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北达科他州州长、特朗普的潜在竞选伙伴道格·伯根(Doug Burgum)是谁?

2024-07-12 10:11 -ABC  -  429990

  自去年年底竞选总统失败以来,北达科他州州长道格 伯根已经取得了很大进步。现在,他是考虑中的最佳候选人之一作为前总统唐纳德 特朗普的竞选搭档。


  1983年,Burgum投资了一家小型科技创业公司Great Plains Software,后来在1984年成为该公司的总裁。2001年,Burgum以超过10亿美元的价格将公司卖给了微软,从此独立致富。













  阅读ABC新闻对其他顶级副总统候选人的简介,佛罗里达州参议员马尔科·卢比奥和俄亥俄州参议员J.D .万斯。

  Who is Doug Burgum, North Dakota governor and potential Trump running mate?

  North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum has come a long way since his failed presidential bid late last year. Now,he's one of the top candidates under considerationfor being former President Donald Trump's running mate.

  Burgum was born in Arthur, North Dakota, and attended North Dakota State University and Stanford Business School.

  In 1983, Burgum invested in a small tech startup, Great Plains Software and would later become the company's president in 1984. Burgum sold the company to Microsoft for over $1 billion in 2001, becoming independently wealthy from his business career.

  In 2016, Burgum launched his campaign to become governor of North Dakota. He entered the race with no political experience, but won the election in November 2016 and was sworn in as governor in December 2016.

  Burgum won his gubernatorial reelection with more than 65% of the vote in November 2020.

  Burgum announced last January that he would not seek a third term as governor of North Dakota. In June 2024, he announced his candidacy for president of the United States.

  Burgum entered the raceas an underdog and struggled to raise money, donating millions to his own campaign.

  Some of the key issues Burgum discussed on the campaign trail were the economy, energy and national security.

  Burgum participated in two GOP primary debates. In order to get on the first debate stage, Burgum gifted $20 gift cards to 50,000 people who gave $1 to his campaign.

  During the second debate, Burgum poured more money into ad buys and another gift card giveaway to reach the RNC's donor threshold. He failed to make the cut for the third GOP primary debate.

  Burgumendorsed Trump in the 2024 electionand became one of his busiest surrogates, campaigning for the former president and raising money for his reelection campaign.

  Trump is expected toannounce his running mate soon. His senior adviser, Jason Miller, said Monday that Trump could announce his choice "any time this week" as the Republican National Convention approaches on July 15.

  As Trump considers Burgum for the role, the former president indicatedin a Fox News interview Wednesday morningthat the issue of abortion will play a role in his decision.

  Asked in the interview if Burgum's signature on a six-week abortion ban last April would be an issue, Trump answered, a "little bit."

  Burgum resides in North Dakota and is married to his wife, Kathryn. He has two sons and one daughter from a previous marriage.

  Read ABC News' profiles of other top vice presidential hopefuls,Florida Sen. Marco RubioandOhio Sen. J.D. Vance.






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