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2022-12-30 09:35 -ABC  -  3242


该委员会主席、众议员本尼·汤普森(Bennie Thompson)周三在一封信中向特朗普的律师通报了这一决定专家组工作的“即将结束”。



“我们认识到,向前总统发出传票是一个重要的历史性步骤,”汤普森和该委员会副主席、怀俄明州共和党众议员利兹·切尼(Liz Cheney)当时在给特朗普的一封信中写道。“我们不会轻易采取这一行动。”




在Truth Social的一份声明中,特朗普错误地声称,该委员会“可能(撤回了它),因为他们知道我没有做错什么,或者他们即将在法庭上败诉。”


Jan. 6 committee withdraws Trump subpoena, citing investigation's 'imminent end'

The House Jan. 6 committee has formally withdrawn its subpoena of former President Donald Trump as the investigation comes to an end days before the next Congress, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.

The chairman of the committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson, informed Trump's lawyers of the decision in a letter on Wednesday -- citing the "imminent end" of the panel's work.

"As you may know, the select committee has concluded its hearings, released its final report and will very soon reach its end," Thompson, D-Miss., wrote. "In light of the imminent end of our investigation, the select committee can no longer pursue the specific information covered by the subpoena."

The committee subpoenaed Trump in October, ordering him to turn over documents by Nov. 4 and to appear for one or several days of deposition under oath beginning on Nov. 14.

"We recognize that a subpoena to a former President is a significant and historic step," Thompson and Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, the committee's vice chair, wrote in a letter to Trump at the time. "We do not take this action lightly."

Trump sued to block the subpoena, with his attorneys calling it "invalid" -- because they said it did not further a legislative purpose -- as well as overly broad and an attack on his First Amendment rights.

The suit essentially froze the issue, which has not yet been ruled on by a judge.

This week's withdrawal, as the House's Jan. 6 probe winds down, was expected given that the committee will officially expire on Dec. 31 and there is no more time to litigate these matters.

In a statement on Truth Social, Trump incorrectly claimed that the committee "probably [withdrew it] because they knew i did nothing wrong, or they were about to lose in court."

The panel has withdrawn a number of subpoenas as their work concludes.






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