take up to three days to select a jury, but they completed the task in only one day -- meaning proceedings are thus far running ahead of schedule.

  Judge Maryellen Noreika told jurors they would likely need to be available for the trial through June 14, with the possibility of deliberations stretching into the week of June 17.






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