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2019-09-05 18:10  美国新闻网  -  3262





       当椭圆形办公室的一名记者询问是否使用Sharpie将黑色环添加到阿拉巴马州的角落时,特朗普回答说:“我不知道,我不知道。” 没有黑线的原始NHC地图仍可在线查看。


       “这可能是他在就职典礼当天的人数规模以来最愚蠢的故事......而我在这里的每一分钟都是因为这个瘦弱的小人物不能放手而且不断做出越来越大的傻瓜, “ 斯蒂芬妮米勒秀的执行制片人Travis Bone写道。


       天气分析师Dennis Mersereau指出,故意发布“假冒天气预报”或改变政府官方天气预报是一种联邦犯罪。

       尽管国家气象局在总统最初的虚假声明后不久确认“阿拉巴马州不会看到任何影响” ,但特朗普再次试图证明他的陈述是正确的,通过发布另一张地图,其中有几条线预测多利安的路径,其中一些交叉进入阿拉巴马州。

       特朗普发推文说:“这是飓风初期的初步预测路径。” “正如你所看到的,几乎所有的模特都预测它将通过佛罗里达州也击中格鲁吉亚和阿拉巴马州。我接受假新闻道歉!”

       正如“卫报”所指出的那样,地图的日期是美国东部夏令时间8月28日,也就是特朗普发出推文前三天声称佛罗里达州,“南卡罗来纳州,北卡罗来纳州,佐治亚州和阿拉巴马州,很可能会受到打击(很多)比预期更难。“ 到目前为止,预报称阿拉巴马州不会受到飓风的危害。




       President Donald Trump has been widely mocked after he displayed a map showing Hurricane Dorian's projected path in the Oval Office which appeared to have been altered with a marker pen to falsely show it was expected to hit Alabama.

       Thousands of people have tweeted using the #Sharpiegate hashtag (alluding to the famous marker pen brand) following the bizarre moment in the White House in which Trump attempted to pass off a doctored National Hurricane Center map showing Dorian's projection as genuine in order to back up his previous claims that Alabama could be affected by the powerful storm.

       The map, dated from August 29, has what appears to be a black marker pen line added on to show Dorian could hit south-east Alabama by Tuesday morning (September 3).

       When a reporter in the Oval office asked whether a Sharpie was used to add the black loop into the corner of Alabama, Trump replied, "I don't know, I don't know." The original NHC map, without the black line, is still available to view online.

       Social media users ridiculed Trump over #Sharpiegate, with many saying it is another example where the president has openly made false claims, exaggerated or attempted to mislead the public.

       "This is probably the stupidest story since his crowd size on inauguration day....And I am here for every minute of it because this thin skinned petty man can't let it go and keeps making a bigger and bigger fool of himself," wrote Travis Bone, executive producer of The Stephanie Miller Show.

       "#sharpiegate is so petty and moronic, but it underlines a deeply disturbing (and frankly, terrifying) propensity for the commander in chief of the US to lie, then cover it without regard to the consequences of accountability. Because no one holds him accountable. This is madness," said user @MuttersMommy.

       As noted by weather analyst Dennis Mersereau, it is a federal crime to knowingly issue a "counterfeit weather forecast" or alter an official government weather forecast.

       Despite the National Weather Service confirming that "Alabama will NOT see any impacts" from Dorian shortly after the president's original false claim, Trump once again attempted to prove his statement was correct by tweeting another map with several lines predicting Dorian's path, some of which cross into Alabama.

       "This was the originally projected path of the Hurricane in its early stages," Trump tweeted. "As you can see, almost all models predicted it to go through Florida also hitting Georgia and Alabama. I accept the Fake News apologies!"

       As noted by The Guardian, the map is dated 28 August at 08.06 EDT, three days before Trump sent his tweet claiming that as well as Florida, "South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated." By this time, forecasts said that Alabama would not be in any danger from the hurricane.

       The map also has the disclaimer: "NHC advisories and county emergency statements supersede this product. This graphic should complement, not replace, NHC discussions."

hurricane dorian
President Donald Trump references a map held by acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan while talking to reporters following a briefing from officials about Hurricane Dorian in the Oval Office at the White House September 4, 2019 in Washington, D.C. The map was a forecast from August 29 and appears to have been altered by a black marker to extend the hurricane's range to include Alabama.


上一篇:飓风多利安回到南卡罗来纳州的CAT 3面临着'生命威胁'的风暴星期四




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