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2023-03-23 11:26 -ABC  -  102015

周三,一家上诉法院驳回了前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的律师阻止特朗普律师埃文·科克兰(Evan Corcoran)作证并将记录移交给调查特朗普的特别顾问杰克·史密斯团队的努力机密记录的处理根据法庭记录,离开白宫后。



据描述她周五命令的消息人士称,华盛顿地区法官贝丽尔·豪厄尔(Beryl Howell)裁定,特别顾问杰克·史密斯办公室的检察官已经“初步证明前总统犯了刑事罪”,因此,他的两名律师科科伦(Corcoran)和詹妮弗·利特尔(Jennifer Little)援引的律师-当事人特权可能会被突破。

熟悉此事的消息人士进一步向ABC New描述了Howell法官命令Corcoran作证的六个主题,在这六个主题上,他以前曾试图维护律师-客户特权。



据熟悉该文件的消息人士称,史密斯希望从科克兰那里了解特朗普或他雇佣的其他人是否知道签名认证这份文件由科科伦起草,由特朗普的律师克里斯蒂娜·鲍勃(Christina Bobb)签署,然后提交给DOJ,以回应5月11日的传票,该传票要求特朗普拥有所有剩余的带有机密标记的文件。那份证明后来被发现是假的,最终促使法院授权的搜查根据此前公布的法庭文件,联邦调查局调查人员在特朗普的Mar-a-Lago庄园发现了100多份机密文件,其中包括一些位于特朗普个人办公室的文件。

PHOTO: Evan Corcoran, attorney for former President Donald Trump, leaves the federal court in West Palm Beach, Florida, Sept. 1, 2022.




消息人士称,科科伦被命令详细说明他采取了哪些步骤来确定回应DOJ 5月份传票的文件可能被放在了哪里。他还被命令提供证词,说明为什么他认为所有带有分类标记的文件都存放在Mar-a-Lago的储藏室,因为据称他在调查人员去年6月访问该庄园时向一名DOJ高级官员证实了这一点。






Appeals court rules that Trump attorney Evan Corcoran must testify in special counsel's documents probe

An appeals court on Wednesday rejected an effort by former President Donald Trump's attorneys to block Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran from having to testify and hand over records to special counsel Jack Smith's team investigating Trump'shandling of classified recordsafter leaving the White House, according to court records.

The three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled extraordinarily swiftly against the request for a stay by Trump's attorneys, who sought to block an order last Friday by the chief judge for the D.C. District Court, who determined the government had made a prima facie case that Corcoran's legal services were likely used by Trumpin the furtherance of a crime.

Corcoran was expected to testify as soon as Friday, sources said.

D.C. district judge Beryl Howell ruled that prosecutors in special counsel Jack Smith's office had made a "prima facie showing that the former president had committed criminal violations," according to sources who described her Friday order, and that attorney-client privileges invoked by two of his lawyers, Corcoran and Jennifer Little, could therefore be pierced.

Sources familiar with the matter further described to ABC New the six topics that Corcoran was ordered by Judge Howell to testify about, over which he had previously sought to assert attorney-client privilege.

The topics indicate that Smith has zeroed in on Trump's actions surrounding his response to a May 11 DOJ subpoena that sought all remaining classified documents in his possession -- which investigators have described as key to Trump's alleged "scheme" to obstruct the investigation, sources said.

ABC Newsreported exclusively Tuesdaythat Smith believes Trump intentionally and deliberately misled his own attorneys about Trump's retention of classified materials after leaving office, according to sources who described the judge's sealed ruling piercing Corcoran's claims of privilege.

According to sources familiar with the filing, Smith wants information from Corcoran on whether Trump or anyone else in his employ was aware of thesigned certificationthat was drafted by Corcoran and signed by Trump attorney Christina Bobb then submitted in response to the May 11 subpoena from the DOJ seeking all remaining documents with classified markings in Trump's possession. That certification was later discovered to be false, prompting the eventualcourt-authorized searchof Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in which FBI investigators recovered more than 100 classified documents -- including some located in Trump's personal office, according to previously released court documents.

Smith's investigators specifically want to ask Corcoran whether Trump was aware of the statements in the certification, which claimed a "diligent search" of Mar-a-Lago had been conducted, and if Trump approved of it being provided to the government, sources familiar with the filing said.

Corcoran was ordered to detail the steps he took to determine where documents responsive to DOJ's May subpoena may have been located, sources said. He also was ordered to provide testimony on why he believed all documents with classification markings were held in Mar-a-Lago's storage room, as he had allegedly confirmed to a top DOJ official when investigators visited the estate in June of last year.

Investigators have sought to question Corcoran on the people involved in choosing Bobb as the designated custodian of records for documents that Trump took with him after leaving the White House, and any communications he exchanged with Bobb in connection with her selection, per sources familiar with the filing.

Investigators also want Corcoran to tell them what he discussed with Trump in a June 24 phone call on the same day that the Trump Organization received a second grand jury subpoena demanding surveillance footage from Mar-a-Lago that would show whether anyone moved boxes in and out of the storage room, which Trump's team had previously barred investigators from searching during their visit to the estate earlier that month, the sources said.

According to sources, Howell's order piercingattorney-client privilegeon that topic said that the government had characterized the conversation as furthering "a different stage" of Trump's "ongoing scheme" to prevent the government from retrieving all classified documents from Mar-a-Lago.

"There is no factual or legal basis or substance to any case against President Trump," a Trump spokesperson told ABC News. "The deranged Democrats and their comrades in the mainstream media are corrupting the legal process and weaponizing the justice system in order to manipulate public opinion, because they are clearly losing the political battle. The real story here is that prosecutors only attack lawyers when they have no case whatsoever."

A spokesperson for the special counsel's office declined to comment.






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