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2023-03-30 09:28 -ABC  -  186177


前校长、活跃的纽约州民主党众议员贾马尔·鲍曼(Jamaal Bowman)走下讲台,开始告诉记者继续就枪支和枪击问题向共和党成员施压。






“在任何一种悲剧中,我首先祈祷。我为受害者祈祷。我为这些家庭祈祷。众议院多数党领袖史蒂夫·斯卡利斯(Steve Scalise)周二表示:“当人们试图为了自己的个人目的将此事政治化时,我真的很生气,尤其是在我们甚至不知道事实的情况下。”。



PHOTO: Reps. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., and Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., have a shouting match over gun violence outside the House chamber on Wednesday.

共和党众议员托马斯·马西。和纽约州民主党议员贾马尔·鲍曼(Jamaal Bowman)周三在众议院会议厅外就枪支暴力问题进行了一场激烈的辩论。

Lalee Ibssa/ABC新闻

尽管大多数成员只是在鲍曼尖叫了大约五分钟时从他身边走过——除了民主党成员偶尔鼓掌——来自肯塔基州的共和党众议员托马斯·马西(Thomas Massie)决定参与进来。








Opposing lawmakers get into verbal altercation at Capitol over guns and gun violence

A Democratic lawmaker who was screamingabout Republicans' approach to gun violencejust off the House floor on Wednesday soon got into a tense altercation with one of his conservative colleagues.

An animated Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., a former principal, came off the floor and began telling reporters to continue to press GOP members on their views on the issue of guns and shootings.

"Please ask them. Don't let them off the hook," Bowman said.

"Ask them about gun violence. What are they doing about it? Nothing!" he continued to yell as colleagues exited the floor.

"They don't have the courage," he insisted. "They're cowards."

Republicans have avoided or dismissed questions about new restrictions on assault weapons likethose used in the Nashville, Tennessee, school shootingthis week.

They have instead advocated for ramping up school security and more and more have cited addressing "mental health" as the better solution, given longstanding reluctance to restrict gun ownership, saying it's unconstitutional.

"The first thing in any kind of tragedy is I pray. I pray for the victims. I pray for the families. I get really angry when people try to politicize it for their own personal agenda, especially when we don't even know the facts," House Majority Leader Steve Scalise said Tuesday.

Bowman, on Wednesday, forcefully rebuked that.

"They have control of the House! The American people need to know that they don't have the courage to do anything to save the lives of children," he said.

Though most members just walked past Bowman as he was screaming for about five minutes -- aside from the occasional applause from Democratic members -- Rep. Thomas Massie, a Republican from Kentucky, decided to engage.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"I'm talking about gun violence," Bowman responded.

"You know there's never been a school shooting in a school that allows teachers to carry," Massie tried to argue.

“Carry guns! You think-- More guns lead to more death!" Bowman retorted.

Massie told Bowman multiple times to calm down, prompting Bowman to exclaim: "Calm down? Children are dying! Nine-year-old children!" and "I was screaming before you came and interrupted me."

After Bowman left the Capitol, still yelling, Massie told reporters: "Next week, I'm reintroducing a repeal of the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act. It's the deadliest bill that's ever been passed."

Then he left as well.






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