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2023-03-22 15:45 -ABC  -  451259


在内政部举行的白宫保护行动峰会上,拜登将内华达州的Avi Kwa Ame国家纪念碑和德克萨斯州的Castner Range国家纪念碑命名为国家最新的纪念碑。




Avi Kwa Ame国家保护区,也被称为Spirit Mountain,位于该州开发可再生能源,尤其是太阳能的目标地区。内政部已经确定了纪念碑边界外900万英亩的公共土地,可用于太阳能项目,土地管理局正在审查内华达州13个潜在项目的提案。







Biden creates national monuments in Nevada, Texas at conservation summit

PresidentJoe Bidenon Tuesday announced the establishment of two new national monuments, protecting land totaling more than half a million acres.

Biden named Avi Kwa Ame National Monument in Nevada and Castner Range National Monument in Texas as the nation's newest monuments during the White House's Conservation in Action Summit at the Interior Department.

Biden said these areas will be protected for future generations, and is part of the administration's goal of preserving 30% of lands and waters by 2030 in accordance with his broader climate initiatives.

"When we conserve our country's natural gifts, we're not just protecting the livelihoods of people who depend on them, like the family farms, outdoor recreation, businesses, rural communities welcoming visitors from all across the country and around the world," Biden said at the White House Conservation in Action Summit at the Department of the Interior on Tuesday.

"We're protecting the heart and the soul of our national pride."

PHOTO: President Joe Biden delivers remarks at the White House Conservation In Action Summit at the U.S. Interior Department, March 21, 2023 in Washington, DC.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks at the White House Conservation In Action Summit at the U.S. Interior Department, March 21, 2023 in Washington, DC.

Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Avi Kwa Ame National Monument -- also known as Spirit Mountain -- is in a part of the state that's been targeted for development of renewable energy, especially solar power. The Interior Department has identified 9 million acres of public land outside the monument's borders that could be used for solar projects and the Bureau of Land Management is reviewing proposals for 13 potential projects in Nevada.

"It's a place of reverence, it's a place of spirituality and it's a place of healing," Biden said. "And now it will be recognized for the significance it holds and be preserved forever, forever."

Biden said protecting the Castner Range in Texas as a national monument had significance for tribal nations and the military.

"It tells a story of the tribal nations who lived there, and the members of our armed forces were trained in those lands," he said. "It's also a place of incredible beauty."

Biden said he's directing Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo to consider creating a new National Marine Sanctuary designation to protect U.S. waters surrounding Pacific islands. The new sanctuary would include 777,000 square miles of the Pacific Ocean southwest of Hawaii.

"That's an area larger than the Alaskan and Colorado put together and three times the size of Texas," he said, adding, "It would make it the largest ocean area on the planet with the highest level of protection."

The day of conservation comes as Bidenapprovedmore drilling in Alaska for the Willow Project, a move environmental groups have slammed, and one day after the United Nationsreleaseda dire climate change report.






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