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2019-09-01 13:31  美国新闻网  -  4683






       周五,特朗普似乎反驳了“纽约时报” 的一篇报道,该报道指出,韦斯特豪特可能没有签署保密协议。

       根据 政客的说法,特朗普的2016年竞选团队,过渡团队和政治任命人员都有望签署保密协议或“新发展协议” 。特朗普组织的员工也经常被要求签署此类协议。

       传统上,通常不会期望联邦工作人员签署 NDAs,因为他们被视为公务员。因此,任何协议都不容易执行。

       特朗普在最近一次非正式会议上获悉与记者分享信息后,玛德琳· 韦斯特豪特于周四被迫辞去总统行政助理职务,在此期间,她没有说她的评论没有记录在案。

       据消息人士告诉政客 ,这名28岁的女子在喝了几杯酒之后,据称吹嘘自己与特朗普的关系比总统与女儿伊万卡和蒂芙尼有更密切的关系。她还打趣说,总统对蒂芙尼如此陌生,以至于无法在人群中挑选她。 据 “纽约时报” 报道,她还谈到了总统的饮食习惯,他对蒂芙尼外表的看法,以及他最小的儿子巴伦。

Marillyn Hewson由Madeleine Westerhout陪同
洛克希德·马丁公司首席执行官玛丽琳休森(左)在共和党全国委员会的马德琳·韦斯特霍(R)陪同下于2016年12月21日在佛罗里达州棕榈滩Mar-a- Lago与美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普会面.马德琳·韦斯特霍本周特朗普政府放手。


       “我真的觉得她度过了一个糟糕的夜晚,”他在去大卫营的路上告诉记者。“我认为这很不幸。” 他补充说:“你不会说她说的话,这对某些人来说只是有点伤害。她提到了一些关于我孩子的事情。”

       “蒂芙尼太棒了。我爱蒂芙尼。” 总统说,当他到达戴维营时,他会打电话给他的小女儿。



       President Donald Trump on Saturday mentioned his ongoing legal battles in a tweet where he said he forgave his now-former personal assistant Madeleine Westerhout for divulging information about his family to the press.

       He tweeted, "While Madeleine Westerhout has a fully enforceable confidentiality agreement, she is a very good person and I don't think there would ever be reason to use it. She called me yesterday to apologize, had a bad night. I fully understood and forgave her! I love Tiffany, doing great!"

       He continued: "Yes, I am currently suing various people for violating their confidentiality agreements. Disgusting and foul mouthed Omarosa is one. I gave her every break, despite the fact that she was despised by everyone, and she went for some cheap money from a book. Numerous others also!"

President donald trump
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to members of the media prior to his departure for Camp David August 30, 2019 at the White House in Washington, DC. 

       Trump appeared to refute a story by the New York Times on Friday that stated that Westerhoutperhaps did not sign a non-disclosure agreement.

       Trump's 2016 campaign team, transition team and political appointees have all been expected to sign non-disclosure agreements, or "NDAs," according to Politico. Trump Organization employees are also routinely required to sign such agreements.

       Traditionally, federal workers have not typically been expected to sign NDAs, as they're considered public servants. Any agreement is therefore not easily enforceable.

       Madeleine Westerhout was forced to resign as executive assistant to the President on Thursday after Trump learned she had shared information with reporters at a recent off-the-record meeting, during which she didn't say her comments were off the record.

       After a "couple of drinks," the 28-year-old allegedly boasted that she had a closer relationship to Trump than the president had with his daughters, Ivanka and Tiffany, sources told Politico. She also quipped that the president was so unfamiliar with Tiffany that he couldn't pick her out in a crowd. The New York Times reported that she also talked about the president's eating habits, his thoughts on Tiffany's appearance, and his youngest son, Barron.

Marillyn Hewson is escorted by Madeleine Westerhout
Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson (L) is escorted by Madeleine Westerhout (R) of the Republican National Committee to a meeting with US President-elect Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida on December 21, 2016. Westerhout was let go by the Trump Administration this week. 

       The president said on Friday that Westerhout had departed because she made "hurtful" comments about his children. 

       "I really think she had a bad night," he told reporters on his way to Camp David. "I think it was unfortunate." He added: "you don't say things like she said, which were just a little bit hurtful to some people. She mentioned a couple of things about my children."

       "Tiffany is great. I love Tiffany." The president said he would call his younger daughter when he reached Camp David.

       Westerhout is a former Republican Party aide, and had worked with Trump since he was elected.






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