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2021-09-12 06:46  ABC   - 


美国司法部周五向第五巡回上诉法院提交了一份通知,要求启动推翻美国地方法院法官安德鲁·哈宁(Andrew Hanen)的裁决的程序,该裁决支持以得克萨斯州为首的九个州,这些州认为创建DACA计划违反了联邦行政法。






该组织主席兼总法律顾问托马斯·萨恩斯(Thomas A. Saenz)周五在一份声明中表示:“国会一直未能采取行动为DACA接收人提供永久保护和获得公民身份的途径,这使得有必要向第五巡回上诉法院提起上诉。”。“上诉成功有很强的法律依据,因为哈宁法官没有解释最近该案几个关键要素的法律变化。”


As promised, Biden administration appeals Texas ruling making DACA unlawful

As promised, the Biden administration is challenging a Texas ruling that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program is unlawful.

The Department of Justice filed a notice in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday to start the process to overturn the decision by U.S. District Court Judge Andrew Hanen in favor of nine states led by Texas that found the creation of the DACA program violated federal administrative law.

Hanen’s decision prevents the government from granting any future DACA applications but does not affect application renewals or those who were "Dreamers" -- as those in the program are often called -- at the time of the ruling.

When the ruling was issued in July, President Joe Biden promised his administration would appeal the decision, saying in a statement that, "while the court’s order does not now affect current DACA recipients, this decision nonetheless relegates hundreds of thousands of young immigrants to an uncertain future."

DACA was created in 2012 by the Obama administration as a way for undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. under the age of 16 to get authorized to work and avoid deportation for two years. Recipients can apply for renewal every two years. There are about 616,000 active DACA recipients in the U.S. as of March, according to U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services.

The Department of Homeland Security has continued to accept DACA applications, but in accordance with the ruling, it cannot grant any new DACA requests.

Along with the Department of Justice, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, a nonprofit Latino legal civil rights organization, also filed an appeal on behalf of 22 DACA recipients.

"The ongoing failure of the Congress to act to provide permanent protection and a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients necessitates the filing of this appeal to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals," Thomas A. Saenz, the organization’s president and general counsel, said in a statement Friday. "There are strong legal grounds for a successful appeal because Judge Hanen failed to account for recent changes in the law governing several critical elements of the case."

Congress has received pressure from Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Democratic lawmakers to create a legal pathway to citizenship for "Dreamers," and that pressure is likely to build as the case makes its way through the appeals process.


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