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2019-09-03 16:33  美国新闻网  -  3584




       迈阿密市已经加入了#Bahamas的趋势,并且还指定了这个城市周围的16个景点 - 包括城市的消防站 - 来收集水,罐头食品,开罐器,尿布和急救包等物品。在迈阿密先驱报。如果天气允许,该市计划在周三之前在水上飞机上储存这些物资以转移物品。


  • 罐装食品
  • 开罐器
  • 蚊子喷雾
  • 防晒
  • 尿布
  • 婴儿配方奶粉
  • 急救用品
  • 手电筒
  • 电池
  • 小型发电机



       热带英亩移动房屋公园的居民,佛罗里达州海岸的飓风多利安被强制撤离,于2019年9月2日在佛罗里达州的延森海滩完成了他们的住所。 - 怪物风暴多利安来到一个近乎站立的地方 - 继巴哈马群岛之后,由于汹涌的海水和飓风造成了低洼岛屿社区的混乱,并刺激了美国东海岸的大规模撤离,延长了痛苦。周一,迈阿密的国家飓风中心在其格林威治标准时间1500号公报中表示,它在周一略微减弱,造成仍然具有破坏性的4级风暴,以“灾难性风和风暴潮”惩罚大巴哈马岛。

       “ 迈阿密先驱报”与“迈阿密 - 戴德联合之路”合作,发起“帮助之手”,以帮助多里安袭击该地区的救援和恢复工作。以下是人们可以捐赠给该基金的方式。





       此GoFundMe活动包括Miami-Dade County Fair&Exposition,Inc。和青年博览会与巴哈马当局合作,确保所筹集的收益100%直接用于援助飓风多利安的巴哈马受害者。


       Abacos的Green Turtle cay是Key West的姐妹城市,其城市领导人计划设立一个金融捐赠信托基金,以帮助有需要的朋友。为人们加入和/或捐赠创建了一个名为Conch Republic Hurricane Dorian Help的 Facebook页面。



       Floridians know the devastating effects of catastrophic hurricanes. From Andrew in 1992 to Michael in 2018, and many, many storms before then and in between, they have seen destruction firsthand.

       Many in South Florida kept a watchful eye on Hurricane Dorian from its status as a tropical depression until its raw power of obliteration in the Bahamas as a deadly Category 5 storm. The Bahamas are a popular tourist spot for many in South Florida, from weekend getaways to fishing trips. Now that Dorian's path is pretty much steering clear of South Florida, residents from Ft. Lauderdale to the Keys are doing what they can to help Bahamians.

       The City of Miami has joined the trending #Bahamas and has also designated these 16 spotsaround the city — including the city's fire stations — to collect items like water, canned food, can openers, diapers and first aid kits, according to a report from the Miami Herald. The city plans to stock these supplies aboard seaplanes by Wednesday, if weather permits, to transfer the items.

The list of items are:

  • Water
  • Canned goods
  • Can openers
  • Mosquito spray
  • Sunscreen
  • Diapers
  • Baby formula
  • First aid items
  • Flashlights
  • Batteries
  • Small generators

       On the City of Miami website, it says the city and its residents had already stocked up on supplies in case Dorian made its way there. But if the city was spared, they were ready to help the Bahamas.

       "The Bahamas have been devastated and we are dedicated to helping as much as possible as fast as possible," the city stated. "Please drop off the following list of items to the City of Miami Fire Stations listed below as well as Greater St. Paul AME Church and Christ Episcopal Church, both in historically Bahamian Coconut Grove."

Hurricane Dorian Relief
       Residents of the Tropical Acres Mobile Home Park, an area that is under mandatory evacuation with Hurricane Dorian off the coast of Florida, finish boarding up their home in Jensen Beach, Florida on September 2, 2019. - Monster storm Dorian came to a near stand-still over the Bahamas, prolonging the agony as surging seawaters and hurricane winds made a shambles of low-lying island communities and spurred mass evacuations along the US east coast. It weakened slightly Monday to a still-devastating Category 4 storm, punishing Grand Bahama Island with "catastrophic winds and storm surge," the Miami-based National Hurricane Center said in its 1500 GMT bulletin.

       The Miami Herald teamed up with The United Way of Miami-Dade to launch Operation Helping Hands to help relief and recovery efforts in the region struck by Dorian. Here is how people can donate to that fund.

       There is a large boating community in Miami that also makes frequent trips to the Abacos in the Bahamas every year, and they are in the beginning stages of forming a fleet to make the journey to the Bahamas to help their friends. They are looking for both supplies and volunteers to transport.

       "To help in the Hurricane Dorian aftermath, a group of our Miami boating community that frequents the Abacos every year are putting together a relief effort to take supplies and volunteers in any capacity to the Abacos," the Facebook post read, adding they are looking for fuel donations to help facilitate the trip.

       Other hurricane efforts in South Florida include:

       Youth Fair makes request to 'Be there for the Bahamas'

       This GoFundMe effort includes the Miami-Dade County Fair & Exposition, Inc. and The Youth Fair to work with Bahamian Authorities to ensure 100 percent of the proceeds raised will go directly to aid the Bahamian victims of Hurricane Dorian

       'Key West Cares' Bahamian effort

       Green Turtle cay in the Abacos is a sister city to Key West, whose city leaders plan to set up a trust fund for financial donations to assist their friends in need. A Facebook page called Conch Republic Hurricane Dorian Help was created for people to join and/or donate.

       World Central Kitchen Relief

       The World Central Kitchen (WCK), created in 2017 by chef José Andrés, has a "Chef Relief Team" in the Bahamas, and their plan is to initially prep food and water to fly to Abaco and the Grand Bahamas beginning as soon as Monday night. Donations can be made here. WCK donated $3.7 million in meals in Puerto Rico after the powerful Hurricane Maria devastated the island in 2017.






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