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2022-12-29 12:03  -ABC   - 


“白宫充满了一群伪君子,为首的伪君子....阿博特的发言人Renae Eze在一份声明中说:“拜登总统和边境沙皇哈里斯需要加紧努力,做好保护边境的工作,而不是虚伪地抱怨得克萨斯州为我们被占领和不堪重负的边境社区提供急需的救济。




艾米·费舍尔(Amy Fischer)是一名救援人员,她在哈里斯位于海军天文台的住所外表示,包括许多家庭在内的139名移民于周六晚些时候乘坐三辆巴士抵达,没有人穿着御寒装备。气温在十几度。







发言人阿卜杜拉·哈桑(Abdullah Hasan)在一份声明中说,“正如我们反复说过的那样,我们愿意与任何人合作,无论是共和党人还是民主党人,共同寻找真正的解决方案,比如拜登总统上任第一天就提交给国会的全面移民改革和边境安全措施,但这些政治游戏什么也做不了,只会把生命置于危险之中。”

Greg Abbott pushes back on criticism after busing migrants to VP's home on freezing Christmas Eve

Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday pushed back against the White House's sharp criticism of him busing more migrants to Washington, D.C., over the weekend -- where they arrived outside Vice President Kamala Harris' home on Christmas Eve in subfreezing temperatures.

"The White House is full of a bunch of hypocrites, led by the Hypocrite-in-Chief .... Instead of their hypocritical complaints about Texas providing much-needed relief to our overrun and overwhelmed border communities, President Biden and Border Czar Harris need to step up and do their jobs to secure the border—something they continue failing to do," Renae Eze, a spokesperson for Abbott, said in a statement.

Abbott has been periodically busing migrants from Texas for months in protest of "reckless" federal border policies, he has said, and to provide "relief" to border communities.

A spokesperson for the Texas Division of Emergency Management said in September that the state had spent more than $12 million on the trips, which include charter buses and security.

The White House on Sunday labeled the latest busing a "cruel, dangerous, and shameful stunt."

Amy Fischer, an aid worker who was outside Harris' residence at the Naval Observatory said that 139 migrants, including many families, arrived late Saturday in three buses and none wore cold-weather gear. The temperature was in the teens.

The people were subsequently taken to an area church, Fischer told ABC News.

Eze, Abbott's spokesperson, said in the statement on Monday that the people who were bused "willingly chose to go" and "signed a voluntary consent waiver available in multiple languages upon boarding that they agreed on the destination."

Eze then redirected the blame back on the federal government.

"They were processed and released by the federal government, who are dumping them at historic levels in Texas border towns like El Paso, which recently declared a state of emergency because of the Biden-made crisis," Eze said.

The White House, for its part, said Sunday that they believed a political was still possible.

"As we have repeatedly said, we are willing to work with anyone -- Republican or Democrat alike -- on real solutions, like the comprehensive immigration reform and border security measures President Biden sent to Congress on his first day in office, but these political games accomplish nothing and only put lives in danger," a spokesman, Abdullah Hasan, said in a statement.






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