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2019-08-21 15:16  美国新闻网  -  4991


       经过多年的绘画,前美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)作为一部宪法,对美国开国元勋憎恨的美国构成了威胁,随着华盛顿特区的烧毁,艺术家乔恩麦克诺顿终于找到了一个他认为值得在唐纳德特朗普总统讨好肖像画的主题。这位犹他州画家此前曾描述过特朗普拥抱美国国旗,教导一个任性的社会主义“正义战士”捕鱼,跑步达阵,甚至在乔治华盛顿的地方画总统,用灯笼穿过“沼泽”(而不是特拉华河)高高举起。

       麦克诺顿的最新作品“杰作”将特朗普安置在艺术家的位置,因为总统在他自己的画作上拉开了帷幕。但是新作品的神秘信息 - 目前尚不清楚特朗普究竟画了什么 - 导致大量的模因嘲笑麦克诺顿的最新肖像。


唐纳德 - 特朗普佳作 - 梅拉 - 麦克诺顿
唐纳德和梅拉尼亚特朗普在7月份观看了最高法院大法官约翰保罗史蒂文斯的肖像。特朗普一直是他自己的众多肖像画的主题,包括Jon McNaughton的“杰作”。




       麦克诺顿在YouTube视频中提供了他自己对这幅画的解释。“未来对美国有什么影响?” McNaughton在视频中询问,然后描述民主党人,共和党人,媒体和所谓的深陷国家如何破坏特朗普。“但这幅画还没有完成。我相信特朗普将来会发现比以往更大程度的繁荣,正义和美国影响力。他的最大成就还有待揭示。历史将如何记住总统职位唐纳德特朗普?我相信这将被视为他的杰作。“


       After years of painting former President Barack Obama as a Constitution burning threat to the United States loathed by the Founding Fathers, literally fiddling as Washington D.C. burns, artist Jon McNaughton finally found a subject he deems worthy of fawning portraiture in President Donald Trump. The Utah painter has previously depicted Trump hugging the American flag, teaching a wayward socialist "justice warrior" to fish, running touchdowns and even painted the president in George Washington's place, crossing "the Swamp" (instead of the Delaware River) with a lantern held aloft.

       McNaughton's latest, "The Masterpiece," seats Trump in the artist's place, as the president raises the curtain on a painting of his own. But the new work's enigmatic message—it's unclear what exactly Trump has painted—has lead to a flood of memes mocking McNaughton's latest portrait.

       A new McNaughton painting is often a cause for celebration on social media. Commonly depicting Trump with a beatific smile, engaged in prayer, or sometimes as a great athlete, McNaughton's paintings can look like missives from an alternate dimension to people familiar with the president's swaggering stump speech fabrications and love of fast food and gossip. Typically promoted more by critics than fans, McNaughton's portraits dramatize the glaring contradiction between Trump's behavior and how he's perceived by his biggest supporters.

       Donald and Melania Trump look at a portrait of late Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens in July. Trump has been the subject of numerous portraits of his own, including "The Masterpiece," by Jon McNaughton.

       "The Masterpiece" is especially well-suited for meme modification, because the subject of the painting—itself a painting—can be easily changed to something other than the vague medley of blues and greens McNaughton provided.

       It could, for example, be replaced by fan art depicting a bizarre tryst between Garfield and Jon Arbuckle. Or perhaps it's Trump's unreleased tax returns hiding under the red velvet drop cloth:

       Nazi imagery was particularly common, as were modified versions portraying Trump's connections with deceased alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, including references to Epstein's bizarre portrait of former president Bill Clinton wearing Monica Lewinsky'sstained blue dress:

       McNaughton provided his own interpretation of the painting in a YouTube video. "What does the future hold for America?" McNaughton asks in the video, before describing how Democrats, Republicans, the media and an alleged Deep State have worked to undermine Trump. "But the painting is not finished. I believe that Trump will yet reveal in the future a greater degree of prosperity, justice and American influence than has ever been seen before. His greatest achievements are yet to be revealed. How will history remember the presidency of Donald Trump? I believe it will be considered his masterpiece."






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