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2024-07-08 10:18 -ABC  -  137865

  共和党全国委员会(Republican National Committee)正在起草一份2024年的党纲,该党纲可能会改变共和党在堕胎、同性婚姻和移民等关键问题上的立场——改革可能会反映他们的领导人的信仰:前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump),党纲委员会成员和特朗普的盟友表示。















  2024 RNC platform could alter the GOP's abortion position for the first time in decades

  The Republican National Committee is drafting a 2024 party platform that may usher in changes to the GOP's positions on key issues like abortion, same-sex marriage and immigration -- reforms that will likely reflect the beliefs of their leader: former President Donald Trump, platform committee members and Trump allies said.

  In 2016, the Republican Party -- on their way to nominating Trump for the first time -- adopted a strict, conservativeplatformaround issues of gender and sexual orientation against the efforts by some of the party’s more moderate faction to soften that language. An identical platform was approved in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic made it difficult for party committees to convene and adjust language. Trump, during that convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, was chosen as the party’s nominee for a second time.

  A political party’s platform distinctly outlines its positions on foreign and domestic policies, but it is not binding and doesn’t directly impact the work of elected officials or candidates. That platform, which Trump ran on in 2016 and 2020, supports legislation that would impose a 20-week federal abortion ban. The Republican platform since the1980shas articulated support for a constitutional amendment that would assert the sanctity and protection of human life, extending to unborn children.

  Now, in 2024, the GOP will convene to write the first platform since the Dobbs decision overturned the constitutional right to an abortion over two years ago. The plank could play an outsized role in establishing the ideals of a party reinvented by the former president, who has been clear about his opposition to a federal ban and his preference for this issue to be left up to the states.

  Trump’s position on reproductive rights has worried some anti-abortion activists and RNC members who have expressed concern that the call for a "right to life" amendment would be stripped from the platform this year.

  The former president's top advisers are planning to overhaul and reduce the platform so that it will be "in line" with the former president's "vision for America's future," according to amemosent to the party’s platform committee in June, that was obtained by ABC News.

  "He won [2024 primary elections] in a historic fashion," a senior Trump adviser told ABC News.

  “He is the party. But it also reflects the will of voters,” the adviser added. “I anticipate some of that will be in the platform.”

  Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, one of the top contenders to be Trump's running mate, on CNN Sunday, backed stripping the abortion ban from the GOP platform.

  "Well, I think our platform has to reflect our nominee, and our nominee's position actually happens to be one grounded in reality," Rubio said. "The reality of it is the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. And what that basically means is that now it's not states; it's voters at individual states who will get to decide how and to what level they want to restrict abortion, if at all. Some states will have restrictions. Some states will not. And so, I hope that our platform will reflect our nominee."

  Draft language for a new platform has not yet been circulated to most platform committee members or general RNC members yet, according to several people familiar with the process, though a number of conversations andlobbyingon the issues with Trump allies have been ongoing among leaders of key advocacy groups and with some individuals.

  The platform committee began convening in Milwaukee on the evening of July 7 and has meetings scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, according to a schedule shared with ABC News. What the committee and full membership adopt will then be unveiled to the full RNC at their national convention beginning on July 15 in Milwaukee.

  For weeks, some more socially conservative RNC members and leading anti-abortion groups have been vocal about any platform deliberations that might water down the party’s stance on abortion.

  But those efforts reached a fever pitch this week. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, who sits on the RNC’s platform committee, has said he will lead an effort to put together a “minority report” on the platform should the committee soften abortion language -- something he claims will happen.

  The Family Research Council, in conjunction with dozens of other conservative groups, just launched a “Platform Integrity Project” which “seeks to work with the RNC and the Trump campaign for an open process that will help ensure the preservation of the GOP's solidly conservative platform that contains longstanding pro-life, pro-family, and pro-Israel planks.”






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