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2019-08-01 15:21  美国新闻网  -  1588












Bernie Sanders

7月30日,美国有线电视新闻网在密歇根州底特律福克斯剧院主办的2020年总统竞选季第二轮民主党初选辩论中,民主党总统候选人伯尼·桑德斯发表了闭幕词BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/法新社




2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders responded to criticism from GOP Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, blasing the lawmaker and accusing him and other "multi-millionaires" of rigging the economy at the expense of the middle class.

Sanders, a senator from Vermont who is himself a multi-millionaire, Romney after the Utah lawmaker argued in a tweet that the presidential candidate hasn't accomplished much during his tenure in Congress. "Asked why @BernieSanders is so angry, the answer is simple: 28 years in Congress and never able to pass even a scintilla of his socialist agenda. All hat, no cattle," Romney tweeted on Wednesday.

Responding a couple of hours later, Sanders retweeted the post with his own criticism. "I'm angry because multi-millionaires like you and Trump have rigged our economy at the middle class' expense," the senator, who identifies as a democratic socialist, wrote. "I'm angry because millions are living paycheck to paycheck. I'm angry because 34 million Americans are uninsured. Why doesn't that anger you?" he asked.

I'm angry because multi-millionaires like you and Trump have rigged our economy at the middle class' expense.

I'm angry because millions are living paycheck to paycheck.

I'm angry because 34 million Americans are uninsured.

Why doesn't that anger you? https://t.co/bhpn8Kgb9T

— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) July 31, 2019

Romney and his wife have a net worth that has previously been estimated as being between $190 and $250 million. While Sanders classified President Donald Trump as a multi-millionaire, the commander-in-chief's net worth is estimated to be about $3.1 billion, meaning he is a multi-billionaire.

Although Sanders grew up in rent-controlled housing in Brooklyn and spent his early career as an activist and aspiring politician struggling financially, his fortunes turned somewhat dramatically with the publication of his best seller Our Revolution published in November 2016. According to the senator's tax returns, he and his wife had a combined income of $240,622 in 2015. A year later, that amount shot up to $1,073,000 following the publication of his book and his 2016 presidential bid.

Sanders has long been a critic of wealth inequality in America, advocating for higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations to pay for social programs such as universal healthcare, free higher education and student loan forgiveness. With the net worth of Sanders and his wife now estimated to be about $2.5 million, some critics have pounced on the senator for being wealthy himself.

"You raised the issue I am a millionaire. Well actually this year we had $560,000 in income, and that's a lot of money, and that money in my case, my wife's case, it came from a book that I wrote. Pretty good book. You might want to read it," Sanders said during an April town hall with Fox News.

"It's a best-seller, sold all over the world, we made money. So if anyone thinks that I should apologize for writing a best-selling book, I'm sorry, I'm not going to do it," Sanders added.

Bernie Sanders
Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders delivers his closing statement during the first round of the second Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign season hosted by CNN at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, Michigan on July 30BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP

Despite now being part of the wealthiest one percent of Americans, Sanders has continued to support increasing taxes on the wealthy. His proposals, and those of other left-wing politicians which he routinely collaborates with, would see his personal tax bill increase substantially.

"We have an absurd tax system," Sanders said during the April Fox News town hall. "While millions of people today are paying more in taxes than they anticipated, Amazon, Netflix and dozens of major corporations as a result of Trump's tax bill paid nothing in federal taxes. I think that's a disgrace."







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