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2022-12-26 11:18  -ABC   - 


11月普京的部队拿出乌克兰军队领导了针对赫尔松市的反攻。俄语嗡嗡声继续轰炸平民目标在整个乌克兰,摧毁关键的电力基础设施冬天 开始了。










俄罗斯驻美国大使阿纳托利·安东诺夫(Anatoly Antonov)周五在接受俄罗斯媒体采访时声称,美国正在“乌克兰领土”上打一场“代理人战争”。




- ABC新闻的威尔·格雷特斯基

















国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)总干事马里亚诺·格罗斯(Mariano Grossi)周四在Twitter上发帖称,“该区只专注于防止核事故,这一点很关键。”。






Russia-Ukraine live updates: Russian officials dismiss Zelenskyy trip to US

More than nine months after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched an invasion into neighboring Ukraine, the two countries are engaged in a struggle for control of areas throughout eastern and southern Ukraine.

Putin’s forces in November pulled out of key positions, retreating from Kherson as Ukrainian troops led a counteroffensive targeting the city. Russian drones have continued bombarding civilian targets throughout Ukraine, knocking out critical power infrastructure as winter sets in.

The Pentagon is weighing whether to carry out Patriot missile training for Ukrainian troops inside the United States, according to two U.S. officials.

If so, it would mark the first time Ukrainian forces trained inside the U.S. since the start of Russia's invasion.

The officials say the Army base at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, is being considered as the site for stateside training.

Last week, a senior defense official told reporters that several options were being considered for training that could last several months. However, no decision has been made and it is still possible that the training may take place in Germany, as previously reported.

Weapons systems training for Ukrainian troops has taken place only in Ukraine.

- ABC News' Luis Martinez

Dec 23, 11:04 AM EST

US fighting 'proxy war,' says Russian ambassador

The United States is fighting a "proxy war" on "Ukrainian territory," Russia's ambassador to the U.S., Anatoly Antonov, claimed during an interview with Russian media Friday.

"Let me remind the viewers that a proxy war means an agent’s war, a war by proxy. Actually, this is what the Americans are doing on Ukrainian territory," Antonov said.

He continued, "Today, no one hides the true goals of the White House policy towards us. On all TV channels, political commentators talk about the need to intensify the U.S. proxy war against the Russian Federation."

Antonov stated that the risk of a clash "between the two great powers [Russia and the U.S.]" is "high."

- ABC News' Will Gretsky

Dec 22, 2:35 PM EST

New US sanctions target Russian naval operations

The United States announced Thursday it is imposing sanctions against 10 Russian entities that support the Kremlin's naval operations.

“In the wake of Russian naval operations against Ukrainian ports, including those that are providing much-needed food and grain to the world, the United States today is imposing sanctions on Russian naval entities,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.

The State Department said it expects the sanctions will place "severe costs on Russia’s defense establishment."

The sanctions are being imposed against Russian companies linked to both the defense and marine sectors of Russia’s economy, the State Department said.

Among the entities being sanctioned are the Rigel Battery Company, which has provided the Russian Navy with batteries for 15 years; Elektropribor, which produces navigation systems for Russian combat ships; and Avorora, which supplies automated control systems for Russian military surface ships and submarines.

"The United States remains determined to use all appropriate measures to deter Russia's attacks on Ukraine -- whether those attacks be from the air, land, or sea," Blinken said. "These accountability measures underscore a simple message: the Kremlin must end its brutal campaign against Ukraine."

The State Department and the U.S. Treasury Department also imposed sanctions against a company owned by Russian oligarch Vladimir Potanin.

A close associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin and one of the richest people in Russia, Potanin owns Interros, a company that carries out business "across nearly all sectors of Russia’s economy," the Treasury Department said in a statement.

The State Department said it has identified Potanin's super yacht "Nirvana" -- which is worth hundreds of millions of dollars -- as blocked property.

Additional sanctions were levied against five members of the state-owned Russian Railways’ board of directors and nearly 30 heads of regions and governors the State Department said “oversee and enforce the conscription of citizens in response to Russia’s recent mobilization order.”

-ABC News' Shannon Crawford

Dec 22, 1:01 PM EST

Talks resume on safe zone for Ukrainian nuclear power plant

The U.N. nuclear watchdog’s chief was in Russia Thursday, resuming negotiations for a safe zone around the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

“It’s key that the zone focuses solely on preventing a nuclear accident,” Mariano Grossi, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said in a Twitter post Thursday.

PHOTO: IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi speaks with journalists after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mission arrives in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine Aug. 31, 2022.

Anna Voitenko/Reuters

Anna Voitenko/Reuters

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi speaks with journalists after the Internation...Read More

During the war between Russia and Ukraine, the Zaporizhzhia plant, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, has been shelled during the fighting, prompting concerns of a potential nuclear catastrophe in the region.

Grossi met in Moscow with Aleksei Likhachev, director general of the Russian Atomic Energy Corporation. A Russian delegation, including representatives of the Russia's armed forces and the ministry of foreign affairs, also participated in the talks.

"Consultations will be continued with the understanding of the need to reach a mutually acceptable text as soon as possible," the Russian delegation said in a statement.

During Thursday's negotiations, the parties discussed the Zaporizhzhia plant "in the context of the task of improving the reliability of electricity and heat supply to the NPP site" and the nearby city of Enerhodar, according to the statement.






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