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2024-06-25 09:34 -ABC  -  575516

  美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)和副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯周一(最高法院否决罗诉韦德案的两周年纪念日)采取攻势,在堕胎权问题上对前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)发起猛烈抨击,距离周四的辩论只有三天时间。





  拜登在一份声明中说:“两年前的今天,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在最高法院的多数席位剥夺了女性获得她们需要和应该获得的医疗保健的基本自由。”他补充说,“后果是毁灭性的。”




  拜登竞选团队推出了一个电视广告,由来自路易斯安那州的女性凯特琳·约书亚(Kaitlyn Joshua)出演,讲述了她在堕胎禁令方面的经历,并将责任归咎于特朗普。



  周末在一个信仰在& Freedom conference上,特朗普继续吹嘘他挑选了三名投票否决罗伊案的最高法院法官,称尽管他们对这一决定感到很“愤怒”,但这是“正确”的选择。



  特朗普竞选发言人卡罗琳·莱维特(Karoline Leavitt)在一份声明中称拜登、哈里斯和民主党人为“激进极端分子”,指责他们支持“纳税人资助的堕胎,直到出生”。








  3 days before debate, Biden, Harris blast Trump on abortion rights on Dobbs anniversary

  President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday -- the second anniversary of the Supreme Court overruling Roe v. Wade -- took the offensive, launching blistering blows against former President Donald Trump on abortion rights, just three days ahead of Thursday's debate.

  "Trump has not denied much less shown remorse for his actions. Instead, he quote, 'proudly' takes credit for overturning Roe," Harris said at an abortion rights rally in Maryland. "My fellow Americans, in a court of law that would be called an admission in the case of the stealing of reproductive freedom from the women of America. Donald Trump is guilty."

  Biden, Harris, the White House, and their campaign worked to center the fight on abortion, an issue that has galvanized voters in both red and blue states over the last two years, and that they view as critical to their chances at reelection in November.

  Biden's surrogates fanned out around the country: Harris was traveling to Arizona for a roundtable on abortion after her Maryland rally; first lady Jill Biden is in Philadelphia for campaign events; and second gentleman Doug Emhoff has three campaign events across Michigan.

  Biden himself is not on the trail to mark the Dobbs anniversary; he is instead at Camp David where he has been since last Thursday and is taking part in debate prep with over a dozen aides, including standing for full 90-minutes mock debates, ahead of his showdown with Trump later this week. But the president did comment on abortion access.

  "Two years ago today, Donald Trump's Supreme Court majority ripped away the fundamental freedom for women to access the health care they need and deserve," Biden said in a statement, adding that "the consequences have been devastating."

  Biden later said, "Donald Trump is the sole person responsible for this nightmare."

  In a video posted to social media, Biden read from a post by Trump taking credit for being able to "kill Roe v. Wade" and said: "Decades of progress shattered just because the last guy got four years in the White House."

  "We know what will happen if he gets another four. For MAGA Republicans, Roe is just the beginning," Biden argued. "They're going to try to ban the right to choose nationwide. They're coming for IVF and birth control next."

  The Biden campaign rolled out a TV ad featuring Kaitlyn Joshua, a woman from Louisiana, telling of her experience with abortion bans and laying blame at Trump's feet.

  "I was right around 11 weeks when I had a miscarriage. The pain that I was feeling was excruciating. And I was turned away from 2 emergency rooms," Joshua said. "That was a direct result of Donald Trump overturning Roe v. Wade."

  The ad is part of a larger $50 million advertising blitz the campaign rolled out earlier this month.

  Over the weekend at a Faith& Freedom conference, Trump continued to boast that he picked three Supreme Court Justices who voted to overrule Roe, saying that although they took a lot of "heat" over the decision, it was the "right" choice.

  "I with stood vicious attacks to pick and confirm three great Supreme Court justices," he said. "We have also achieved what the pro-life movement fought to get for 49 years and we've gotten abortion out of the federal government and back to the states."

  The Trump campaign on Monday pushed back on the Biden team's coordinated messaging against the former president.

  Karoline Leavitt, a Trump campaign spokesperson, labeled Biden, Harris and Democrats as "radical extremists" in a statement, accusing them of supporting "taxpayer funded abortions up until birth."

  It's an accusation the White House flatly denied Monday.

  "The president and the vice president do not support abortion up until the time of birth, nor do they support abortion after birth, in fact, that's not abortion," Jennifer Klein, the director of the White House Gender Policy Council, said on a call with reporters.

  Leavitt, Trump's spokesperson, also said the Democrats "lie about President Trump's position on this issue in a desperate attempt to scare voters. The truth is that the Dobbs Decision returned the power back to the people in every respective state to make decisions on the issue of abortion."

  She later added: "President Trump also strongly supports ensuring women have access to the care they need to create healthy families, including widespread access to IVF, birth control, and contraception, and he always will."

  Congressional Republicans this month blocked bills that would protect IVF and contraception, claiming they were Democratic election-year messaging. It's a move White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre slammed on Monday as "extreme," "out of touch" and "wrong."

  At her rally, Harris was introduced by Kate Cox, a Texas woman who left her state to get an abortion after being told by her doctor that her life was at risk and who was one of the first lady's guests at this year's State of the Union address.

  "Today, I'm happy to share that I'm pregnant again," Cox said to cheers. "I hope that by then, when we welcome our baby to the world, it will be a world led by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."






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