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2024-07-09 10:21 -ABC  -  427026










  该委员会周一采取行动之际,堕胎仍是选举年选民的一个关键问题,预计特朗普和总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)之间的竞争将非常激烈。







  投票结束后,SBA反堕胎美国总统Marjorie Dannenfelser -一位主要的反堕胎领导人,也是今年就该平台游说特朗普团队的个人之一-发表了一份支持该文件的声明。



  但其他人,包括来自犹他州的共和党全国委员会平台成员盖尔·鲁齐卡(Gayle Ruzicka)告诉美国广播公司(ABC)下属的WISN,她对平台投票如何“强迫”委员会成员以及它如何处理堕胎感到失望。


  周一下午投票结束后,在威斯康星州沃克夏的一次政治活动中,RNC主席迈克尔·沃特利(Michael Whatley)消除了该平台在堕胎问题上软弱的看法。




  “唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)已经用自己的言论和行动表明,如果他重新掌权,他会做什么——剥夺女性的自由,惩罚女性,在全国范围内禁止堕胎。你不必从我们这里拿走,从特朗普本人那里拿走:他为“杀死”罗诉韦德案而“自豪”,并发布了对强奸或乱伦毫无例外的极端禁令,他称之为“值得一看的美丽事物”他承诺将带头在全国范围内禁止堕胎,并表示他将与希望完全禁止堕胎的极端分子并肩战斗。特朗普本人表示,女性应该因为堕胎而受到惩罚,医生应该因为工作而被定罪,他正在考虑对节育的限制,”她补充道。

  RNC committee adopts GOP's 2024 policy platform -- including on abortion

  The Republican National Committee's platform committee adopted a new GOP platform on Monday -- and it softens language on the issue of abortion, marking a shift in the party's stance to more closely align with the views of former President Donald Trump.

  The platform says that Republicans "will oppose Late Term Abortion while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments)," according to the document obtained by ABC News.

  The 2024's brief section on abortion also states that the GOP "believes" that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution "guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights" – bolstering Trump's view that the issue should be determined at the state level. That's a change from the GOP's 2016 and 2020 platforms that supported legislation that would have imposed a 20-week federal abortion ban -- language that Trump ran on both cycles.

  Full RNC membership will vote to officially confirm the platform from the convention floor, according to an RNC spokesperson. The party's convention takes place next week in Milwaukee. Trump dialed into the meeting Monday morning and "described why some parts are in" the platform, according to the committee member. During the meeting, Trump also expressed his approval of a draft of the new Republican Party platform, according to a source familiar with the meeting.

  Trump took a victory lap after the platform committee voted to approve a new overhauled party platform plan to better align with his political posture.

  “Ours is a forward-looking Agenda with strong promises that we will accomplish very quickly when we win the White House and Republican Majorities in the House and Senate. We are, quite simply, the Party of Common Sense! America needs determined Republican Leadership at every level of Government to address the core threats to our very survival,” Trump wrote on his social media platform.

  The platform's mention of abortion, however, came near the end of the full document. It is not included as part of the platform's 20 principles that are prioritized first in the language. The first two of those principals call to "seal the border" and "carry out the largest deportation operation in American history." Those are followed by "end inflation" and "make America the dominant energy producer in the world." Notably, the U.S. is already the top global oil producer.

  Other points include "large tax cuts for workers and no tax on tips," "defend our constitution," "prevent World War III" by restoring peace in Europe and the Middle East and putting an end to "weaponization" of the government.

  A political party's platform distinctly outlines its positions on foreign and domestic policies, but it is not binding and doesn't directly impact the work of elected officials or candidates.

  Monday's move by the committee comes as abortion remains a key issue for voters in an election year in what is expected to be a close race between Trump and President Joe Biden.

  In 2016, the Republican Party -- on their way to nominating Trump for the first time -- adopted a strict, conservativeplatformaround issues of gender and sexual orientation against the efforts by some of the party's more moderate faction to soften that language. An identical platform was approved in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic made it difficult for party committees to convene and adjust language. During that convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, Trump was chosen as the party's nominee for a second time.

  The Republican platform since the1980shas articulated support for a constitutional amendment that would assert the sanctity and protection of human life, extending to unborn children. This is the first time in 40 years that the RNC has not explicitly endorsed a national ban on abortion in the platform.

  Now, in 2024, the GOP will work to finalize a platform for the first time since the Dobbs decision overturned the constitutional right to an abortion more than two years ago. The plan could play an outsized role in establishing the ideals of a party reinvented by the former president, who has been clear about his opposition to a federal ban and his preference for this issue to be left up to the states.

  Trump's position on reproductive rights has worried some anti-abortion activists and RNC members who have expressed concern that the call for a "right to life" amendment would be stripped from the platform this year.

  A platform committee member who spoke with ABC News following the vote, which passed 84-14, said there was a lot of "unanimity" around the language, even from some of the more socially conservative members who have been vocally opposing a platform reflective of Trump's abortion stances.

  "We had a whole bunch of people stand up and go the microphone [during a comment section]. And for the most part, things were really quite upbeat. People were happy to see this document," the member said.

  Following the vote, SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser -- a major antiabortion leader and one of the individuals lobbying the Trump team about the platform this year -- released a statement supporting the document.

  "It is important that the GOP reaffirmed its commitment to protect unborn life today through the 14th Amendment. Under this amendment, Congress enacts and enforces its provisions. The Republican Party remains strongly pro-life at the national level. The mission of the pro-life movement, for the next six months, must be to defeat the Biden-Harris extreme abortion agenda," Dannenfelser wrote.

  "The platform allows us to provide the winning message to 10 million voters, with four million visits at the door in key battleground states," Dannenfelser added.

  But others, including Gayle Ruzicka, a Republican National Committee platform member from Utah, told ABC affiliate WISN that she was disappointed with how the platform vote was “forced” on committee members and with how it handled abortion.

  "I'm extremely disappointed that we do not have any pro-life language. There are good things in this platform. … This is the first time we don't have a pro-life platform. The platform simply says that we oppose late-term abortion. Well, what about before that?” Ruzicka said.

  At a political event in Waukesha, Wisconsin, following the vote on Monday afternoon, RNC Chairman Michael Whatley dispelled notions that the platform was weak on the issue of abortion.

  "We have a very solid pro-life platform. We feel very, very solid about it. I think you can just look at the number of pro-life groups from across the country that have come in and said that they strongly support this platform. Look, the Republican Party stands for life. And we are always going to stand for life. I think when you look at this platform, you're going to see that it is very pro-America. It is very pro-family. It is very pro-life. And we feel very strong about the language that we have," Whatley said.

  The Biden campaign responded to the GOP platform's softened language on abortion by reinforcing their stance that Trump, should he regain the presidency, would not be moderate on the issue.

  "Despite Trump and his team’s best efforts, the American people are clear on just how far he would go to rip away their freedoms – and they’ll vote accordingly this November," Biden-Harris 2024 Spokesperson Sarafina Chitika said in a statement.

  “Donald Trump has made it clear with his own words and actions what he will do if he regains power – rip away women’s freedoms, punish women, and ban abortion nationwide. You don’t have to take it from us, take it from Trump himself: He’s ‘proud’ to have ‘killed’ Roe v. Wade and unleashed extreme bans with no exceptions for rape or incest, which he calls ‘a beautiful thing to watch.’ He promised to be ‘leading the charge’ to ban abortion nationwide, and said he’d fight ‘side by side’ with extremists who want to ban abortion entirely. Trump himself said that women should be punished for having an abortion, that doctors should be criminalized for doing their jobs, and that he’s ‘looking at’ restrictions on birth control," she added.






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