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2022-11-04 10:39  -ABC   - 



在决定任命一名监察员监督前总统唐纳德·特朗普的部分业务并批准一项初步禁令以停止司法部长办公室所称的“正在进行的欺诈活动”时,法官阿瑟·恩戈伦(Arthur Engoron)表示,特朗普“表现出了参与欺诈的倾向”,特别指出了特朗普纽约市公寓的估价过高。

在搬到佛罗里达州之前,特朗普一直住在特朗普大厦(Trump Tower)一栋11000平方英尺(约合1200平方米)的三层公寓里。2012年至2016年间,特朗普表示公寓的面积为3万平方英尺,估价高达3.27亿美元。

根据司法部长办公室的说法,特朗普前首席财务官艾伦·魏斯勒伯格(Allen Weisselberg)作证说,估价“高估了公寓的价值,相差2亿美元”。

PHOTO: In this Sept. 21, 2022, file photo, New York Attorney General Letitia James speaks during a press conference regarding former US President Donald Trump and his family's financial fraud case in New York.

In this Sept. 21, 2022, file photo, New York Attorney General Letitia James speaks during a press conference regarding former US President Donald Trump and his family's financial fraud case in New York.


“在某种程度上,被告声称大约2亿美元的过高估价不是故意的,而是一个疏忽的错误,根据行政法63 (12),这种论点是无关紧要的,”恩戈伦写道。


特朗普的律师克里斯托弗·基斯(Christopher Kise)在给美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)的一份声明中说:“这一前所未有的命令有效地控制了一个非常成功的私营企业帝国的金融事务,其基础只是严重夸大了复杂的商业房地产融资交易中常见的标准估值差异。”







周三,特朗普要求佛罗里达州法院保护他的可撤销信托免受纽约司法部长莱蒂夏·詹姆斯(Letitia James)的影响。


Judge grants independent monitor to oversee Trump Organization, in major victory for NY AG

A New York judge has approved a preliminary injunction and an independent monitor to oversee the Trump Organization in an order that follows several hours of oral arguments Thursday.

The judge chided the Trump defense team for failing to submit "an iota of evidence" that would rebut the New York attorney general's allegations of "comprehensive demonstration of persistent fraud" within the Trump Organization.

In deciding to appoint a monitor to supervise parts of former President Donald Trump's business and grant a preliminary injunction to stop, what the attorney general's office described as "ongoing fraudulent activities," Judge Arthur Engoron said Trump has "demonstrated propensity" to engage in fraud, specifically calling out the overvaluation of Trump's New York City apartment.

Until he moved to Florida, Trump lived in an 11,000-square-foot triplex in Trump Tower. Between 2012 and 2016, Trump represented the size of the apartment to be 30,000 square feet and valued it as high as $327 million.

Former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg testified the valuation "overstated the apartment's value by give or take $200 million," according to the attorney general's office.

"To the extent that defendants assert that the over-valuation of approximately $200 million was not intentional but an inadvertent mistake, such argument is irrelevant under Executive Law 63 (12)," Engoron wrote.

Trump's attorney decried the judge's ruling.

"This unprecedented Order effectively seizes control of the financial affairs of a highly successful private corporate empire based on nothing more than gross exaggeration of standard valuation differences common in complex commercial real estate financing transactions," Trump's attorney Christopher Kise said in a statement to ABC News.

"The New York Attorney General has stretched the bounds of her authority to set a very dangerous precedent," he said.

The preliminary injunction prevents Trump from moving assets, so they're available in New York should the state prevail in its $250 million civil lawsuitagainst the former president and his family.

"In the absence of an injunction, and given defendants' demonstrated propensity to engage in persistent fraud, failure to grant such an injunction could result in extreme prejudice to the people of New York," Engoron's order said. "The relief sought is appropriately tailored to curbing unlawful conduct and ensuring that funds are available for potential disgorgement at the conclusion of this case."

As for the independent monitor, the judge said the monitor's function will be "narrowly tailored" to assure there is no fraud or illegality at the Trump Organization.

The monitor will be chosen later this month after the two sides submit candidates. The monitor will oversee the company's preparation of Trump's statements of financial condition and ensure accurate information is conveyed to lenders and third parties.

During oral arguments, Kise said this kind of relief should make every commercial real estate developer concerned about what he argued was the improper injection of the court into private business affairs.

On Wednesday, Trump asked a Florida court to shield his revocable trust from New York Attorney General Letitia James.

When he became president, Trump put his ownership of the Trump Organization into the revocable trust that he is now trying to shield from the attorney general's lawsuit.






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