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2019-09-04 12:21  美国新闻网  -  3112


       据洛杉矶时报周二报道,一艘名为Conception的75英尺潜水船被认为是一艘可靠的船只,它和它的运营商Truth Aquatics Inc.都符合美国海岸警卫队的规定。



       官方周二向“新闻周刊 ”证实,船上共有39人在周一早上被烧毁。六名机组人员中有五名,他们在船的上半部分,在火灾发生时醒来,设法让船上下船。截至周二晚上,已发现20人--11名女性和9名男性 - 并确认死亡。

       据“洛杉矶时报”报道,圣巴巴拉市消防局运营部门主管Lee Waldron表示,其中一些被发现在船内被发现,而其他人则在船外。


珍妮佛斯塔福德于2019年9月3日在加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉市的水肺潜水船受害者的临时纪念馆为放置蜡烛的鲜花添加水。 - 周二当局在恢复了20具尸体后,暂停了在加利福尼亚海岸附近的圣克鲁斯岛进行水肺潜水灾难幸存者的搜寻工作。



       现年69岁的布鲁斯·劳施(Bruce Rausch)是奥兰治县经验丰富的潜水员和退役的圣奥诺弗(San Onofre)核工程师,曾在“构想”(Conception)上进行过十几次潜水旅行,他告诉“洛杉矶时报”,这个位于双层区域的人可以使用灭火器。



       潜水摄影师乔·贝朗格(Joe Belanger)表示,他之前曾参与构思,并在周一早些时候描述了逃离舱口和楼梯的可达性 - 以及乘客在试图逃跑时可能遇到的一些潜在的危险情况。


       火灾可以从船舶的发动机室开始,但也可以追溯到电源,例如电线或电池。据“洛杉矶时报 ”报道,高氧 - 一种纯氧和空气的混合物 - 也可能有助于燃烧,因为它易燃,可以“将火花变成炽热的火焰” 。


       A 75-foot dive boat called Conception was considered a reliable watercraft, and both it and its operator, Truth Aquatics Inc., were in compliance with U.S. Coast Guard regulations, The Los Angeles Times reported on Tuesday.

       But alas, this may have not actually been the case, given that the diving boat was ravaged and sunk in a blaze that has officially claimed the lives of almost two dozen and propelled teams into a fervent search for those who are still missing.

       The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the accident, which happened off the coast of Santa Cruz Island, and the search to recover the bodies aboard the watercraft will continue indefinitely, officials told Newsweek. While no person has disclosed what likely caused the devastation, some are now speculating based on what they know.

       Officials confirmed to Newsweek on Tuesday that there were 39 people in total on the boat that burned on Monday morning. Five of six crew members, who were on the upper part of the ship and awake when the fire took hold, managed to disembark the ship alive. As of Tuesday evening, 20 people — 11 female and 9 male — had been found and confirmed dead.

       Some of those found were recovered inside the ship, while others were outside of it, said Lee Waldron, operations division chief of the Santa Barbara City Fire Department, according to The Los Angeles Times.

       Those who remain missing are now presumed dead, U.S. Coast Guard Captain Monica Rochester said on Tuesday morning, according to reports.

Santa Cruz Island off the California coast after recovering 20 bodies
Jennifer Stafford adds water to flowers placed with candles at makeshift memorial for the victims of a scuba diving boat fire, on September 3, 2019, in Santa Barbara, California. - Authorities on Tuesday suspended the search for survivors of a scuba diving boat disaster in Santa Cruz Island off the California coast after recovering 20 bodies.

       The blaze happened around 3:15 a.m., when many of the passengers were presumably asleep, reports said.

       The Conception was built in Long Beach in 1981, according to the company's website, and offered a below-deck sleeping area with 20 single bunks and 13 doubles, to accommodate up to 46 people.

       Bruce Rausch, 69, an experienced diver in Orange County and a retired San Onofre nuclear engineer who'd been on more than a dozen dive trips aboard the Conception, told The Los Angeles Times that fire extinguishers were accessible to those in the bunk area.

       Rausch also told the Times that the sleeping quarters had smoke alarms designed to trigger emergency lighting when activated, and the boat's captain conducted extensive safety briefings that explained the role of life jackets and lifeboats, pointed out the location of the escape hatch and how to to ascend the staircase.

A California law enforcement officer is seen on the upper deck of Vision, a vessel similar to the Conception, during ongoing investigations in Santa Barbara, California on September 3, 2019.

       Joe Belanger, a dive photographer who said he had been on the Conception before, also described the accessibility of the escape hatch and stairway on Facebook early Monday — and some potential, parlous conditions that passengers may have encountered upon trying to escape.

       "Finding your way out, though, at 3:30 am when there is no electricity but thick smoke and flames is impossible," Belanger wrote to another user.

       Fires may start in a watercraft's engine room, but they may also be traced to electrical sources, such as wires or batteries. Nitrox — a mix of pure oxygen and air — may also contribute, as it is flammable and can "turn a spark into a raging blaze," according to The Los Angeles Times.


下一篇:飓风多利安回到南卡罗来纳州的CAT 3面临着'生命威胁'的风暴星期四




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