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2023-01-12 15:52 -ABC  -  562486

华盛顿特区上诉法院的法官周二表示不愿意发现当时的总统唐纳德·特朗普2019年的工作范围内行事,当时他在否认E. Jean Carroll的强奸指控的过程中,据称诽谤她,称她为骗子并说她“不是我的类型”。



前Elle专栏作家卡罗尔声称特朗普在1990年代在Bergdorf Goodman的更衣室强奸了她。


“解决公众争议问题是民选官员工作的一部分,”弗里曼在特朗普律师阿丽娜·哈巴(Alina Habba)回应的论点中说。


法官凯瑟琳·伊斯特利(Catherine Easterly)质疑法院是否可以在法律上决定特朗普的行为是否是工作的一部分。







她的新诉讼还指控了对特朗普在 2022 年 10 月发表的言论的第二次诽谤指控。

特朗普在他的社交媒体平台Truth Social上的一篇文章中称卡罗尔的说法是“骗局和谎言”。“而且,虽然我不应该说出来,但我会说的。这个女人不是我的类型!“帖子补充说。

“特朗普10月12日关于卡罗尔的虚假,侮辱和诽谤性声明 - 以及他发表该声明的实际恶意 - 完全符合他久经考验的剧本,以回应可靠的公开报道,即他性侵犯女性,”诉讼说。

Judges reluctant to say Trump was acting as president when he allegedly defamed E. Jean Carroll

Judges from the D.C. Court of Appeals expressed reluctance Tuesday to find that then-President Donald Trump acted within the scope of his employment in 2019 when he, in the course of denying a rape claim by E. Jean Carroll, allegedly defamed her by calling her a liar and saying she was "not my type."

The outcome will determine whether Carroll's defamation case in Manhattan federal court can proceed.

Trump has sought to have the U.S. government substitute for him as the defendant, a position that the Justice Department under President Joe Biden has continued to support. However for that to occur, the D.C. Court of Appeals must decide that Trump was acting within the bounds of his employment as president when he allegedly defamed Carroll.

Carroll, a former Elle columnist, alleged that Trump raped her in the dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman in the 1990s.

On Tuesday, Justice Department lawyer Mark Freeman urged the court to find it was part of Trump's job to deny Carroll's claim.

"It is part of the job of elected officials to address matters of public controversy," Freeman said in an argument echoed by Alina Habba, an attorney for Trump.

"This was thrust upon him and he was responding to press in his job," Habba said.

Judge Catherine Easterly questioned whether the court, as a matter of law, could decide whether Trump's conduct was part of the job.

"The court has never done that," Easterly said.

Carroll's lawsuit is set for trial in April. The substitution of the United States for Trump would, however, end the case since the federal government cannot be sued for defamation.

"A determine that something is within scope of employment doesn't normally immunize the individual employee," Judge Roy McLeese said.

Carroll's attorney insisted that Trump denied her rape claim for purely personal reasons and in a manner that was outside the norm for a government employee.

"When someone accuses a prominent official of sexually assaulting them and they respond and say 'Well she's not my type,' our position is that is evidence of some degree of motivation that goes beyond job-related, " Carroll's attorney, Joshua Matz, said.

Carroll sued Trump for a second time in November, alleging battery under a new law in New York that allows adult sex assault victims to file claims that would otherwise be barred by the passage of time.

Her new lawsuit also alleged a second claim of defamation over statements Trump made in October 2022.

Trump called Carroll's claim "a Hoax and a lie" in a post on his social media platform Truth Social. "And, while I am not supposed to say it, I will. This woman is not my type!" the post added.

"Trump's false, insulting, and defamatory October 12 statement about Carroll -- and his actual malice in making that statement -- is fully consistent with his tried-and-true playbook for responding to credible public reports that he sexually assaulted women," the lawsuit said.






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