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2019-08-11 20:22  美国新闻网  -  3752


       民主党总统候选人玛丽安·威廉姆森周六告诉“每日邮报 ”,左翼的“强大势力”试图让她远离下个月的第三次民主党辩论。





       Willamson也是辩论后最受谷歌搜索的候选人 - 即使她收到的话时间最少。


       民主党总统候选人必须拥有130,000名独立捐助者,并且在8月28日截止日期之前的四次民意调查中至少有2%的支持,以便进行9月份的辩论。到目前为止,只有九名候选人超过了这个门槛 - 截至星期六,威廉姆森短缺约12,000名捐助者。

       威廉姆森说:“我几乎已经达到捐赠者的需要,我们将在接下来的一周左右发现,我是否已经在这些民意调查中得出2%,这两次辩论的影响有多大。” 。




       根据The Daily Mai l的说法,她将此归咎于这一事实,即她是一名经营非传统政治运动的女性。

       “这显然是一个策略性很好的故意涂片,”她说。“谈话要点很明显。这些话是反科学的,反医学的。她很疯狂。她很危险。她是个凶手。谈话要点很明显。我必须告诉你一些事情 - 这是一种古老的厌女症关于任何一个没有遵守现状的女性,只是备份。她很可怕。她很危险。“


       Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson told The Daily Mail on Saturday that "powerful forces" on the left are trying to keep her away from the third Democratic debate next month.

       "There's well-strategized effort to smear me. There's no doubt about that," she said Friday night at the Iowa Wing Ding dinner, a local party fundraiser.

       Willamson said she didn't expect that kind of behavior from her Democratic opponents: "It's very frustrating because I like to think on the left we don't do things like that. So it's been a bit of a wake-up call," she said on Saturday.

       "But apparently there's some very powerful forces that want to make sure I'm not in that third debate so I must be doing something right if they've worked so hard to create that," she added.

       The self-help author and guru has attracted increased attention this summer due to her emotion-oriented policy platform. During the CNN democratic debate on July 31, Williamson made an impact while laying out a plan for reparations and running on a platform of love. The candidate also drew attention when she referred to President Donald Trump as a "dark psychic force."

       Willamson was also the most Googled candidate after the debate - even though she received the least amount of speaking time.

Marianne Williamson
Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson speaks during the Democratic Presidential Debate at the Fox Theatre July 30, 2019 in Detroit, Michigan. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

       Democratic presidential candidates must have 130,000 unique donors, and register at least 2 percent support in four polls ahead of the August 28 deadline to make September's debate. So far, only nine candidates have passed this threshold — Williamson is short about 12,000 donors as of Saturday.

       "I'm almost at the point of the donors needed and we'll find out in the next week or so whether I've made it in that 2 percent in those polls and how much effect those two debates have had," Williamson said.

       On Friday, Williamson said she was also the victim of sexist smears by her political rivals as she pursues the Democratic presidential nomination.

       "'I've heard things said about me, for which there is absolutely no evidence, no truth and things about what there's plenty of evidence to the contrary," she told reporters at the Iowa State Fair.

       "I have seen great minds, some of my intellectual heroes in this country, repeating stories about me that come from websites and tweets that on the level of The National Enquirer. I've been rather shocked, I must say," she continued.

       She blamed this on the fact, according to The Daily Mail, that she is a woman running an unconventional political campaign.

       "It's obviously a well-strategized intentional smear," she said. "The talking points are obvious. The words are anti-science, anti-medicine. She's crazy. She's dangerous. She's a grifter. The talking points are obvious. And I have to tell you something – there's an ancient strain of misogyny which says about any woman that doesn't toe the line that is the status quo to just back up. She's scary. She's dangerous."






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