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2021-04-01 12:44   美国新闻网   - 


查尔斯·麦克米伦(Charles McMillian)住在Cup Foods附近,他说,当他看到弗洛伊德与警方的遭遇时,他正开车经过。在一个旁观者拍摄的病毒视频中,可以听到麦克米伦和弗洛伊德交谈,告诉他,“你赢不了,伙计。”

PHOTO: Witness Charles McMillian wipes his face while testifying during the second day of the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis, March 30, 2021



检察官艾琳·埃尔德里奇(Erin Eldridge)在法庭上播放了一段新视频——一段由Cup Foods的摄像机和前明尼阿波利斯警官德里克·肖万的身体摄像机拍摄的监控录像的合成视频,显示了弗洛伊德被救护车带走后,麦克米伦与前肖万的对峙。




PHOTO: Defense attorney Eric Nelson and defendant former Minneapolis police Officer Derek Chauvin listen during the trial of Chauvin at the Hennepin County Courthouse in Minneapolis, Minn., March 31, 2021.








Witness breaks down while watching body camera footage of George Floyd's arrest: 'I feel helpless'

A man who witnessed George Floyd's arrest broke down on the stand as he watched composite footage from the encounter.

Charles McMillian, who lives near the Cup Foods, was driving by when he saw Floyd's encounter with police, he said. McMillian can be heard talking to Floyd in the viral video taken by a bystander, telling him, "You can't win, man."

Prosecutor Erin Eldridge played new video in the courtroom -- a composite of surveillance footage taken by a camera at Cup Foods and former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin's body camera that showed McMillian confront former Chauvin after Floyd was taken away in the ambulance.

As McMillian watched the footage, he became emotional, bowing his head as he sobbed and wiped his eyes.

At one point, Eldridge asked McMillian if he needed "a minute," and paused the video. McMillian continued to cry for several seconds before Eldridge offered him water.

As McMillian cried, Chauvin and his defense attorney, Eric Nelson, could be seen writing down notes.

When Eldridge asked McMillian to explain how he was feeling in that moment, he replied, "I feel helpless." Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill then called for a 10-minute break.

McMillian later testified that a few days prior to May 25, 2020, the day Floyd died, he encountered Chauvin, telling him that at the end of the day he goes home safe to his family and should let the other person do the same.

The composite video shows McMillian approaching Chauvin as he got back in his squad car after Floyd was taken away. McMillian can be heard reminding Chauvin of their conversation in the days prior.

Chauvin then responds to McMillian by describing Floyd as a "sizeable guy" and that the officers needed to "control" Floyd. Chauvin also mentioned that Floyd was "probably on something."

The defense declined to cross-examine McMillian.






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