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2024-07-11 10:32 -ABC  -  570370

  美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在连任竞选中面临着一个关键时刻,尽管他努力关闭民主党要求他退出2024年竞选的呼声不断高涨。

  与唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的辩论表现不佳,重新引发了人们对拜登年龄和健康状况的质疑,以开展他的竞选活动,并再服务四年。拜登一直坚称他会坚持到底,本周他告诉立法者他不会去任何地方。



  美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)将于美国东部时间周四下午5:30回答媒体提问,这是他在辩论表演后爆发候选人争议以来的首次新闻发布会。



  1小时19分钟前 亚利桑那州州长霍布斯说,拜登有很多工作要做,以向选民保证

  亚利桑那州州长凯蒂·霍布斯(Katie Hobbs)是一名民主党人,他几乎参加了总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)和州长们最近的会议,也加入了州长们对拜登表示担忧的行列,周三告诉记者,拜登“有很多事情要做”,以向选民保证他的能力。




  2024年7月10日,美国中部时间晚上11:35 第一参议员加入了要求拜登退出的呼声





  2024年7月10日,美国中部时间晚上10:47 9日民主党人呼吁拜登退出竞选





  美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在连任竞选中面临着一个关键时刻,尽管他努力关闭民主党要求他退出2024年竞选的呼声不断高涨。

  与唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的辩论表现不佳,重新引发了人们对拜登年龄和健康状况的质疑,以开展他的竞选活动,并再服务四年。拜登一直坚称他会坚持到底,本周他告诉立法者他不会去任何地方。



  美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)将于美国东部时间周四下午5:30回答媒体提问,这是他在辩论表演后爆发候选人争议以来的首次新闻发布会。




  亚利桑那州州长凯蒂·霍布斯(Katie Hobbs)是一名民主党人,他几乎参加了总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)和州长们最近的会议,也加入了州长们对拜登表示担忧的行列,周三告诉记者,拜登“有很多事情要做”,以向选民保证他的能力。




  2024年7月10日,美国中部时间晚上11:35 第一参议员加入了要求拜登退出的呼声










  AFL-CIO calls on Democrats to unite behind Biden

  The AFL-CIO for the second time in a week put out a statement in support of President Joe Biden after unanimously voting to reaffirm their support for the Biden-Harris ticket, saying that they are the "most pro-union administration in our lifetimes."

  The union, which endorsed the Biden-Harris campaign in June 2023, urged Democrats to support Biden saying, "The labor movement is united behind President Biden and Vice President Harris. We urge his party and the American people to join us."

  "The message from today’s meeting couldn’t have been clearer: Right now, it’s time to come together around a vision of a country where everyone has a fair shot with a living wage, affordable health care, retirement security, and time to do the things we love like spending time with family and friends and pursuing our interests and passions. These are fundamental to, as the president reiterated to our meeting, building the economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not the top down," the AFL-CIO Executive Council said in a statement..

  Newsom says he won't challenge Harris, reiterates support for Biden

  California Gov. Gavin Newsom was again asked about the future of President Biden's campaign and whether he'd challenge Vice President Kamala Harris if she took the ticket during a news conference on the ongoing wildfires Wednesday.

  Newsom stood by comments he made in 2023 when he said he would not run against Harris.

  The governor reiterated that he is still backing Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee.

  "I think I’ve had 100 media outlets asking the same question, and I think that I’ve amply answered my support for the president and the support I saw on the ground was demonstrable," he said.

  Newsom said he didn't read the full comments that formerHouse Speaker Nancy Pelosigave on MSNBC where she said, "It's up to the president to decide if he is going to run."

  He also said he had not readGeorge Clooney's New York Times op-edthat called on Biden to bow out.

  Morale 'very low' at White House as staff frustrated by Clooney op-ed: Source

  Morale "is very low in the building," a person who works regularly with senior level White House staff told ABC News Wednesday.

  Some in President Joe Biden's inner circle, including senior adviser Anita Dunn and chief of staff Jeff Zients, are said to be very frustrated and upset byGeorge Clooney’s op-edin the New York Times in which he calls on Biden to step aside, the source said.

  The donor class is also deeply divided, a Democratic adviser told ABC News.

  Although small donations continue to pour in and the very largest donors are doubling down, the huge swath of donors in the middle are holding back, according to the adviser. That group of donors, which gives anywhere from five to eight figures, are on pause, which is very damaging since they’re a major part of the donor ecosystem, the adviser said.

  This adviser adds that the hand-wringing in the meantime has been very harmful to the campaign.

  Another Democratic fundraiser says while a strong performance at the solo press conference Thursday could help the situation, many donors believe the crisis around Biden just won’t go away.

  The doubts raised by members of Congress, the comments from Nancy Pelosi, and the op-ed from George Clooney are all fueling a flurry of discussions among donors about what to do if Biden drops out.

  Some Congressional Black Caucus members back Biden

  Several Congressional Black Caucus members expressed their support for the president as the Democratic nominee following their weekly meeting Wednesday.

  "I’m going to work very hard for him," Rep. Maxine Waters. a California Democrat, told ABC News. "I think he’s kept all his promises and I am very very supportive."

  Waters and Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, emphasized their prior endorsements of the president’s reelection bid and support Biden's decision to stay in the race.

  "I do not think he should step aside," Green said. "And I think the president has said he is not stepping aside, so I think that counts too doesn’t it."

  Rep. Cori Bush D-Miss., however, did not give a full-throated endorsement but emphasized she wants to beat Trump in November.

  When ask if Biden can defeat the former president, Bush told ABC News, "that is a question for Joe Biden."

  "I can’t speak to that. It’s up to the president," she added.


  Jeffries plans to relay Democrats concerns directly to Biden

  House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., has told colleagues in private meetings that he plans to relay concerns about President Biden's campaign -- voiced by House Democrats -- personally to the president, multiple people familiar with his comments told. ABC News.

  Jeffries has been huddling with Democrats from across the ideological spectrum this week to hear their worries about the presidential election and their own down-ballot races following Biden’s poor debate performance and his interview with ABC News.

  Biden to hold one-on-one interview with NBC's Lester Holt

  President Joe Biden will hold a one-on-one interview with NBC News' Lester Holt Monday, the network announced.

  This will mark the second TV interview Biden has held since last month's presidential debate.

  Holt will interview Biden earlier in the day while he's in Austin, Texas, and the full interview will air at 9 p.m. ET, the network announced.

  3:23 AM CST Republican presses top officials on Biden's mental fitness

  In back-to-back House Financial Services Committee hearings with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, both regular, annual hearings on their agency's policies, Republican Mike Lawler of New York redirected from questions about inflation and tariffs on Russia to ask each official about their personal interactions with the president.

  Yellen said she wouldn't describe the content of her meetings with the president or say when she last met with him because it was "private," but she called Biden "extremely effective."

  "The president is extremely effective in the meetings that I've been in with him, that includes many international meetings that are multi hour, like his meetings with President Xi [Jinping of China]," she said.

  "Madam secretary, have there been any discussions among Cabinet secretaries about invoking the 25th Amendment?" Lawler asked.

  "No," Yellen said resolutely. The 25th Amendment states that the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet can together remove power from the president if he or she is incapacitated.

  Powell, asked by Lawler if he’s "noticed any mental or cognitive decline” in meetings with the president, said “no.”

  But Powell noted that he’d only interacted with the president twice in the last two years -- once for a meeting and once to shake his hand at a state dinner, which Powell said was normal for presidents and Federal Reserve chairs, given the independence of the agency.






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