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2024-09-05 10:04 -ABC  -  406484

  司法部长梅里克·加兰(Merrick Garland)周三宣布,将全面打击俄罗斯政府通过旨在向美国选民传播虚假信息的秘密网络影响即将到来的2024年大选的决斗行为。


  在周三司法部的一次会议上,加兰和美国联邦调查局主任克里斯托弗·雷(Christopher Wray)强调了国内外试图影响选民的事件,以及对选举管理者的普遍和日益增长的威胁。


  美国司法部(Justice Department)指控,俄罗斯国家控制的媒体机构“今日俄罗斯”(Russia Today)的两名员工实施了一项近1000万美元的计划,“资助并指导一家总部位于田纳西州的公司发布和传播被认为有利于俄罗斯政府的内容。”

  司法部长表示,为了实现这一目标,这两名员工——31岁的Kostiantyn Kalashnikov,又名Kostya和27岁的Elena Afanasyeva——据称指示该公司与社交媒体影响者签订合同,以扩大俄罗斯的宣传。





  蒂姆·普尔(Tim Pool)在X上发布了一份关于这些指控的长篇声明,称如果这些指控属实,他和特尼特媒体的其他人“受到了欺骗,是受害者。”本尼·约翰逊在他自己的帖子中说,“我们对今天起诉书中的指控感到不安,这表明我和其他有影响的人是这个所谓计划的受害者。”周三,当记者通过电话联系到田纳西州数据库中被称为该公司代理人的人(在美国备案文件中被确认为特尼特媒体的所有者和总裁)时,他拒绝接受美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)关于起诉或指控的采访,只是说:“我现在对此无可奉告。...现在,我不得不拒绝向你透露任何相关信息。”



  副总检察长丽莎·莫纳科(Lisa Monaco)表示,他们将不带任何恐惧或偏袒地继续调查选举威胁。















  此外,美国财政部外国资产控制办公室(Office of Foreign Assets Control)周三表示,它正在指定10名个人(包括几名RT员工)和两个实体,作为美国对“莫斯科针对2024年美国总统选举的恶意影响努力”的回应的一部分。


  Biden admin targets Russia over 2024 election disinformation efforts

  Attorney General Merrick Garland announced a sweeping crackdown Wednesday on dueling efforts by the Russian government to influence the upcoming 2024 election through covert networks aimed at spreading disinformation to American voters.

  For months, the Biden administration has been publicly warning of Russia's efforts to influence Americans through disinformation and propaganda to sow distrust in the election.

  In a meeting Wednesday at the Justice Department, Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray highlighted both foreign and domestic incidents of attempts to influence voters, as well as pervasive and growing threats against those who administer elections.

  "The Justice Department will not tolerate attempts by an authoritarian regime to exploit our country's free exchange of ideas in order to covertly further its own propaganda efforts, and our investigation into this matter remains ongoing," Garland said.

  The Justice Department alleged that two employees of Russia Today, or RT -- a Russian state-controlled media outlet, implemented a nearly $10 million scheme "to fund and direct a Tennessee-based company to publish and disseminate content deemed favorable to the Russian government."

  To carry this out, the attorney general said the two employees -- 31-year-old Kostiantyn Kalashnikov, also known as Kostya, and Elena Afanasyeva, 27 -- allegedly directed the company to contract with social media influencers to amplify Russian propaganda.

  "The company never disclosed to the influencers or to their millions of followers its ties to RT and the Russian government. Instead, the defendants and the company claimed that the company was sponsored by a private investor, but that private investor was a fictitious persona," Garland said.

  The unnamed Tennessee-based company is described in the indictment as "U.S. Company-1."

  Sources familiar with the matter tell ABC News that the company is Tenet Media, whose website features videos from the popular right-wing and pro-Trump commentators Benny Johnson, Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, Lauren Southern and two others.

  The indictment does not allege that any commentators knowingly took part in this alleged scheme, with the indictment specifically saying that two commentators were "deceive[d]."

  Tim Pool posted a lengthy statement on X about the allegations, saying that if they are true, he and others at Tenet Media "were deceived and are victims." In his own post, Benny Johnson said, "We are disturbed by the allegations in today’s indictment, which make clear that myself and other influencers were victims in this alleged scheme." When reached by phone on Wednesday, the person named as the company’s agent in the Tennessee state database -- identified as Tenet Media's owner and president in the U.S. filings -- declined to speak with ABC News about the indictment or the allegations, saying only: "I don't have a comment on it right now. ... Right now I just have to deny you any further info about it."

  Russian entities also created fake websites to allegedly further influence the election, officials said.

  "RT has used people living and working inside the U.S. to facilitate contracts with American media figures to create and disseminate Russian propaganda here. The content was pitched as legitimate independent news when, in fact, much of it was created in Russia by RT employees who work for the Russian government," Wray said. "The second operation reveals even more malign activities by companies working under the direction and control of the Russian government, companies that created media websites to trick Americans into unwittingly consuming Russian propaganda."

  Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said they will continue to investigate election threats without fear or favor.

  "Russia remains a predominant foreign threat to our elections, and as the intelligence community has publicly reported, and as I have previously warned, Iran also is accelerating its efforts to influence our elections, including the presidential election," Monaco said.

  Wray also delivered a blunt message for Iran and China when asked what the bureau's response would be to those who intend to meddle in the presidential election: "Knock it off."

  The attorney general said Russia is using new techniques Russia such as artificial intelligence and other cyber techniques.

  "They're now using bot farms in a way that was not possible before, and therefore it's a bigger threat than it ever was before. I would just say that [the] reality is that Russia has meddled in our society and tried to sow discord for decades," Garland said.

  The DOJ also announced that it's targeting a Russian disinformation campaign referred to as "Doppelganger."

  The DOJ has seized 32 internet domains it claims have been used by the Russian government and government-sponsored actors to allegedly engage in the Doppelganger influence campaign by spreading propaganda intended to reduce international support for Ukraine, bolster support for pro-Russian policies and influence American voters, according to newly unsealed court records.

  Garland on Wednesday also highlighted domestic efforts to threaten election officials around the country.

  Since March, the Election Threats Task Force has participated in more than 25 engagements, trainings and tabletop exercises, including both with law enforcement partners and partners in the election community, the attorney general said.

  Over the next several weeks, task force representatives will be on the ground meeting with election workers and, in early November, both in advance of and after Election Day, the FBI will host federal partners at its headquarters command center to address events, issues and potential crimes related to the elections in real time, Garland said.

  "Election officials and administrators do not need to navigate this threat environment alone," he added.

  CNN first reported news of the expected law enforcement actions.

  In a statement Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken outlined the steps the State Department said it's taking to "counter Kremlin-backed media outlets' malicious operations seeking to influence or interfere in the 2024 U.S. elections."

  The measures include introducing a new visa restriction policy to penalize adversaries, designating RT's parent company and subsidiaries as entities controlled by a foreign government, and offering cash rewards for information on the Russian intelligence-linked hacking group RaHDit under its "Rewards for Justice" program.

  "Today's announcement highlights the lengths some foreign governments go to undermine American democratic institutions. But these foreign governments should also know that we will not tolerate foreign malign actors intentionally interfering and undermining free and fair elections," Blinken said.

  In addition, the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control said Wednesday that it's designating 10 individuals -- including several RT employees -- and two entities as part of the U.S. response to "Moscow's malign influence efforts targeting the 2024 U.S. presidential election."

  The head of a "hacktivist" group RaHDit and two associates were also part of Wednesday's sanctions, the Treasury Department said in a statement.






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