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2023-01-13 10:56 -ABC  -  141569


收到传票的消息人士向美国广播公司新闻部(ABC News)描述了传票的内容,其中包括关于筹款工作和演讲要点的问题1月6日攻击在美国国会大厦。


正如美国广播公司新闻(ABC News)去年首次报道的那样,特别顾问正在寻求有关特朗普结盟的拯救美国超级政治行动委员会(Save America Super PAC)的信息,但新扩大的传票甚至更进一步,要求提供自特朗普进入政治舞台以来成立的多个与特朗普结盟的筹款工具和团体的信息,包括针对年轻共和党选民的右翼团体Turning Points USA。



史密斯是一名长期的联邦检察官,也是司法部公共廉政部门的前负责人11月窃听由司法部长梅里克·加兰(Merrick Garland)监督司法部对推翻2020年大选的努力以及特朗普卸任后对机密材料的处理的调查。


Special counsel subpoenas, grand jury appearances mount for Trump allies

Within the last month, multiple associates of former President Donald Trump received new wide-ranging subpoenas from Special Counsel Jack Smith requesting documents and records far more expansive than the previous outreaches these individuals received from the Department of Justice before Smith's appointment, ABC News has learned.

The subpoenas, which were described to ABC News by sources who received them, include questions about fundraising efforts and talking points leading up to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The special counsel is also requesting information on how individuals are paying for any legal representation, either by themselves or via an outside party -- something that came into question when a former aide to Mark Meadows, Cassidy Hutchinson, told the House Jan. 6 committee that she changed attorneys because her first counsel was being paid through funds linked to the former president.

As ABC News first reported last year, the special counsel is seeking information about the Trump-aligned Save America Super PAC -- but the newly expanded subpoena goes even further, requesting information about multiple Trump-aligned fundraising vehicles and groups that have formed since Trump entered the political arena, including Turning Points USA, a right-wing group that targets younger GOP voters.

In addition, sources close to the former president said that within the last few weeks, more individuals have appeared before a federal grand jury -- with some of them returning for a second time after having appeared before.

Sources told ABC News that the recent appearances were requested by the special counsel's team. A source with direct knowledge of the matter described one grand jury appearance as "far more intense than round one."

Smith, a longtime federal prosecutor and former head of the Justice Department's public integrity section, was tapped in November by Attorney General Merrick Garland to oversee the Justice Department's investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election and Trump's handling of classified materials after leaving office.

The appointment of the special counsel was triggered by Trump's announcement that he is running for president for a third time, which created a conflict of interest, according to the DOJ special counsel guidelines.






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