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2023-10-11 09:04 -ABC  -  398646








海军中将查尔斯·b·库珀(Charles B. Cooper)被提名为负责美国在中东所有军事行动的副指挥官,这是该地区的第二高级官员,由于特布维尔的封锁,他一直在等待确认。



PHOTO: Sen. Tommy Tuberville attends the Senate Armed Services Committee confirmation hearing for Air Force Gen. David W. Allvin, nominee for Air Force chief of staff, in Washington, D.C., Sept. 12, 2023.

2023年9月12日,参议员Tommy Tuberville在华盛顿特区出席参议院军事委员会(Senate Armed Services Committee)为空军参谋长提名人、空军上将David W. Allvin举行的听证会。


海军上将Lisa Franchetti被提名为海军作战部长,这是总统的最高顾问。她尚未得到确认-这是参议员布莱恩·沙茨,d -夏威夷,在周末挑选出来的。在此期间,她一直担任代理职务。

尽管国防部长劳埃德·奥斯汀(Lloyd Austin)周日下令将福特号航母战斗群(USS Ford carrier strike group)部署到以色列附近的地中海,但威科夫的提名仍被搁置。福特号航母战斗群包括杰拉尔德·福特号(USS Gerald R. Ford)航母、一艘导弹巡洋舰和四艘导弹驱逐舰。

在…里《华尔街日报》的专栏周一,参议院少数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)称赞政府部署了打击小组,称这是“良好的第一步”麦康奈尔曾表示,他反对特伯维尔阻止军事提名,但共和党会议没有成功说服他改变立场。




众议院多数党领袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)一直可以选择回避特伯维尔,上个月他就这样做了,提名了三名高级军事官员,包括空军上将小查尔斯·“CQ·”布朗(Charles“Brown Jr ”)担任参谋长联席会议新主席的提名。


Senator doubles down on block on military nominees after Hamas attack on Israel: ANALYSIS

TheHamas terror attack in Israelhas drawn attention in the U.S. to thespeakership fight in the House, with some lawmakers noting how that may stall congressional efforts to send aid as Israel responds.

But there's another form of paralysis on Capitol Hill, on the other side of the building.

Multiple military officials with postings in the Middle East are currently languishing on the Senate floor amid Alabama Republican Tommy Tuberville'songoing blockade ofhundreds of Pentagon promotions.

Tuberville has been stopping all military confirmations since February over a Pentagon policy that reimburses service members for out-of-state travel to access abortions, which he opposes.

A spokesperson for Tuberville told ABC News on Monday that the senator intends to keep his hold in place. The crisis in Israel has not influenced his position.

"It's no surprise Democrats want to change the subject. But it doesn't change the fact that the hold is not affecting our readiness or the readiness of any other country," the Tuberville spokesperson said, in part.

The Senate is technically still able to take up military nominations through a more labor-intensive process that requires individual rather than batch votes.

Vice Adm. Charles B. Cooper, who was nominated to be deputy commander in charge of all U.S. military operations in the Middle East -- the second-highest ranking officer in the region -- has been awaiting confirmation because of Tuberville's blockade.

Rear Adm. George M. Wikoff, the nominee to be the commander of the Navy's 5th Fleet, is currently also awaiting a promotion from the Senate amid Tuberville's resistance. Wikoff would be responsible for all naval and combined maritime forces in the region.

Both posts are currently filled by the nominees' predecessors, making the stalls less of an obstacle to ongoing operations.

Adm. Lisa Franchetti is nominated to be the chief of naval operations, the branch's top adviser to the president. She's yet to be confirmed -- which Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, singled out over the weekend. In the interim, she has been in an acting capacity.

Wikoff's nomination is on hold even as Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Sunday ordered that the USS Ford carrier strike group, which includes the USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier, a guided-missile cruiser, and four guided-missile destroyers, be deployed to the Mediterranean Sea near Israel.

Ina Wall Street Journal columnon Monday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell praised the administration for deploying the strike group, calling it a "good first step." McConnell has said he opposes Tuberville's blocking of military nominations, but the Republican conference has not successfully persuaded him to change his position.

Georgetown University public policy professor Don Moynihanwrote on Sundaythat the military nomination stoppage was part of a broader issue in the Senate of conservative lawmakers citing policy objections to prevent the confirmation of key posts, including the next ambassador to Israel.

"It would be hyperbole to suggest the these actions, by themselves, had anything to do with the attack, or that they have a dramatic effect on the outcome. But they do hamper the ability of the US government to respond at this time," Moynihan wrote.

Tuberville has withheld his consent to move forward with confirming nominations in a bloc, insisting that if Democrats wish to advance nominees, they will need to do so one-by-one. That would break with Senate precedent on how nominations are confirmed.

The chamber's majority leader, Chuck Schumer, has always had the option to sidestep Tuberville and last month he did just that, advancing three high-ranking military nominees, including Air Force Gen. Charles "CQ" Brown Jr.'s nomination to serve as the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

It is not yet clear whether Schumer will make a similar move to sidestep Tuberville and begin the process of confirming these Middle East-associated nominees when the Senate returns next week.






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