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2023-01-20 11:46 -ABC  -  247125




一位名为Eula Rochard的巴西当红变装皇后最初在社交媒体上发布了这一声明,他在接受美国广播公司采访时告诉记者,Rochard在十年前就认识桑托斯,当时Rochard说桑托斯使用了变装皇后的名字Kitara Ravache。


生活在巴西的罗查德与美国广播公司新闻分享了一张照片,罗查德说这是一张罗查德与桑托斯穿着奇塔拉·拉瓦什的照片,来自巴西报纸Grito Gay。






就在去年4月,他表示支持佛罗里达州共和党人的家长教育权利法案HB 1557,该法案被称为“不要说同性恋”法案由LGBTQ活动家。

该法案由佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)于去年3月签署成为法律,禁止从幼儿园到三年级进行有关性取向或性别认同的课堂教学,并规定根据立法,“根据州标准,任何有关这些主题的教学都不能以不适合学生年龄或发展的方式进行”。


Santos, who lauded Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill, denies claims he performed as drag queen

Embattled Rep. George Santos, who has aligned himself with far-right Republicans who have pushed anti-LGBTQ policies, has denied reports that he performed as a drag queen years ago in Brazil.

"The most recent obsession from the media claiming that I am a drag Queen or 'performed' as a drag Queen is categorically false," Santos, who's facing calls to resign over a string of lies and exaggerations about his background, wrote on Twitter Thursday. "The media continues to make outrageous claims about my life while I am working to deliver results."

The freshman representative, who was sworn in to Congress this month, has admitted to "embellishing" some details regarding his background, but has refused to step down despite calls from some members of his own party.

A popular Brazilian drag queen named Eula Rochard, who initially posted the claims on social media, told ABC News in an interview that Rochard knew Santos over ten years ago when Rochard says Santos used the drag queen name Kitara Ravache.

At the time, Rochard knew Santos -- who at times in the past has reportedly gone by his middle names, Anthony Devolder -- as "Anthony," Rochard told ABC News. Rochard said the two met in 2005 when the now-embattled congressman was a teenager.

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Rochard, who lives in Brazil, shared an image with ABC News that Rochard said is a photo of Rochard with Santos dressed in drag as Kitara Ravache, from a Brazilian newspaper, Grito Gay.

"He was a huge liar already. Oh yes, he was such a liar," Rochard recalled.

Grito Gay

Rochard did not recall Santos ever having political ambitions when Rochard knew him.

According to Rochard, Santos registered to be a part of a 2008 "Miss Gay Rio de Janeiro" drag queen competition, but "he did not win Miss Drag Queen contest."

Santos, who has been widely criticized for fabricating much of his resume, ran in New York as an openly gay Republican.

Since joining Congress, Santos has aligned himself with the far-right wing of the Republican Party, which has targeted the drag queen community and pushed policies that LGBTQ activists have condemned.

He voiced support as recently as last April for Florida Republicans' Parental Rights in Education bill, HB 1557, which was dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" bill by LGBTQ activists.

The bill, which Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law last March, bans classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, and stipulates that any instruction on those topics cannot occur "in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards," according to the legislation.

"The Left is hellbent on creating a false narrative because they want to groom our kids ... As a gay man, I UNAPOLOGETICALLY support this law!" Santos wrote on his Facebook page.






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