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2023-03-30 09:33 -ABC  -  294107





但该委员会的最高民主党人、纽约州众议员格雷戈里·米克斯(Gregory Meeks)提醒众议院,他称之为“MAGA Republicans”的议员断言基辅已经获得了太多的回旋余地,称他们的评论正中俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京的下怀。

其他人,如加州民主党众议员特德·刘(Ted Lieu)走得更远,质疑举行听证会是否会为俄罗斯的虚假信息活动提供素材。


PHOTO: A civilian truck driver secures an M113 Armored Personnel Carrier to a flatbed trailer at Stones Ranch Military Reservation, East Lyme, Conn., April 27, 2022.






听证会上最有争议的一些时刻与离家更近的问题有关,宾夕法尼亚州众议员斯科特·佩里(Scott Perry)等共和党人敦促证人解释为什么拜登政府间接为一些乌克兰人的养老金买单,而不是支持国内权益或保护美国与墨西哥的边境。






国务院副监察长戴安娜·肖(Diana Shaw)说,“坦率地说,我们的人正在两端燃烧蜡烛,以满足我们所拥有的广泛授权,这是因为他们深深地、亲自地致力于这项任务,”她还主张她的办公室在美国驻乌克兰大使馆外开展更大的活动。

GOP-led hearing on aid to Ukraine finds no evidence, so far, of misuse

During a Wednesday hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committeeon aid to Ukraine, lawmakers spent hours questioning the top watchdogs overseeing the three government agenciesmost directly involved in distributing billions of dollars in American supportto the war-torn country, repeatedly arriving at the same answer:

So far, there is no evidence that support has been misused.

Although conservatives have criticized the Biden administration for what they called a lack of oversight over the funds -- with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy pledging before the midterms that there should no longer be a "blank check" -- most Republicans on the panel sought to balance support for Ukraine with a commitment to surveillance.

"To be clear, I do not conduct this oversightto undermine or question the importance of support for Ukraine, but rather -- to the contrary -- oversight should incentivize the administration and Ukraine to use funds from Congress with the highest degree of efficiency and effectiveness," said Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas.

But New York Rep. Gregory Meeks, the committee's top Democrat, reminded the chamber of comments from lawmakers he called "MAGA Republicans" who assert that Kyiv has been given too much leeway, saying their comments play right into Russian President Vladimir Putin's hands.

Others -- like Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif. -- went further, questioning if even holding the hearing would provide fodder for Russian disinformation campaigns.

"I think we should talk about more important issues, like how do we make sure other countries don't give additional assistance to Russia? How do we make sure Ukraine has the long-range weapons they need to win this war?" Lieu said.

During their testimonies, the acting inspectors general covering the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development as well as the inspector general overseeing the Department of Defense each explained how the sought to create a full account of how aid to Ukraine was used and install necessary controls against corruption.

But the witnesses also acknowledged the unique challenge posed by the conflict.

"We're doing oversight at the speed of war," said Robert Storch, who monitors the Department of Defense.

Some of the hearing's most contentious moments were tied to issues that hit closer to home, with Republicans like Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania pushing the witnesses on why the Biden administration was indirectly footing the bill for some Ukrainians' pensions rather than shoring up domestic entitlements or securing the U.S. border with Mexico.

"Can you give us assurance that none of that money that's being sent to arguably one of the most, if not the most, corrupt country on the planet is being misused, misspent, lost?" Perry pressed. "What assurance can you give the American people?”

"What I've testified to, congressman, is that based on our completed work, we have not substantiated any instances of diversion of U.S. security," Storch answered.

Still, the witnesses acknowledged that their work wasn't finished and that those findings could change as time marches on.

Republicans made multiple referencesto Afghanistan, with at least one lawmaker in the party suggesting that an office be created specifically to monitor aid to Ukraine, just as Congress did for the reconstruction of Afghanistan in 2008.

While the witnesses didn't weigh in on that prospect, they said their own oversight efforts could be boosted with additional financing from Congress.

"Our folks are, frankly, burning the candle at both ends to meet the extensive mandate that we have and it's because they are deeply, personally committed to the mission that they do that," said the deputy inspector general for the State Department, Diana Shaw, who also advocated for her office to have a larger footprint operating out of the American embassy in Ukraine.






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