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关于大规模枪击事件 反对特朗普主义者指责说道:“血在他手上”

2019-08-05 16:44  美国新闻网  -  3184










特朗普现在删除了他称移民为“入侵”的推文,因为他鼓动埃尔帕索枪手谋杀20人,以“阻止西班牙人入侵德克萨斯州”。抱歉@realDonaldTrump,但互联网是永恒的。#特朗普主义者 pic.twitter.com/yeiZjcjve8




请不要尽可能在任何地方分享它们。这会让他心烦意乱,他今天下午也不会喜欢他的高尔夫球比赛。#足够多 #白人至上恐怖主义 #这是美国 #特朗普主义者https://t.co/eJcepe3hqd



突破:唐纳德·特朗普总统暂停打高尔夫球,赞扬他忠诚的门徒的出色工作;帕特里克·克鲁修斯和康纳·贝茨。#特朗普主义者 pic.twitter.com/xNsh1BxDIR






“这些是#特朗普主义者在...的帮助和教唆下#马萨里克米奇”,推特用户@ 4everNeverTrump写道。







和他可恶的种族主义言论(沉浸在他对被爱的嫉妒中@BarackObama仍然是)不断让美国人在购物或庆祝时被杀害。他的遗产是死亡、欺骗和毁灭ðÿ#弹劾基诺 #特朗普主义者 https://t.co/7IpnWpiKuk





当我们像这样分裂的时候,我们怎么可能团结起来帮助这些人呢?#白人至上恐怖主义 #特朗普主义者


“停止制造关于政治的埃尔帕索和代顿枪击案!#足够多 #特朗普主义者趋势?这与总统无关&德克萨斯州枪手是一个极左分子#白人至上恐怖主义喜剧演员特伦斯·威廉姆斯在推特上写道。



&德克萨斯射手是一个极左分子#白人至上恐怖主义 # gunncontrolnow别忘了提到芝加哥的1500枪pic.twitter.com/J6BSJOCoie



所以如果我告诉某人从悬崖上跳下来,他们就会从悬崖上跳下来。是我的错吗?不,是那家伙的错,我没有强迫他跳,是吗?特朗普从未煽动任何人使用暴力。#特朗普主义者 pic.twitter.com/XllfkObcGd

— pablo (@PabloILCT)2019年8月4日


Donald Trump


Following two mass shootings this weekend, the hashtag #TrumpsTerrorists trended on Twitter on Sunday afternoon, with thousands of Americans blaming President Donald Trump for allegedly encouraging violence against immigrants with his racial rhetoric.

A gunman, identified as 21-year-old Patrick Crusius, opened fire at a Walmart near the Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso, Texas on Saturday, leaving 20 dead and at least 26 others injured. Authorities told the Washington Post that they were investigating a manifesto, allegedly written by the shooter, that contains strong anti-immigration sentiments and sympathy for the Christchurch shooter, an Australian gunman involved in attacks on New Zealand mosques that left 49 dead earlier this year.

Hours later, on Sunday morning, a separate shooter killed nine in Dayton, Ohio.

Although the president denounced both shootings as "senseless attacks" and condemned "these hateful and cowardly acts," 2020 Democratic candidates and various other politicians disagreed over whether Trump's inflammatory rhetoric about immigrants had encouraged the hate and violence in the El Paso shooting.

Trump "is a racist and he stokes racism in this country," former Texas congressman Beto O'Rourke said on Saturday. "And it does not just offend our sensibilities, it fundamentally changes the character of this country and it leads to violence."

Meanwhile, acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney defended the president, saying the El Paso shooter "felt this way a long time before Donald Trump got elected president."

Twitter users used the hashtag #TrumpsTerrorists on Sunday to weigh in on the issue, with thousands condemning the president for allegedly inciting violence and some defending him.

"Trump is now deleting his tweets calling immigrants an 'invasion' now that he inspired the El Paso shooter to murder 20 people to 'stop the Hispanic invasion of Texas.' Sorry @realDonaldTrump, but the internet is forever. #TrumpsTerrorists," Andrew Wortman tweeted, alongside screenshots of the president's tweets.

Trump is now deleting his tweets calling immigrants an “invasion” now that he inspired the El Paso shooter to murder 20 people to “stop the Hispanic invasion of Texas.” Sorry @realDonaldTrump, but the internet is forever.#TrumpsTerrorists pic.twitter.com/yeiZjcjve8

— Andrew Wortman (@AmoneyResists) August 4, 2019

"Trump just deleted all of these tweets that called immigrants 'invaders'. Please don't share them everywhere you possibly can. It will upset him and he won't enjoy his golf game this afternoon. #EnoughIsEnough #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism #ThisIsAmerica #TrumpsTerrorists," Holly Figueroa O'Reilly tweeted.

Trump just deleted all of these tweets that called immigrants "invaders".

