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2019-09-03 16:31  美国新闻网  -  4041



       “LameStream媒体已经疯狂了!他们写下他们想要的东西,很少有消息来源(即使他们说他们这样做),再也不做”事实检查“了,只是在寻找”杀人“。他们带来了好消息。让它变坏。他们现在已经超越假,他们是腐败的。“ 特朗普写道。




       特朗普对新闻界的谴责似乎是对华盛顿邮报周一发布的一份名为“ 特朗普失去的夏天 ” 的报道的回应,其中第45任总统被嘲笑他对直言不讳的民主党国会女议员的攻击亚历山大·奥卡西奥·科尔特斯,伊尔汗Omar,Ayanna Pressley和Rashida Tlaib--在众议院中被称为The Squad。


       特朗普声称他不是那个煽动种族主义袭击的人,而是指责媒体用他们看似捏造的关于他的报道引发了一波国内恐怖主义。“亚马逊华盛顿邮报发了一个故事,我对'小队'进行了种族主义攻击。” 不,他们对我们的国家提出了种族主义攻击。我所做的只是为了他们所说的可怕事情而召唤他们。民主党人已成为小队党!“”总统宣称。



       President Donald Trump took aim at the news media in a series of tweets on Monday, claiming the industry would pose his biggest challenge in the upcoming 2020 presidential election. According to the former real estate mogul, it wasn't Democrat contenders he considered his main opponents in the election but rather the "fake news media."

       "The LameStream Media has gone totally CRAZY! They write whatever they want, seldom have sources (even though they say they do), never do "fact checking" anymore, and are only looking for the "kill." They take good news and make it bad. They are now beyond Fake, they are Corrupt." Trump wrote.

       He continued: "The good news is that we are winning. Our real opponent is not the Democrats, or the dwindling number of Republicans that lost their way and got left behind, our primary opponent is the Fake News Media. In the history of our Country, they have never been so bad!"

       On the contrary, a new Quinnipiac University poll released on Sunday saw Trump lagging behind his likely Democrat opponents including former Vice President Joe Biden, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, California Senator Kamala Harris, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana.

       The poll included responses of 1,422 registered voters on who they'd choose to be the president if the election were held today. Biden led the pack gaining 54 percent of the vote compared to Trump's 38 percent. Warren, Harris and Sanders were also ahead of Trump by about 12 points, while Buttigieg was nine points ahead of the president.

       Trump's condemnation of the press seemed to be in response to a report published by the Washington Post on Monday, dubbed "Trump's Lost Summer," in which the 45th president was ridiculed for his attacks against outspoken Democrat congresswomen of color Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib—notably known in the House of Representatives as The Squad.

       The article also called out Trump's tirade against the predominately black city of Baltimore and his inability to oppose racist rhetoric spewed by white nationalists and supremacist groups. The piece simultaneously held the president's anti-immigration language accountable for the recent onslaught of mass shootings in cities including Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas.

       Trump claimed that he wasn't the one to incite racist attacks, and instead blamed the media for sparking a wave of domestic terrorism with their seemingly fabricated reports about him. "The Amazon Washington Post did a story that I brought racist attacks against the 'Squad.' No, they brought racist attacks against our Nation. All I do is call them out for the horrible things they have said. The Democrats have become the Party of the Squad!'" the president declared.

Trump Says His 'Real Opponent' in 2020 Election is the 'Fake News Media'
President Donald Trump speaks to members of the media prior to his departure for Camp David on August 30, 2019, at the White House in Washington, DC. Trump tweeted his "real opponent" in the upcoming election weren't Democrats but rather the "fake news media."






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