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2021-06-05 15:05   美国新闻网   - 



消息人士告诉美国广播公司新闻,特朗普通过他的前白宫副法律顾问帕特里克·菲尔宾(Patrick Philbin)向委员会明确表示,他不打算阻止麦加恩作证。另一位前白宫律师斯科特·加斯特(Scott Gast)将出席麦克甘的作证。

纽约司法部主席杰里·纳德勒(Jerry Nadler)在证词后的一份声明中表示,“麦克甘显然对特朗普总统拒绝听从他的法律建议感到不安,他一次又一次地为今天发生的几起令人不安的事件提供了新的线索。”


PHOTO: Former White House counsel Don McGahn, right, arrives for a closed door meeting with the House Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill, June 4, 2021, in Washington, D.C.





共和党众议员吉姆·乔丹(Jim Jordan)和马特·盖兹(Matt Gaetz)几个小时后对记者发表讲话,两人都批评众议院民主党人带回了他们所谓的旧调查,并表示采访没有透露任何新信息。


PHOTO: In this Sept. 4, 2018 file photo, White House counsel Don McGahn, listens as he attends a confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington.





在一个2019年6月独家采访特朗普在接受美国广播公司新闻频道(ABC News)记者乔治·斯特凡诺普洛斯(George Stephanopoulos)采访时表示,当麦克加恩告诉穆勒(Mueller)特朗普多次指示他让代理司法部长解除特别顾问的职务时,他“可能感到困惑”,因为他认为存在利益冲突。




PHOTO: ABC News' George Stephanopoulos talks with President Donald Trump at the White House in Washington, June 12, 2019.





麦克甘的继任者、前白宫法律顾问帕特·西坡隆(Pat Cipollone)在给委员会的一封信中写道,“麦克甘绝对不会因担任总统高级顾问期间发生的事情而被迫接受国会证词。”



Democrats say former Trump White House counsel Don McGahn 'shed new light on several troubling events' in long-awaited testimony

Former White House counsel Don McGahn appeared before the House Judiciary Committee Friday following a yearslong effort by Congress to enforce a subpoena demanding McGahn's testimony aboutevents related toformer special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.

His testimony, behind closed doors, was secured last month after the Justice Department, the committee and McGahn reached a tentative agreement on his appearance. Former PresidentDonald Trumpwas not a party to the agreement.

Trump, through his former deputy White House counsel Patrick Philbin, has made clear to the committee he doesn't intend to attempt to block McGahn from testifying, sources told ABC News. Scott Gast, another former White House lawyer, was to attend McGahn's testimony.

Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., said in a statement following the testimony that "McGahn was clearly distressed by President Trump’s refusal to follow his legal advice, again and again, and he shed new light on several troubling events today."

Nadler did not say what the new revelations were, but added a full transcript would be released "as soon as we can."

During a quick break earlier in the day, Nadler spoke briefly with reporters. Asked what it means to have McGahn available to question after the two-year battle, Nadler said, "It vindicates the congressional subpoena right."

Later Friday, when asked if McGahn seemed cooperative, Nadler said, "I think he’s cooperative," adding a few minutes after that, "I think he's being somewhat difficult, but you'll see that when the transcript comes out."

GOP Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio and Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., spoke to reporters a few hours later, both men criticizing House Democrats for bringing back what they called an old investigation and saying the interview did not reveal any new information.

The terms of the interview state that McGahn will not discuss any communications he had with employees of the executive branch that aren't in thepublicly available portions of the Mueller report. McGahn can also discuss whether Mueller's report was an accurate reflection of McGahn's comments to investigators and whether his statements were truthful.

Mueller had requested to speak with McGahn about the circumstances surrounding former FBI Director James Comey's firing and his reported involvement in the events surrounding former Attorney GeneralJeff Sessions' recusal from the Russia investigation.

The interview will be transcribed and reviewed by all parties within seven calendar days before it is made public.

In anexclusive June 2019 interviewwith ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, Trump said McGahn "may have been confused" when he told Mueller that Trump instructed him multiple times to have the acting attorney general remove the special counsel because of perceived conflicts of interest.

"The story on that very simply, No. 1, I was never going to fire Mueller. I never suggested firing Mueller," Trump told Stephanopoulos.

When Stephanopoulos pushed back and referenced McGahn's testimony, Trump was defiant.

"I don't care what (McGahn) says, it doesn't matter," Trump said. "That was to show everyone what a good counsel he was."

In August 2019, House Democratsfiled a lawsuit to enforce their subpoenademanding McGahn testify -- a move that sharply escalated their dispute with the White House by sending the fight over a key witness in Mueller's report to court for a resolution.

McGahn spent more than 30 hours with Mueller's investigators and Trump had refused to allow McGahn to provide testimony to Congress.

McGahn's successor, former White House counsel Pat Cipollone wrote in a letter to the committee "that McGahn is absolutely immune from compelled congressional testimony with respect to matters occurring during his service as a senior adviser to the President."

In November 2019, a federal district judge ruled that McGahn must comply with a congressional subpoena. But then, the Justice Department appealed that ruling and in February 2020 won out in the higher court.

A hearing in the case was scheduled last month but did not occur due to the agreement.






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