Please don't share them everywhere you possibly can. It will upset him and he won't enjoy his golf game this afternoon.#EnoughIsEnough #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism#ThisIsAmerica #TrumpsTerrorists https://t.co/eJcepe3hqd

— Holly Figueroa O'Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) August 4, 2019

"BREAKING: President Donald Trump takes a break from golfing, to praise the fine work of his devoted proteges; Patrick Crusius and Connor Betts. #TrumpsTerrorists," Paul Lee Ticks tweeted, alongside a short video of Trump holding up photoshopped images of the shooters. The president's hands were also photoshopped to be covered in blood.

BREAKING: President Donald Trump takes a break from golfing, to praise the fine work of his devoted proteges; Patrick Crusius and Connor Betts.#TrumpsTerroristspic.twitter.com/xNsh1BxDIR

— Paul Lee Ticks (@PaulLeeTicks) August 4, 2019

"Just to be 100% clear: Trump's MAGA hats are the modern-day all-in-one prime selection for white hood plus white robe plus swastika. There's no way around it. #TrumpsTerrorists," Andrea Junker tweeted.

Just to be 100% clear: Trump’s MAGA hats are the modern-day all-in-one prime selection for white hood plus white robe plus swastika. 

There’s no way around it. #TrumpsTerrorists

— Andrea Junker (@Strandjunker) August 4, 2019

"These are #TrumpsTerrorists, aided and abetted by #MassacreMitch," Twitter user @4everNeverTrump wrote.

These are #TrumpsTerrorists, aided and abetted by #MassacreMitch.

— Pé Resists (@4everNeverTrump) August 4, 2019

"I don't want to hear one word from Trump supporters. There has been a SURGE in hate crimes since that racist took office. now. #TrumpsTerrorists," Twitter user @bobbitz57 wrote.

I don't want to hear one word from Trump supporters. There has been a SURGE in hate crimes since that racist took office. The blood is on HIS hands now. #TrumpsTerroristspic.twitter.com/D0FLXLseoK

— Christine Peace (@bobbitz57) August 4, 2019

"And his hateful racist rhetoric (steeped in his jealousy of how loved @BarackObama still is) keeps getting Americans killed while they shop or celebrate. His legacy is one of death, deception, & destruction. #ImpeachmentInquiryNow #TrumpsTerrorists," writer Tara Dublin tweeted.

And his hateful racist rhetoric (steeped in his jealousy of how loved @BarackObama still is) keeps getting Americans killed while they shop or celebrate. His legacy is one of death, deception, & destruction 🤬#ImpeachmentInquiryNow #TrumpsTerroristshttps://t.co/7IpnWpiKuk

— Tara Dublin (@taradublinrocks) August 4, 2019

Some Trump supporters also used the hashtag to defend the president from his opponents.

"Wow... in the wake of 2 horrific mass shootings, leftists have decided to blame everything on President Trump and White People. How can we possibly come together as a nation to help these people when we are being divided like this? #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism #TrumpsTerrorists," author Nick Adams tweeted.

Wow...in the wake of 2 horrific mass shootings, leftists have decided to blame everything on President Trump and White People.

How can we possibly come together as a nation to help these people when we are being divided like this?#WhiteSupremacistTerrorism #TrumpsTerrorists

— Nick Adams (@NickAdamsinUSA) August 4, 2019

"STOP making the El Paso & Dayton SHOOTINGS ABOUT POLITICS! #EnoughIsEnough#TrumpsTerrorists Trending? This has nothing to do with the President & TX shooter was an Extreme Leftist #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism," comedian Terrence K. Williams tweeted.

STOP making the El Paso & Dayton SHOOTINGS ABOUT POLITICS! #EnoughIsEnough 

#TrumpsTerrorists Trending? This has nothing to do with the President 

& TX shooter was an Extreme Leftist #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism #GunControlNow don’t forget to mention the 1500 shot in Chicago pic.twitter.com/J6BSJOCoie

— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) August 4, 2019

"So if I tell someone to jump off a cliff, and they jump off a cliff. Is it my fault? NO, IT'S THE GUY'S FAULT I DIDN'T FORCE HIM TO JUMP DID I? Trump NEVER incited violence to anyone. #TrumpsTerrorists," Twitter user @PabloILCT wrote.

So if I tell someone to jump off a cliff, and they jump off a cliff. Is it my fault? NO, IT'S THE GUY'S FAULT I DIDN'T FORCE HIM TO JUMP DID I? Trump NEVER incited violence to anyone. #TrumpsTerroristspic.twitter.com/XllfkObcGd

— pablo (@PabloILCT) August 4, 2019
Donald Trump
U.S. President Donald Trump talks to journalists before boarding Marine One and departing the White House August 02, 2019 in Washington, DC. The hashtags #TrumpsTerrorists and #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism trended on Twitter on Sunday after with mass shootings.CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY






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