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2021-07-31 07:19  ABC   - 













白宫新闻秘书珍·普萨基(Jen Psaki)在一份声明中表示:“鉴于三角洲变异体最近的传播,包括那些既最有可能面临驱逐又缺乏疫苗接种的美国人,拜登总统本应强烈支持疾控中心的一项决定,即在这一高度脆弱的时刻,进一步延长驱逐禁令,以保护租房者。








俄亥俄州的第11选区被认为是一个安全的民主党选区,这次民主党初选的获胜者将有可能在11月获得众议院席位,取代玛西娅·福吉,现在谁在服务担任住房和城市事务秘书。虽然选举引起了全国的关注,但前俄亥俄州州长鲍勃·塔夫特(Bob Taft)向美国广播公司(ABC News)描述称,这“更像是一场具有非常强烈的全国影响的地方选举。”


Biden confronts problem of COVID-19 'straight talk' falling on deaf ears: The Note

The TAKE withAveri Harper

President Joe Biden has issued yetanother impassioned addresson thestate of the pandemic, but for those who stand indefiance of guidancefrom health experts, does this latest lecture even matter?

In the latestABC News/Washington Post poll, 3 in 10 adults said they have not gotten acoronavirusvaccine and definitely or probably will not get one. In this group, 73% said U.S. officials are exaggerating the risk of the delta variant -- and 79% think they have little or no risk of getting sick from the coronavirus.

It's a dynamic that has fueled the surge that the president and members of his administration have dubbed the "pandemic of the unvaccinated."

"It's about life and death. That's what it's about," Biden said "I know people talk about freedom. But I learned, growing up at school and from my parents, with freedom comes responsibility. Your decision to be unvaccinated impacts someone else. Unvaccinated people spread the virus. They get sick and fill up our hospitals."

Now, Biden hasshifted to finding waysto compel the workers, at least under his purview, to get the shots with an announcement of a vaccine requirement for federal workers and contractors. Those who fail to do sowill have to makean indefinite commitment to consistent testing, masking and social distancing.

Biden told reporters he'd likestate governments,private companiesand schoolsmove in the directionof vaccine mandates.

"I had asked the Justice Department to determine whether that is -- they're able to do that legally, and they can," said Biden. "Local communities can do that. Local businesses can do that. It's still a question whether the federal government can mandate the whole country, I don't know that yet."

It remains to be seen ifpiecemeal mandatescan have the impact needed to stem the spread of COVID-19 variants that will onlycontinue to mutateas the unvaccinated are infected in large numbers.

The RUNDOWN withAlisa Wiersema

The latest of the long-lasting economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic surfaced on Thursday despite being on the horizonfor quite some time.

In a statement, the Biden administration called on Congress toextend a federal freezeon evictions that is set to expire on Saturday. The White House said they are unable to act on their end after a June Supreme Court ruling said that Congress would be the body that needed to pass legislation to further extend the policy beyond July 31.

"Given the recent spread of the delta variant, including among those Americans both most likely to face evictions and lacking vaccinations, President Biden would have strongly supported a decision by the CDC to further extend this eviction moratorium to protect renters at this moment of heightened vulnerability," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement.

As thatlooming threatfaces Americans, ABC News' Trish Turner and Mariam Khan reported that Democrats on Capitol Hill arepreparing to take actionto extend the eviction moratorium until the end of this calendar year. As of Thursday, House Democratic leadership was working on gathering support to vote on an extension as soon as Friday. Still, that goal faces asignificant hurdlegiven that the House recesses Friday for six weeks.

Amid a packed legislative schedule, the expedited process is likely to face pushback from across the aisle, with some Republicans noting that theiropposition to the moratoriumstretches back to its installment underthe previous administration.

A spokesperson for Sen. Pat Toomey said the Pennsylvania senator is in that camp, andis concerned about"unintended consequences" of extending the moratorium like "higher rents and fewer low to moderate income housing options overall."

The TIP withTina Yin

The Democratic primary in Ohio's 11th Congressional Districtheats up this weekendas Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., travels to the Buckeye State to get out the vote for his former presidential campaign surrogate Nina Turner and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., and other Congressional Black Caucus members are there to stump for Shontel Brown.

The influx of national figures in an off-year onlyillustrates the tenorof the race which has been dubbed a proxy war between the Democratic establishment and progressive wing of the party. It will play out next Tuesday.

Turner previously served as a state senator and as co-chair of Sanders' presidential campaign. She's gained support from most of the House Progressive Caucus and has the potential to be a strong progressive voice in the House. Brown serves as the chairwoman of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party and has been endorsed by prominent figures across the more moderate Democratic establishment.

Ohio's 11th is considered a safe Democratic district and the winner of this Democratic primary will likely secure the House seat in November, replacing Marcia Fudge,who is now servingas housing and urban affairs secretary. While the election has attracted national attention, former Ohio Gov. Bob Taft described it to ABC News as "more of a local race with very strong national consequences."

In the House, where margins for the Democratic majority are incredibly slim, progressives are hoping for one more to join their number.






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