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2021-08-19 17:07  abc   - 











拜登政府的新冠肺炎(新型冠状病毒肺炎)预计顾问们会给出一个助推器发射的最新情况据白宫新闻秘书珍·普萨基(Jen Psaki)称,周三上午的一次简报会上,总统还将在下午讲话时就这一话题发表讲话。



拥有检测呈阳性对于周二的冠状病毒,德克萨斯州州长格雷格·阿博特(Greg Abbott)目前已完全接种疫苗,无症状,他现在是那些新感染病例之一。最近几周,雅培成为了全国关注的焦点封锁学区和地方政府发布口罩或疫苗授权。本周早些时候,州长出席了一个拥挤的室内活动事件似乎已经小的社交疏远。






当民主党联盟和民权组织发表声明敦促通过该法案时,保守派采取了相反的立场。右倾的诚实选举项目负责人杰森·斯尼德(Jason Snead)称该法案是“联邦权力的攫取”,他说,作者“有很多机会使其符合宪法或两党一致,但每一次机会,他们都朝着另一个方向冲刺。”

Few answers from Biden administration on Afghanistan despite pressure: The Note

The TAKE withAveri Harper

Days removed from the Taliban's takeover of Kabul and after a lengthy news conference withnational securityadviser Jake Sullivan, there is still little clarity on howconditions degradedso quickly inAfghanistan.

When ABC News correspondent Stephanie Ramos asked Sullivan about reports that Biden administrationofficials were informedthe Taliban could overwhelm the country, the national security adviser denied seeing it.

"I'm not actually familiar with the intelligence assessments you're describing," said Sullivan.

President Joe Biden, in his remarks Monday, conceded that the Taliban takeover of the country unfoldedfaster than anticipated.

The administration plans to conduct anevaluation of the calamityonceevacuations are completed.

"We'll look at everything that happened, in this entire operation, from start to finish, and the areas of improvement where we can do better. Where -- where we can find holes or weaknesses and plug them as we go forward and, of course, we intend after we've had the opportunity to run that analysis to share that with people," Sullivan told reporters Tuesday.

Lawmakers are alsoputting pressure onthe Biden administration for answers. Republicans on the House Armed Services Committeepenned a letterto Biden demanding withdrawal plan details, plainlyaccusing the presidentof not having a concrete plan at all.

"For months, we have been asking you for a plan on your withdrawal from Afghanistan. You failed to provide us with one and based on the horrific events currently unfolding in Afghanistan, we are confident that we never received your plan because you never had one," theletterreads. "The security and humanitarian crisis now unfolding in Afghanistan could have been avoided if you had done any planning."

The RUNDOWN withAlisa Wiersema

The Biden administration'sCOVID-19advisers are expected to give anupdate on booster shotsWednesday morning at a briefing and, according to White House press secretary Jen Psaki, the president will also give remarks on the topic when he speaks in the afternoon.

Although there has been an increase in vaccinations across the country in recent weeks, theupdate on boosterswill be happening as large swaths of Americanschoose to remain unvaccinateddespite urging from medical officials and community leaders to protect themselves from exposure to the delta variant. The introduction of boosters couldcreate new challengesin messaging and logistics if those who are already fully vaccinated need further convincingto get another shot.

The development is also playing out as several states across the South continue toexperience surgesin infections and hospitalizations. As of Tuesday, intensive care units across five states -- Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and Texas -- were over 90% full, according to federal data.

Havingtested positivefor the coronavirus on Tuesday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott -- who is fully vaccinated and asymptomatic -- is now one of those newly infected cases. In recent weeks, Abbott has been in the national spotlight forblocking school districtsand local governments from issuing mask or vaccine mandates. Earlier this week, the governor attended a packed, indooreventthat appeared to havelittlesocial distancing.

According to Abbott's office, he "will isolate in the Governor's Mansion and continue to test daily" while "receiving Regeneron's monoclonal antibody treatment."

The TIP withQuinn Scanlan

House Democrats introduced an updated version of theJohn LewisVoting Rights Advancement Act Tuesday, saying that if passed, the legislation wouldrestore key elementsof the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act that the Supreme Court "gutted" intwo major cases, Shelby v. Holder in 2013 and Brnovich v. DNCearlier this year.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House will vote on the legislation next week. If all Democrats support it, the bill will pass the lower chamber just as it did in December 2019 when the bill first received a vote. But onlyoneRepublican -- Pennsylvania's Brian Fitzpatrick -- joined Democrats then and it wasn't taken up by the Senate, which was controlled by Republicans at the time.

IfGOP senators blockingDemocrats' sweeping democracy reform bill, the For The People Act, back in June is any indication, this bill is unlikely to reach Biden's desk without reforms being made to theSenate filibuster rules.

While Democrat-aligned groups and civil rights organizations put out statements urging its passage, conservatives took the opposite stance. Jason Snead, head of the right-leaning Honest Elections Project called the bill a "federal power grab," saying the authors "had many opportunities to make it constitutional or bipartisan, but at each opportunity, they sprinted in the other direction."






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